Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2198: Chaos Ancestor 1 blow!

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"Sister-in-law, save yourself, my Master is not interested in you!"

After hearing the voice of Mrs. Qing, Yan girl glanced towards this side, seeing Mrs. Qing looking at her master like an idiot, she could not help shaking her head back!


The one man and one woman who came silently were Chen Zheng and Yan Yanshi!


Mrs. Qing heard the word Auntie, her face went dark, she stared at Yan Nu, and after a snort, she stared at Chen Zheng!


This young man must be a mascot!

Kirin God Arm actively recognizes the Lord!

None of this young man!

Only a masculine man has such pride!

I finally waited for the Geshi man!

This time must not be missed!

The elders of Yiyuandian, Qilin Holy City Tuhongyuanshen, Bone Sword Immortal and others, at this moment, are also staring at Chen Zheng, but they are not the same as Mrs. Qing, they can’t figure out why the Kirin Divine Arm doesn’t even look at the era overlord. Recognize this kid as the main!

I can't figure it out!

This kid can't even look down on the unicorn **** arm!

The Kirin God Arms are all about to be integrated into this kid's right arm!

This kid pulled Qilin's arm out of life!

He also said that the Qilin God Arm is not as good as his right hand!

Is this kid having a brain problem or is he blindly confident!


Above Yuanxian Mountain!

The Qilin God Arm suddenly turned into Chimang!

Once again rushed towards Chen Zheng's right arm!

It seems to be forced to recognize the Lord!

I saw this scene!

The elders of Yiyuandian and Tu Hongyuan are all sinking!

This Nima!


"I said that I'm not interested in you, so don't stick me like dog skin plaster."

At this time, Chen Zheng slapped out with a slap, and the Kirin **** arm turned into a red slam was directly stopped by the slap, but the Qilin **** arm did not retreat, but instead urged Chi Mang again!


The creatures around the fairy mountain instantly perceive a terrifying magic power!

This superb!

Seems beyond the level of era dominance!


The stronger this divine power!

The more they feel ridiculous at the moment!

Because I have never seen such a scene before!

Kirin God Arm!

Such an arrogant fetish!

At this moment is releasing the supernatural power beyond the era of overlord level!

This is to forcefully recognize the kid as the master!


Why don't you consider yourself a master!

I am willing to have no resistance!

Oh shit!

Is there such a big gap between myself and that guy?

That kid doesn't have any mana!

That kid looks like a mortal!

It should be that there is a huge gap between the kid and himself and others!


The scene in front of me is really ridiculous!

Does Kirin Divine Arm have any special hobbies!

"Why are the arms of the gods scolded as dog skin plasters, or do I have to forcefully recognize this guy as the master?"

Bone Sword Immortal can not help but ask!


The old man of Yiyuandian opened his mouth and said only one word, and he didn't know how to answer it. He really didn't understand this scene!

"Because this younger brother is a boy of the world, there are so many reasons! It is like the slave's love for the younger brother at first sight. Love is love, there is no reason at all!"

Mrs. Qing said with a smile!


Bone Sword Immortal spit!

"You are a bit prestigious, and you want to recognize me as the Lord. I think you will continue to sleep for a few hundred million years or billions of years, and then a few more realms. Maybe you have the qualifications to recognize me as the Lord."

At this time!

Above the fairy mountain!

Chen Zheng is standing in the air!

Although shrouded in horror!

But the Kirin Divine Arm couldn't get close to him!

"Lying trough!"

"What is this kid talking about, this kid is crazy!"

"This kid said that Qilin Divine Arm is not yet qualified to recognize him as the Lord. Oh my God, I have never seen such a brazen and arrogant boundless man!"

When the creatures around the fairy mountain listened, they opened their eyes one by one!

"Where is this kid holy?"

Bone Sword Immortal has never seen such a person, and can't help asking at this moment!

"Swallowing the Kirin Divine Arm, the cultivation must be soaring, even if there is a limit to the use of the Kirin Divine Arm, but as long as you cultivate yourself stronger and stronger, you will be able to fully control the Kirin Divine Arm in the future. Does this kid not understand this? Even the Kirin God The arm can only be used once in a month, but it is also a powerful method!"

Someone frowned and said in a deep voice!


No one responded!

Because other people don't understand!


And at this moment!

Among the Kirin God Arms!

A horror roar sounded!

Then a huge phantom emerged!

For a time it was like covering the sky!

Yiyuanxian Mountain this land!

As if cut off from the outside world!

Turn into a gloomy world!

"An arm in this seat has taken a fancy to you, voluntarily confessing to you as the master, and you just don't accept it. You have also degraded this arm that humiliates this seat again and again. You angered this seat! This seat stayed in this arm This chaotic supernatural power in the original was meant to be used to kill half-step transcendental creatures. Now that this seat is angry, it will be used to kill you!"

The black eyes of the huge unicorn ghost stared at Chen Zheng!


Below and the spirits around the fairy mountain!

At this moment the body is shaking!

Only a despair was felt at this moment!

This unicorn ghost!

It seems not a unicorn!

This seems to be a troll that has never been heard!

That Chaos Divine Prestige is really going to blow down!

Don't talk about that kid!

I am afraid that no one can survive!


Because of the stubbornness of this kid!

You and others are going to be killed!

"True man!"

Although 90% of the nine souls are desperate, Mrs. Qing Qing also looked at Chen Zheng with a sigh of admiration!


Upon hearing this sentence, Yan Nu rolled her eyes. She secretly said that this woman is really an idiot, and she can save her life even for men!

"Before killing you, this seat will give you one last chance. This seat is a creature of the chaos ancestor level. You accepted this arm to recognize the Lord. As long as you release this seat from that place in the future, this seat will not only The inheritance of the chaos ancestor level is all passed to you, and this seat will also take you to the place where all the half-step detached creatures in this world want to go! The original land, the land of detachment, you can make a choice!"

Huge unicorn phantom drink again!


The creatures below are stunned!

Original place!

A place of detachment!

I have never heard this before!


Can you change your mind?

Don't that kid!

What we want!

"You deserve to recognize me as the Lord, maybe it is qualified, and the arm you left is not qualified."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently and smiled in response to the huge unicorn ghost.



This kid is completely silly!

Dare to say this!

The face of the public has changed dramatically!

"Damn you!"


The huge unicorn phantom is furious!



A huge palm blasted!


Endless despair!

All the faces are ashamed!

This is completely over!


However, Chen Zheng said two words with a smile. After hearing these two words, all the practitioners shook their heads subconsciously. They secretly said that this kid was completely saved. something wrong!



With a giant palm of horror and chaos!

Someone couldn't bear to look and closed his eyes!

And more people are staring at the top!

Welcome destruction in despair!



In addition to a tearing sound after the loud noise!

It seems that the terrifying chaotic supernatural power has not been suppressed!

It seems that the kid is alive!

It seemed that the kid had taken a terrible chaotic blow!


Is this an illusion?

Many people blinked!

Then rub your eyes crazy!



The huge unicorn virtual image is to see what!

A word spit out in consternation!



It just spit out a word!

The Kirin ghost is broken!

The Qilin God Arms are also gone!


Gloomy changes!

Everything is back to beginnings!

It's just that the public is ignorant!

"Congratulations to the Master for opening two chains in one day!"

It is also at this time ~ ~ Yan female smiled and smiled at Chen Zheng!

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