Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2140: I'm looking for Yezu

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Someone chased up again!

That is the guardian from the third to the ninth heaven!

Identity is the same as Yun and Taozu!

But they are stronger than Yun and Tao Zu!

It's just that Yun and Taoist ancestors are silent now!

"Who...who are you... and Yun and Taoist ancestors... You, the guardians of the heavenly heavens of the Xianluo Heaven Realm, how come all the tenth heavens come one by one ?"

An old man in a yellow robe, frowned, stared at Chen Zheng, and then swept across Yun and Daozu!

"I wait......"

Yun and Daozu opened their mouths and wanted to respond, but only spoke two words, and then they kept silent, because he saw Chen Zheng move!

Is it!

Are you coming!

Is this the fairy clock ready to break the tenth heaven!


and many more!

It does not seem!

"The people who deprived Anjia's little girl, Tiandi's destiny, from the night clan, show up yourself."

Chen Zhengfei reached the top of the tallest building in the tenth heavenly city. At the moment, he said a little lightly. Although he wrote lightly, he could instantly spread to the vast fairy city below.


settle down!

Night Clan!

Which one settles down!

Was it the tenth heaven to settle down?

The name of this child directly shows the people of the night clan!

This breath is too big!

I don't know if this is the tenth heaven of Xianluo Heaven Realm!

Don’t you know that Ye Clan is the No. 1 clan of Shizhongtian!

" come to the Yezu have a family in the fairy ship, you bring all the people in Anjia who fell to the first sky back to the tenth heaven , Are you trying to avenge Anjia?" Old Huangpao raised his eyebrows, swept Xingcha on the Anjia, and then stared at Chen Zheng again: "Young man, you can go from the first to the tenth heaven, as if Still circumvented the guardians of the various heavens, it seems that you also have some means, not as simple as a mortal on the surface. But young people, you may not understand the situation, here is the tenth heaven, the night tribe is the tenth heaven The first tribe is a special tribe who can go directly to the Supreme. Do you think you can let the people of the night tribe come to see you with just one sentence?"

"Half-step era overlord... staying aside if you don't want to die."

Chen Zheng glanced at the old man in yellow robe, and he replied casually.


The old man in yellow robe froze!


Within ten days, the spirits stayed for a while, and then screamed one by one in the heart, secretly this kid was too crazy, actually dared to speak to Master Jiuzhu like this, Master Jiuzhu was the hegemon of the half-step era!


and many more!

This kid seems to know that Master Jiuzhu is the master of the half-step era!


Where is this kid's self-confidence so despised Master Jiuzhu!

"Dead? Oh! This seat is to see how you young man can kill this seat!"

The old man in Huangpao smiled and said that he would raise his hand!



Yun and Daozu exclaimed!


Everyone's eyes came to watch!

"Yun and Daozu, do you want to be with this son?"

The old man in the yellow robe raised his eyebrows!

"Master Jiuzhu, this young man came from a heavy sky and destroyed the fairy clock all the way! Whenever this child came to a heavy sky, he raised his hand and slapped against the fairy clock, deliberately triggering the power of the fairy clock, but the son of the fairy clock He could not suppress him at all, but he broke himself in the fairy! Although Master Jiuzhu is the overlord of the half-step era, if he really does this, he may be the same as the fairy clock..."

Yun and Daozu secretly heard!

"What!" The old man in yellow robe suddenly stayed, his raised hand fell suddenly, and Shen Nian moved to ask the guardians who followed him. Those guardians responded instantly, and after receiving a positive answer, the old man in yellow robe looked for a while. Changing, staring at Chen Zheng several times before lowering the voice and saying: "You... who is it, you know that the only master of Xianluo Heaven Realm is Xianyu Supreme, but you know that it is truly supreme Life! If you want to take advantage of Supreme Master's retreat and do something in Xianluo Celestial Realm, then you have to think about what the consequences will be!"


He dare not do it!

The following heavenly guardians have determined that the fairy clock is broken!

And they didn't respond to the fairy clock and broke it!

In front of him, his one-and-a-half trail ancestor can't suppress it!


How can I be the Tenth Heaven Guardian!

It's impossible for this kid to come!

I can't suppress this!

There is also the tenth heavenly clock!

This is the tenth anniversary!

Did not break the fairy clock of the tenth heaven!

Perhaps it is the fairy clock that this child cannot destroy the tenth heaven!

After all, every heaven goes up!

The stronger the fairy clock!

"Don't the people of the Night Clan still show up? I don't mind destroying your whole clan if they don't show up again."

On the highest building in the Tenth Heaven, Chen Zheng didn't look at the old man in the yellow robe, but only understated it.


This, this!

This child is too crazy!

This is ignoring Master Jiuzhu!

Xiancheng creatures are shocked!

Never seen such an arrogant person!

And this arrogant man is still a mortal with no power!


The old man in Huangpao glared at Chen Zheng, raised his hand again at that moment, but suddenly thought of Yun Shen and Daozu and other people's Yuanshen before the voice, and the raised hand suddenly fell!

"Humph! You are a mortal and want to avenge Anjia!"


Someone responded!


Heimang flashed!

A black robe man appeared!

"It's him!"

"The night patriarch!"

"The little girl's awakened Heavenly Emperor's destiny was deprived by him!"

On Xingcha, An Xiaoyue, the head of the An family, etc. saw the black robe men, and their faces were all cold. Anxin's little girl's face was full of hate!


Wanheyi frowned!

"Our Tianyi Gate was hit by a catastrophe... and it can't be separated from this night clan..."

Madam Wan frowned!

His two masters are called Tianyimen. They used to be the strong Orthodox monarchs in Immortal Territory. They stayed in the thirteenth heaven when they were at their peak. The masters of the two of them could directly see the Supreme Master of Immortal Territory!

"The destiny of the little emperor of Anjia was deprived by this seat. This seat not only deprived her of the destiny of the heavenly emperor, but also gave the destiny of the heavenly emperor to a master of the fairy king. It’s not that I’m obsessed with Heavenly Emperor’s Fate, but I’m just using Heavenly Emperor’s Fate to do some deductions. I will tell you today that there are people from Anjia, who will not kill people from Anjia, because people from Anjia are here In the eyes, it is the pets in captivity. When someone in Anjia's family is born, the Emperor's destiny will be deprived, and this seat will deprive him of the Emperor's destiny, and then give it to the fairy king."

Black robe sneer!


Anjia's eyes widened up and down!

He stared at the black robe!


Very angry!

"This night patriarch patriarch Ye Yuntian, this seat stands here to let you kill, you come to kill!"

The black robe sneered again!

"You are so crazy, I will make it difficult for you to destroy your night clan."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly!


To destroy the night clan!

Ten Supernatural Beings!

Yun and Taozu and others!

The Taoists of Huangpao Jiuzhu all stared at Chen Zheng!


How to destroy!

What means to destroy!


The black robe man At the moment, he was not moving, and his expression was extremely contemptuous!


He doesn't believe it!

A mortal!

Really wipe out the night clan!

Is it really a cat or a dog?

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