Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2235: Then you can replace him

"You you you, you angered the old lady! You little thing, dare to swallow the old lady's eyes of the big city, the old lady must fold your wings today!"

With a bang!

The stone mountain spit out by the dragon turned into dust!

A strange man reappears!

Orchid finger is another flick!


Yimang hit the dragon!

The dragon was too lazy to stare at him!


Red Dust Lord waited for silence, at this moment, only secretly said in his heart, a man, orchid fingers pinching, and claimed to be the old lady, can this be considered a man.



The huge dragon swallowed the luminous thing, and suddenly hiccupped. The body of the dragon changed into a little girl form. He raised his head and frowned slightly, looked at the sky, and seemed to perceive some kind of Peeping his gaze, but he quickly withdrew his gaze and swept the light into Chen Zhengmei's heart!

"Hey! See you next time!"

Longhuang Battle Banner smiled, and Huaguang flew into Chen Zhengmei's heart!

see you later?

Huntian taught the disciples to open their mouths. When they saw that Huntian Taoism no longer existed, they knelt down on the ground with their legs!

Oh shit!

The Master Lord took the Four Heavenly Envoys to the Broken Land with all the gods and sons!

I just sent myself a few cannon fodder in front of the mountain gate and waited to die!

Now the Taoism is gone!

It's humble to wait for others!

"Lao Niang's Yuduyuyu!"


The strange man screamed!


He raised his hand again!

Then a touch!

Create an enchantment!

This enchantment is instant!

Everyone stunned below!

Because this enchantment is not scary at all!

Because this enchantment is a sea of ​​flowers!


It should be said that it is a round sea of ​​flowers!

"This... the connection world is so woman... this one is afraid of the wrong should be cast on the daughter..."

Mrs. Qing couldn't help whispering.

"The boy below, your little demon dragon swallowed the old lady’s Yuduyu eyes, you don’t want to leave! The old lady now gives you ten breaths, let your little demon dragon spit out the Yuduyu eyes, otherwise the old lady will destroy you !"


The demon man stared down from the top!

"Give you ten breaths and introduce yourself."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"Your kid is a mortal, and you're all empty-eyed, right? You're crazy in front of the old lady, right? Well, the old lady tells you who the old lady is!" The demon man sneered: "The old lady is Yinyue Emperor, the old lady is Yong Ye Di, Lao Niang has the Ye Ye Moses. Ten days ago, in the Broken Land, Lao Niang’s Ye Ye Mo has stepped into the supreme level. Lao Niang’s eldest brother Yong Ye Di Xiu is even more crushing the **** of heaven! You now understand Is that why the Huntianjiao mainly gave Youduyu the old lady!"

Yinyue Emperor!

Yong Ye Di!

This, this!

It's a big deal!

The red dust demon master flashed in shock!

Yong Ye Di!

Among the Taixu!

No one knows!

Everyone knows!

Maybe the most top creatures in Taixu are mentioned on weekdays, only Taihuang, Taixuan, Lord of Taiyin, Eternal Dragon, Supreme True Demon, etc., not Yongye! However, this is because Emperor Yongye has only appeared once in this world. That time, it is said that Taixuan, Eternal Dragon, and Eternal Hongzong joined together to kill Dao Yi Qianhan, and they are not opponents of Eternal Emperor!


One more thing!

When Emperor Yong Ye appeared this time!

A secret method called "Every Night of the Heavens" was cast!

that time!

The entire Taixu dim!

All shrouded in the night!

The top-level creatures in Taixu can't break this mystery!

Finally, a golden symbol flew out of the broken land!

Break the secrets of the heavens and the night!

and so!

Taixu creatures know Yong Ye Di!

Can rarely mention it!


Today, Yong Ye Di's brother appeared!

"Huh! A group of ants, scare you stupid! Although the old lady is not as good as the elder brother, but the old lady is now stepping into the supreme level, even if you are here, the old lady is not afraid!"

The demon man who claimed to be Yinyue Emperor, seeing the red dust demon and other brows closed, seeing the horror in the eyes of the disciples of Huntianjiao Shoushan.

For a while!

Red Dust Lord waits for silence!

"Although your brother looks like a woman, he is at least a man. You look like a woman. You really think of yourself as a woman. Since Hun Tian has fled to the broken land, then you will replace him."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"Substitute for the Master of Heaven? What does your kid mean? Do you want to suppress the old lady? Give you a boy for 100,000 years, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of years. Do you cultivate to be half old? Isn't the old lady looking down on you, The old lady now lay down to let her attack casually, can you hurt the old lady!"

The Yinyue Emperor was full of jokes!

"Uh... lie down and let the son attack..."

Mrs. Qing couldn't help but crooked.

Chen Zheng didn't say anything this time, only with a faint smile on his face, and with a single move, he saw a platform emerge.


Everyone's eyes were on!

"Daotai? Huh! Even if your platform is the main avenue of the main road of the first era, even if you are the reincarnation of the main avenue of the longevity, the old lady is not afraid of you. You have no power. The eternal night demons of the old lady are already supreme. !"

Yinyue Emperor's eyebrows were slightly twisted, but they quickly loosened, revealing a joke again!

Chen Zheng was still sitting on the pedestal, still smiling lightly. He lifted his right hand, and a drop of real blood appeared in his fingers. This real blood appeared. I don't know why. The living creatures suddenly felt a sense of panic!


This time!

Yinyue Emperor also felt it!

He shouted a word!

Subconsciously urge the power of the avenue!


Real blood fell on the platform!

Let's integrate into Daozhong!

I saw a divine light hit!

"The old lady is still afraid that you will not succeed!"

Yinyue Emperor snarled, summoned a round of ancient moon, and pressed down toward the divine light!


God light to the ancient moon!

The ancient moon shattered instantly!


Yinyue Di exclaimed!


God light!

Hit it!

This moment!

Yinyue Emperor only felt that something in Yuanshen was forcibly deprived!


next moment!

Its flesh cracked!


Immediately afterwards, the smoke was extinguished!

at the same time!

You mang flash!

A gloomy demons fell into Chen Zheng's hands!

"Old Lady's Eternal Night Species!"

Yinyue Di recognized the magic species at a glance!


Chen Zheng smiled slightly on the A glance, the gloomy demons shattered a rotten, and the creatures on the scene seemed to hear the sound of heartbreak!



Yinyue Emperor Yuanshen screamed sharper than women!

Yuanshen is extremely terrible!

He stared at Chen Zheng!

"Lao Niang knows who you are, Big Brother mentioned you, Big Brother once will see you in a certain world in the middle of a thousand worlds! Lao Niang was pitted by Huntian Master, Huntian Master asked Lao Niang to pick up the disciple The pit is terrible! Gossip Master, the old lady is going to tear you! Ah! Ahhhh!"

Another scream like a shrew!

The Red Dust Lord is so stupid!

How could Yong Ye Di have such a younger brother!

and many more!

The son has no mana!

Sacrifice a Taoist platform and a drop of real blood!

So the Yinyue Emperor's Eternal Night Devil is deprived!

So before in the Tomb of Zhenyoudu!

The son did not really shoot!

If you really shot!

The Huntian demonic species of the Huntian leader will certainly be deprived!

It turned out that the meaning of the Yinyue Emperor that the son just said was to replace the Huntian priest!

The devil is deprived of the magic species instead of the **** of heaven!

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