Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2206: Like to be sentenced? Satisfy you!

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"Demon Dragon Emperor? Huh! You are not a deity, you can stop me with a real blood incarnation, you can't stop Brother Chen Zheng!"

Chu demon girl was arrested, and at the moment she was unhappy, glaring at the black robe man!

"Chen Zheng?" The black robe man heard these two words, his eyebrows were locked, his eyes flicked, it seemed that he noticed Chen Zheng at this moment, and after a few eyes, he hummed: "It's really you, you The **** came to Taixu! Either way, I saw you **** twice outside Taixu, and Laozi cultivation was severely restricted. Within this Taixu, Laozi cultivation was unrestricted, even if it was just a truth. The blood incarnation also has the level of overlord of the Nine Rings! Today, Lao Tzu, you will be punished in public!"


The words fell!

The head of the man in black robe directly turned into a rotten demon skull!

Then shouted!


This roar!

Rock City oscillates!

The underground caves are shaking!

next moment!

Chen Zheng or Chu Demon Girl, or the creatures in the Stone City, almost all fell into the mysterious space opened by Chen Zheng!

And the black robe man!

At this moment, it has become visible!

Magic dragon!

Although it is just real blood incarnation!

But also huge!

Open claws!


"Why...oh my god, this is this...Emperor Dragon Emperor Yang!"

"Eternal Dragon!"

"Emperor Yang! Demon Dragon Emperor Yang!"

Those creatures that were dragged into the underground mysterious space by the real blood of the magic dragon were originally full of doubts, but when the afterglow in the corner of the eye noticed a behemoth, they looked at it suddenly and exclaimed!

Dragon Emperor!

Spirits in Taixu!

No matter what the big domain is!

No matter what you do!

It can be said that you know Emperor Dragon Emperor Yang!

This is one of the most terrifying creatures in Taixu!

Dragon Emperor!

Eternal Dragon!

Same name as the Supreme Demon Ji Ji!

"Master Diyang is invincible!"

Daozong middle-aged man Yuanshen shouted fanatically at this moment!

"Er wait for the stone city creatures, this seat drags you into this underground space, not to kill Er wait, this seat wants to kill Er, etc., that year will not leave the Stone City, this seat disdains to kill Er, wait! This seat lets you , Just to be a witness, let you watch this guy kill this guy named Chen Zheng! This guy has a huge future, is a reincarnation of a great person in the era of destruction, this seat is going to punish this fellow in the face of waiting! Wait for this seat After punishing this fellow, I will tell Er to wait for the true identity of this fellow!"

Emperor Yang blood turned into a dragon mouth, a great voice sounded!


Be a witness?

Sentence that young man?

This, this!

Stone City creatures are shocked!

"The identity of this man will definitely surprise you, but this seat will not say that this seat will be executed in the presence of your ants, and then you, the ants, will spread the news of the punishment of the servant. This seat will be the best!"

Emperor Yang blood turned into a grin!

The creatures in Stone City were even more shocked, and their eyes quickly swept back and forth before Emperor Yang was transformed into Chen Zheng. At this moment, they were extremely curious, what is the identity of the young man in this immortal fourth realm!

Is it!

This young man is the reincarnation of the master hated by Demon Dragon Emperor!

"Master Diyang is invincible!"

Daozong middle-aged people shouted again!

"Chen Zheng, how do you feel humiliated!"

Emperor Yang's real blood turned into an eye, staring at Chen Zhengzai and asking!

"Humiliated? Why didn't I feel it at all."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"Brother Chen Zheng, I heard from the master sister that Emperor Demon has a problem in his mind."

Chu demon girl whispered.

"Humph! Little demon girl, if you were not the one who feared your founder of reincarnation, Lao Tzu would have destroyed your reincarnation!" Emperor Yang's real blood incarnation of the magic dragon's pupil glanced at Chu demon girl. The pupil of the pupil locked Chen Zheng again: "This true blood incarnation is the level of Jiuhuan overlord. It may not be enough to kill you completely, but it is enough for you to be sentenced in public! Today, this seat will tear your fairy clothes and put You are tied to the punishment, and the whip whips you fiercely. You also have to take the shadow stone to record the whole process, and let these ants pass the shadow stone to the whole Taixu! At that time, this seat looks at your face. Save! Haha! Hahaha!"

