Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2127: Tissot Pavilion Trouble

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"Princess Xiao... Why was suddenly taken away by the guardian elder of the Xiao family, the immortal ninth realm!"

After a moment of silence, a nun in the Tissot Pavilion asked dumbfounded!

"That...the old man in the ninth realm knows the son?"

Wan Heyi asked with a deep groan!

"Maybe I have seen my portraits or something like that."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.



"Is this okay?"

An Xiaoyue and other people in the family subconsciously opened their mouths and said secretly in their hearts that Chen Gongzi must have been a very powerful character before, otherwise the Taoist ancestor of the inexhaustible ninth realm could not slip away at once!

"Several guests...not just a few, but so many guests...Welcome to our Tissot Pavilion, invite you to enter the store, if there is a favorite Xianyi decoration, Directly speaking, the price of our shop is absolutely fair!"

A middle-aged woman in the Tissot Pavilion came out with a smile, and compared with the look of the people before, it was simply a different person!

"The old and the ten thousand are one, and you are the brothers and sisters of the pavilion of Tissot Pavilion. Today, I came to Dalu Jincheng to find her. I have something to discuss!"

Wan Heyi frowned slightly and responded!

"Ah? The patriarch's brother? This... but the patriarch is closed, Lord Patriarch... Um? A few wait, the pavilion master just broke through! Patriarch Having said that, please invite this grand ancestor and this son into the inner hall!"

The middle-aged woman appeared embarrassed, but her face suddenly changed, and then she lowered her voice!


Wan Heyi looked towards Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng nodded lightly, so he also nodded, and the two entered the inner hall under the leadership of a female cultivator.

" guys come in and rest."

The middle-aged woman's eyes moved across An Xiaoyue and other settlers. Although she felt that the strongest of the settlers was the ancestor level, she couldn't even step in the threshold of the strong in the big Luo Jincheng.

I just thought of the guardian elders of the Xiao family's indestructible ninth realm just now, and when I saw the mortal young man, I swept away with Xiao Xiao. .

The young man is definitely not a normal person. The young man may be a descendant of some terrible and indestructible blood of the Orthodox dynasty. Perhaps there are some problems with the physical body, so there is no magic.

Thinking about it, the middle-aged woman could not help showing a smile, and secretly said that her ability to observe and judge was indeed first-rate. No wonder he would get the trust of the cabinet master!


Inside the Tissot Pavilion.

Chen Zheng saw the sister of Wan Heyi.

to be frank.

At first glance there was some surprise.

Because the sister of Wan Heyi is a bit like the girl in Chu Hongyi.

"Brother came to see me, it must have been a major event. If Brother came to surrender to the sister, the sister might not be able to help the brother. It is not that the sister does not want to help the brother, but that the sister has recently encountered great trouble." After looking at Wanheyi, his eyes moved to Chen Zheng, and he groaned a little: "I'll be honest, I just felt that the immortal guardian elder of the Xiao family in the ninth realm was shocked when he saw you. Color, and he did not hesitate to take Xiao Gongzi around and slipped away, I speculate that you should be a terrible big man. Although I don’t know why you look indistinguishable from mortals, you must have powerful means, if Your Excellency can help me through the difficulties, then I can give you the inheritance of the Master."

"Huh? Sister, how do you know that I brought Chen Gongzi here for inheritance?"

Wanheyi showed surprise!

"Inheritance...I built the double tower by relying on inheritance, and unlocked some special powers of inheritance, such as sensing other inheritances. Brother’s inheritance is already here This is true among Chen Gongzi's Yuanshen."

The woman smiled slightly.


Wan Heyi is a little ignorant.

"If you have any difficulties, just talk."

Chen Zheng casually said.

"Huh? Since Chen Gongzi said so, then I said it directly. I was recently stared at by a new era overlord in Taixu, which is a new era overlord in Taixu and backed by Taixu. The most immortal Taoist ancestral ancestors, together with the ancestral ancestral ancestors, is also one of the four major controlling forces in the Da Luo Jin City, so that the new era overlord is extremely rampant. Although I offer sacrifices to the ancestral ancestors every year, I only got a half-month deadline. As soon as half a month is up, that is, tomorrow, the new era overlord will come to catch people. I am a weak woman. I escaped, but I escaped. What about the Tissot Pavilion, my women are all my masters, and what do they do."

The woman sighed.

"Taixu... The Emperor of the Eternal Age of the Eternal Age of Dao!"

Wan Heyi listened, and his brow was tightly locked!


too difficult!

Unexpectedly, Shimei encountered such a big trouble!

Even if he almost never left the fairy land before!

But I have also heard the name of the ancient Taoist Fa in the Taixu!

That is indeed the top immortal Orthodox!

I can't afford it!

This really can't be irritated!

"I don't know Chen Gongzi...Is there any way? Alas, this is really too difficult. The era overlord is already terrible, not to mention there is a behemoth in the Taixu behind him!"

The woman looked at Chen Zheng and whispered, then shook her head and sighed again!

"It's too easy to kill an era overlord."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.




Wouldn’t you have heard it wrong?

Wan Heyi and the woman stunned and widened their eyes!


Wan Heyi's throat agitated, and for a moment did not know what to say!

It's too easy to kill the era overlord!

No matter how you think about it, it can't be simple!

and many more!

Chen Gongzi seems to have mentioned it before!

The things inherited by your own teachers are terrible!

It's just that the level of Taoist ancestors can't stimulate the fierceness of inherited things!

The era overlord will inspire the fierceness of the inherited things!

Could it be!

Chen Gongzi is ready to kill the era overlord with his inheritance!


Wanheyi thought a little bit!

"Simple...this... can it really be simple?"

The woman stared blankly at Chen Zhengyi.

"If tomorrow's era overlord comes, you can count the time. I will kill him within ten breaths. If he is really rampant as you said, the time should be shorter."

Chen Zheng nodded gently.


The woman looked surprised!

to be frank!

Some do not believe it!

Although judging from the reaction of the Xiao family's immortal ninth guardian elders!

In front of him, Chen Gongzi must have a great future!


No mana!

Kill an era overlord within ten breaths!

That's something I dare not think about!


There is no way right now!

Believe it or not!

Take a deep The woman gave Chen Zheng a slight salute: "The slave's family is waiting for Chen Gongzi's thunder means. By the way, Chen Gongzi, the slave's name is Wan Nianqing, and Chen Gongzi's name is slave's Qingqing. !"

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