Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2179: Believe it or not?

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"Elder Zhuoxie, let me go in and see."

Chen Zheng was too lazy to look at Xiang Cang, only a faint sentence, and took Yan Yan to the entrance of Youdu Mausoleum.


Zhuo Xie responded quickly and followed.


This scene!

In the eyes of the unanimous creatures of every avenue

One by one is a bit ignorant!


That kid!

Ignore Xiang Cang again!

and many more!

The kid said that Youdu Tomb is a fake tomb!

Why did the boy go in by himself!

And this is still the case when the unification spirits of each avenue escaped from the tomb of Youdu!

Isn't this kid afraid of those scary monsters in Youdu Tomb!


On the Taohuabao ship, Princess Qiyu's expression moved, and she wanted to follow her, not for the things in Youdu's Tomb, but for the purpose of knowing what Chen Zheng was all about! An old ancestor is a guy who is not from the family of Zhang Tian Da Yu, but can feel the smell of longevity in himself!

What a weird guy!

"Crazy kid, Master Xiang Cang, as the era overlord, lost his identity to you, disdain to you! After your kid entered the Youdu tomb, he can sustain ten breaths, and I will be a slave to you! "

Drink alone!

Gloomy face!

Today, a kid who was cultivated by an ancestor ignored it twice!

This feeling made him extremely uncomfortable!

If it is somewhere else!

If there is no one else at the entrance of this tomb!

He had long wanted to wipe out the kid!

"He... why did he go in again, didn't he say that it was a fake tomb? Didn't the horrible things in the Youdu tomb just trigger the organs in the Youdu tomb? As soon as he came out, he actually deceived us. He wanted to swallow the Epoch Monument alone?"

Someone thought a bit!


"Is this possible? His mana is not worth mentioning. The ancestor Xiu was a cannon fodder in the Taixu. He had not entered the Youdu tomb before. Could it still trigger the internal organs of the Youdu tomb?"

"It’s not impossible, maybe there is a magic weapon that can control some organs inside Youdu Mausoleum. That kid might have that magic weapon! Um? Ten breaths have passed, and there are no screams inside. Is it really right, we all got the kid's plan?"

Many people whispered!

Someone felt it!

It seems that there is no mana fluctuation in the Youdu tomb at this moment!

And this is extremely abnormal!

Because after they went in before!

There are scary monsters and scary monsters!

Those monsters and strange hands fluctuate with horror mana!


this moment!

Mana fluctuations are completely gone!

As if those monsters and strange hands disappeared out of thin air!


"Go in again and see!"

"If you really hit the boy's plan, you must vent your anger! Mom today, if we were teased by the cannon fodder of an old ancestor, it might be a faceless person!"


Someone spoke!

Many people responded instantly!

In a blink of an eye, the unifying souls of each avenue re-enter the Youdu tomb!


Xiang Cang snorted and rushed in!

"Queen queen..."

On the Taohuabao ship, Princess Qiyu frowned slightly.

"Yu'er went in with me."

In the Taohuabao ship, the queen bee sounded, and I saw a psychedelic fairy light flash. The waitress on the Taohuabao ship hadn't responded yet, and Princess Qiyu disappeared.


In the tomb of Youdu.

This is a dull stone forest.


"It's really gone!"

"The monster is gone, the strange hand is gone, calm, no mana fluctuations! Damn, it seems that we are really playing with that boy, that boy is so abominable, only the ancestors dare to deceive us! After that kid, I must hang him up and fight!"

The people of all majors pass through the stone forest carefully, but none of the monsters and strangers they encountered before came in. At this moment, they are more sure that they are being teased!

"Zhuo Xie is no more than a half-step hegemony. It can't protect the kid. This seat is the Epoch Overlord. After a while, Zhuo Xie is suppressed. You should know what to do."

Xiang Cang felt it for a while, and did not feel the breath of the strange hand that threatened him, and immediately snorted!


"Relax to adults, we know what to do!"

"That kid and the little girl, today I don't want to go out of the tomb of Youdu!"

Most monks focus on the head!

If it is being played by powerful characters!

There is naturally no way to endure!

Can be played by a junior!

I can't bear it!

"Just where did the boy go?"

Someone thought a little and couldn't help asking.

"Yudu Mausoleum is extremely large, but even if the kid has a strange magic weapon, it is impossible to cross that river. The legendary Epoch Monument is in an unknown area opposite the River. The kid really came for the Epoch Monument. We Just chase Yinhe to catch him."

Respond lightly to Cang.


"Go to Youhe!"

"Mom must peel off that guy's skin today!"

Sounds echoed instantly!





Xiang Cang ahead!

Cultivation is behind!

Quickly skimming towards the river in the tomb!

Banzhuxiang time!

Youhe is here!

"That kid!"

"I saw him!"

"Sure enough it was stopped by Youhe, this guy really lied to us, mother is really angry!"

And Zhong Xiu also saw three figures suspended in front of Youhe. Those three figures were Chen Zheng, Yan Nu, Zhuo Xie, but when someone was going to rush over, Chen Zheng stepped out in front of Youhe and took his side The two flew directly to Youhe!


In an instant!

In the river!

A murderous creature was killed!



"Monsters come out again!"


Rear practitioners exclaimed!


That monster is the monster I saw before!

And at least ten times larger than the monsters I saw before!

"That's fine, that kid is dead!"

Some people gritted their teeth and sneered. They are the ancestors of Yiyuan Temple!



He just hummed!

The monster popped out of the river and burst out!

It is broken like a splash!


Yi Yuandian Dao Zu's face instantly stagnate!



Chen Zheng led the two across the river!

Landed across the river!

"This kid!"

"There is definitely a magic weapon related to Youdu Mausoleum on this kid, otherwise it is impossible to destroy the terrible monster so easily, we really hit this kid's plan, this is not a fake tomb, this is a real tomb! So cunning, so **** cunning! Fuck him!"

"But... if we are angry, I'm afraid we won't be able to get across the river!"

The other people's expressions changed for a while, and their brows were locked!

"Young man, do you know the consequences of deceiving all the majors in the big city of Youdu!"


Xiang Cang cold drink!

"I never lie to I said that this is a fake tomb, and I didn’t say that there is no real thing in the fake tomb. By the way, the only monster in You Hanoi is the one you just wanted to come over. No danger."

Chen Zheng responded to Xiang Cang this time. After a slight smile, he took Yan Yan Zhuo Xie towards the depths.


"Trust him or not?"

"Do not believe it! This kid is very cunning! It must have been said intentionally, there must be some conspiracy!"

Youhe here!

Lock your brows!

Most monks shook their heads!

That kid is too cunning!

Absolutely unbelievable!

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