"Lying Groove! Abnormal! Emperor Demon's mind really has a problem!"

Upon hearing this, Chu Yanvian's complexion changed, and her eyes flashed with fear! If the secret road tears his fairy clothes, whips himself with a whip, and also records it with the God Shadow Stone, and then spreads it throughout the Taixu, I can't stand this humiliation!

Master Sister is right!

These creatures that have survived from ancient times!

More or less brain problems!


and many more!

in a sense!

Chen Zheng is also a creature who survived from the ancient times!

Is Chen Zheng also a pervert?

Chu Yaov suddenly thought of something, and quickly glanced at Chen Zheng. Seeing Chen Zheng looked at the Vanguard Dragon with a smile, he couldn't help but chuckled, and secretly Chen Zheng also had some kind of perverted hobby! In the future, it seems that I should pay attention to the scale. Some words should not be too much. If Chen Zheng is really angered, he may be beaten up and beaten!

hold on!

its not right!

Why the thought of being hung up and beaten by Chen Zheng!

Suddenly there is an inexplicable expectation!

Thinking about it!

Chu demon girl stunned!

"Chen Zheng, are you ready!"

At this time, Emperor Yang's blood incarnation roared again!

"Is there a God Shadow Stone?"

Chen Zheng did not respond to Emperor Yang, and casually asked the Chu demon girl beside him.

"Ah? God Shadow Stone? Yes!"

Chu Yaonv nodded and took out a divine stone.


Stone City froze!

God Shadow Stone?

Why should we take out the God Shadow Stone?

Has this young man already given up?

Take the initiative to take out the God Shadow Stone for mercy?

"You want to beg for mercy? Unfortunately, it's too late! You are about to be sentenced in public by Lord Diyang, and your ugliness will spread throughout Taixu!"

Daozong middle-aged man also froze for a moment, and roared the next moment!

"Start recording at Di Yang."

Chen Zheng ignored the middle-aged man and only smiled and said four words. The Chu demon girl nodded subconsciously, took the **** shadow stone to emperor incarnation and began to record!

"You still want to punish Laozi in public!"

Emperor Yang understood instantly, the real blood incarnate the wings of the dragon, and then came over with the horror divine power of the nine-level overlord!


Stone City creatures are horrified!

Emperor Yang!

Dragon Emperor!

Only one real blood avatar!

It's so scary!

Chen had no fluctuations, and slapped out with a slap in his hand. The huge magic dragon brought by the horror god's majesty only heard a loud sound, and Di Yang's huge real blood avatar froze in the air!


Emperor Yang blood incarnate for a while!

Another applause sounded!



Ghost-like applause sounded!

The emperor's true blood incarnation faucet swings wildly like ghosts and animals!


Stone City creatures look silly!

This, this!

This immortal young man in the fourth realm!

It seems to be hanging the real blood incarnation of the eternal dragon!

"Roar! Chen Zheng, you are a turtle son, I want to destroy you!"

Emperor Yang's blood incarnation roars!



Chen Zheng slapped again!

This slap is a bit heavy!

Just listen loudly!

Emperor Yang blood incarnation burst!

After exploding into blood mist!

Suddenly shrunk into a real blood!

Real blood surging!

It seems to be transformed into a magic dragon again!

"After finishing work." Chen Zheng smiled faintly at this He grabbed the emperor's real blood and collected it, and sent it directly into the body of the Zhengyue girl who was closed in Yuanshen, allowing the Zhengyue girl to swallow and absorb directly. Too.


The Chu demon girl opened her mouth, and the creatures in the Stone Town opened her mouth one by one, extremely confused at the moment!

"Sir Emperor Yang!"

Daozong's middle-aged man Yuanshen shouted violently, and it was also directly shattered after this shout, this is the shattered heart!

"After you go out, you copy some of the God Shadow Stone and throw it a little at the 13th Tai Ru. The Emperor Yang likes to be sentenced in public, so I will be busy with it."

Chen Zheng's eyes moved towards the bottom of this mysterious underground space, and a golden awn flew up. The golden awn turned into a ancient order and fell into his hands. He looked at the ancient order a few times and put the ancient order into the primordial spirit. In the middle, he once again said to Chu demon girl.

"Oh... Is that paid?"

Chu demon girl nodded subconsciously, reacted to her eyes, and asked with a smile.

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