Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2058: Waiting for the wrong primary and secondary

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"Can't destroy us!"

"Our Dongtian tribe is about the heavens and the world!"

In an instant!

A voice sounded!

"Indestructible? Why haven't I heard of any family that can affect the heavens and the world?"

Watching the beast raised his eyebrows.

"This... this is rumored."

Fairy Qin thought of a rumor, and frowned.


Gu Tian and the other elders of the Shen'er clan showed doubts. They had never heard of any rumors. Among the things they inherited, the Dongtian clan was originally a big clan in Hongtian God, which was one level stronger than the **** ear clan at the peak. It doesn't seem to affect the worlds.

"Oh? Come and listen."

Chen Zheng received the Nether Sword Shadow and looked at the Dong Tianzu with a faint smile.

"I... I am Mo Qianji, I am the last patriarch of the Dongtian clan, and I retired from the position of the patriarch as soon as the cultivation was degraded! But I know the secret of the Dongtian clan, I know the Dongtian clan It is important!" The old man took a deep breath, then raised his head and opened his mouth and said: "The reason why our Dongtian clan is called the Dongtian clan is because our family has created the Dongtian blessed earth! No matter which world is in the world The Dongtianfu Earth is related to our Dongtian Clan. Our Dongtian Clan is the origin of all the Dongtian Futian between the heaven and the earth. This is the destiny that God added to our Dongtian Clan!"

Speaking of which!

The old man stopped!

He stepped on the stone platform in the holy land step by step!


He looked solemn!

An ancient seal was made on the stone platform!


Shitai Shenguang burst!


There is a **** shadow emerging!

There is a jade pillar like a heavenly pillar in the **** shadow!

"Worship the holy relic!"

"This is the supreme relic of my family!"

"Worship the Heavenly Pillar!"

In exclamation!

The celestial tribe of Neidong in the Holy Land bowed down to the jade pillar in the **** shadow!

Very religious!

"Worship the Heavenly Pillar!"

At the entrance of the Holy Land, the Middle-aged Cave Celestial Clan and several other tribes also quickly paid their respects to the God Shadow Jade Pillar in the Holy Land!


For a while!

Qin Xianzi, Gu Tian and other native creatures in this world have their brows together!


Can't judge!

What the previous patriarch of the Nadong Celestial Clan said!


Although the jade in the **** shadow is not the body!

That is just a shadow!

Perceptible is really extraordinary!

and so!

I am afraid it must be identified by Chen Zu!

"Dongtian God Pillar...Dongtian Clan... It's about all the Dongtian Fudi in the heavens and all the realms. If the Dongtian Clan is destroyed, all the Dongtian Fudi will collapse with it... Is this destiny? If it is Destiny’s words are indeed possible. Destiny is too unreasonable..."

Watching the Celestial Beast whispered, it was also uncertain. It thought of the event that the Celestial Beast family was destroyed. At the time, the leader of the siege of the Celestial Beast ancestral land was also said to be the destiny of the Celestial Beast family annihilation!

at this point!

It remembers very clearly!

So it hates the mention of destiny!

"This is the destiny, the destiny can't be violated! Stronger than the fairy domain supreme, you must also follow the destiny! Young people If you are the supreme arrogance cultivated by the fairy domain supreme secretly, then you should also know this! The fairy domain supreme descends on Hongtian God Realm , Suppressing all native creatures in Hongtian God Realm, but did not cut the grass and eradicate the root, but just renamed Hongtian God Realm to Immortal Territory! This is the reason! Immortal Territory is supreme, he respects the destiny, don’t you want to defeat the destiny!"

Mo Qianji, the last patriarch of the Dongtian clan, had his eyes lit up, and his face was solemn and sacred to drink against Chen Zheng!

"Fate..." Chen Zheng smiled and lifted his right hand to the old stone platform under the old man's foot. He only heard a clatter, and the old stone platform was destroyed!

"what are you going to do!"

The old man's face changed a lot!

The faces of the other Dongtians also changed!


After the destruction of the ancient stone platform!

Everything is here!

To be precise, it is a part of a thing!

Although only a part!

Can be recognized at a glance!

That is the pillar of the sky **** in the shadow of the god!


The shattering sound rang again!

A complete jade column appears!

"Do not!"


The last patriarch of the Dongtian cries roared!

Raise your hand and go to grab the celestial pillar!


Dong Tianshen Pillar fell into the hands of Chen Zheng!


Dongtian clan all stared over!

One by one stared at Chen Zheng's hand in heaven!

"That's the supreme relic of my family!"

"That is closely related to my family!"

"Our Dongtian tribe and the God Pillar complement each other, and the heaven and earth in the heavens and the world can exist, you can't mess up!"


All from the same person!

That is Mo Qianji, the last patriarch of the Dongtian tribe!


He looks crazy!

"We Dongtian Clan and Dongtian God Pillar, if you destroy any one of them, then all the heaven and earth between heaven and earth will collapse in an instant. You will make a big mistake, and heaven will not spare you!"

He roared again!


Qin Xianzi, Gu Tian, ​​etc. looked at the Dongtian God Pillar, and they were still uncertain for a time. Was it just like what Mo Qianji said, if the Dongtian tribe is destroyed, all the Dongtian Fudi will collapse!


Jingtian Valley is also a kind of Dongtianfudi!

"God won't spare's afraid that it doesn't have that ability." Chen Zheng shook his head gently, glanced at Dongtianjinzhu for a few times, then laughed lightly, and pointed at Dongtianjinzhu.



Dazzling light burst!

Centered on the pillar of the cave!

A glimpse of scenes emerged!

That glimmer of light seems to be a blessing!

It seems to be the epitome of all the heaven and earth between heaven and earth!



Fairy Qin exclaimed!

Because she saw the glimmering light of Jingtian Valley!


Jingtian Valley is also a blessing!

"Jingtian Valley is also one of the blessings of Dongtian. If you destroy our Dongtian clan, Jingtian Valley will die instantly, and the spirits in Jingtian Valley will also die in an instant!"

At this time!

Mo Qianji is another roar!

Fairy Qin frowned!

"I waited for the wrong order." Chen Zheng smiled and said that his right hand was raised, and he snapped a snap finger. At the moment when the snap finger sounded, the Dongtians in the Holy Land or outside the Holy Land were all annihilated!


It is quite now!

The holy land of Dongtian is quiet!

Qin Xianzi's complexion changed, and Yuanshen quickly sensed that Jingtiangu was intact, and she was relieved!



A roar sounded!


A greasy face appeared!


Isn’t this Mo Qianji?

How come this is not dead yet?


Du Guqian, Qin Fairy, Guan Tian Beast, Gu Tian showed their doubts!

"Someone took you out of the river of time? Why do you still want to be whipped?" Chen Zheng smiled Then he grabbed it and listened to the clatter, Dongtian God Pillar broke It's awful!


this moment!

Fairy Qin is very embarrassed!

The destruction of Dongtian Clan will not affect Jingtian Valley!

But this pillar of heaven seems to be different!


She immediately felt it!

I was relieved to find that Jingtiangu had no effect!

"Perceive it, is Jingtiangu still there?" Chen Zheng glanced at the face of the devil, and absorbed the ethereal power released after Dongtian God Pillar was broken, and then smiled lightly: "I said I didn't get it. Primary and secondary, the Dongtian Fudi of the heavens and the world is supported by the Dongtian God Pillar, not your Dongtian clan support, you don’t have that ability. As for the Dongtian God Pillar, you think there is only one, in fact, there are ten things Three, one less is actually irrelevant, you understand now."

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