Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2237: The robbery will turn!


For a while!

The Red Dust Lord is silent!

to be frank!

Almost afraid of extreme evil!

But I dare not ask more at a time!

"Yudu Dayu......"

Chen Zhengruo thought, and disappeared under the Taoist.

"grown ups......"

Red Dust Lord shouted subconsciously.


This is the moment!

The sky in the north of Youdu!

A green awn suddenly appeared!

That green man was stunned for a while and suddenly swept towards this side!

"It is Fu Zhao of the undefeated God City!"

The queen bee quickly spoke!

"Undefeated God City?"

Chen Zheng showed his curiosity, watching Qingmang looting, flying to the front of Princess Qiyu, turning into a rune that fell on Princess Qiyu's right shoulder.

"Cang Qingyu, the undefeated God City, and several big **** lists in Taixu, such as the Overlord List, the Divine List, and the Young Master List, which are the Tianjiao Lists, are all a monument to the undefeated God City. The undefeated God City, every second A grand event will be held for ten years, and all major avenues in the ten major regions will send people to participate. Qiyu has participated in the last grand event and is ranked in the top ten of the Tianjiao list. This time, the overlord of the Taixu Middle Ages skyrocketed, and many Tianjiao should have become It’s not so easy to re-enter the top ten after era era."

The queen bee whispered.

"Can the list set by the undefeated stele be served?"

Chen Zheng asked.

"This... basically can serve the crowd." This time the Red Devil Lord replied: "Taking the former overlord list as an example, the Taihuang ranked first, the Taiyin Lord ranked second, and Tai Xuan. God ranked third, Supreme True Demon ranked fourth, Vanguard Magic Dragon ranked fifth, followed by Hong Wangu, Yi Qianhan, Cathode Palace Master, Huntian Church Master, etc. The spirits in Taixu are basically All accept this ranking. This time the undefeated God City reopens the Holy Gathering, it should create a new **** list, and this **** list alone will definitely attract the spirits from the 13 major domains."

"In addition to the monument, there is a very special magic weapon in the undefeated God City. Among them, the mysterious magical artifacts are inexhaustible. The last time Qiyu got a celestial dynasty, era of supremacy. The power also cut through Tianya, and later I invited someone to make a close-fitting fairy suit. The fairy suit that Qiyu is wearing now is made by Tianya."

The queen added a sentence.


Almost everyone around looked towards Princess Qiyu!

Princess Qiyu lowered her head slightly and seemed a little embarrassed!

"The original Qin Yi of the World Demon Palace, the carefree **** son of the Huntian religion, and the Longhuai of the Holy City of Qilin should also get the Fu Zhao of the undefeated God City, but some have fallen and some have left the Yudu area. , Then Fu Zhao, the undefeated Shencheng, should choose another younger generation from Youdu to go undefeated."

The queen bee groaned slightly and added another sentence.

"Oh, lord, some people have guessed that the monument of the undefeated Shencheng is the epoch monument of the Cangqing era, but no one can touch the monument in the past. The lord seems to be looking for the epoch monument, this time Since the Undefeated God City hosts a holy party, adults may be able to check it out."

Red Dust Lord thought a thought.

"There is no longer what I need in the Yudu large area. Since the Cangqing large area is north of the Yudu large area, it is also time to change a picture and sweep."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


Sweep another picture?


Several people were slightly puzzled when they heard it.

But I didn't ask much at this point.

"Adult's mana..."

The Red Dust Master thought for a moment and thought of another point.

"Let's go to the undefeated Shencheng first and see if there is any Epoch Monument."

Chen Zheng replied.


The Lord of Red Dust nodded, and suddenly thought a bit in his heart, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say it. It wasn't too late to talk to the undefeated God City in the Cangqing Domain.


After half a day.

A Taohuabao ship departed from Liluocheng.

Taohuabao on board.

In addition to the princesses of Peach Blossoms such as Red Dust Lord, Queen Bee, and Mrs. Qing, there are also Chu Sect Master, Elder Zhuo Xie, Elder Stepping Wind, and other elders. The Dark Sect Sect Master and Elder Su Changqing Now, of course, Yan Yi, who has already entered the dominance of the era, is naturally there.

Yan Yi.

In itself, he won Fu Zhao, an undefeated God City.

It is one of the seed players in the overlord list.

"This time, there is a master pressure. Sister Yan Yi and Sister Qiyu will be able to kill the Quartet and win a good place in the Tianjiao list and the overlord list! By the way of the master, will you have any great boxing skills, such as a punch? You can blow up the boxing of the era overlord. How do I feel that Sister Qiyu is very suitable for practicing boxing!"

Chen Zheng's four disciples Yan Nu also came out in retreat and kept talking at the moment.

"The pupil of the true demon... It should be that the adult deprived the pupil of the real devil of the Qin Gongzi in the princess of the world, but it was given to this woman. This woman seems to be practicing the magic of the heavens, and it has absorbed the heavenly woman. The power of this time. If you go to the undefeated Shencheng this time, you should have a lot of gains. But this disciple of an adult, some are not transparent, and it seems to be mediocre, but since the adult will be accepted as a formal disciple, his physique is definitely not ordinary. , But what exactly is it?"

The Lord of Red Dust was thinking in secret. He saw at a glance that Yan Yi had the pupil of the real demon, and also practiced the magic of the heavens, but he could not see the physique of Yan Nu.



When the Peach Blossom Treasure Ship passes through the giant mountain between the Yudu and Cangqing domains!

God of Thunder suddenly fell!

"Taixu God Thunder!"

The Red Dust Master was frightened, and he subconsciously tried to stop it, but he raised his hand. The Taixu God Thunder, which had been hacked towards the Taohua Treasure Ship, turned so strangely, it was hacked elsewhere!


For a while!

The Red Dust Lord is a little ignorant!

This is an adult secretly shot!


The queen bee and others are also a bit Why did the **** thunder suddenly turn!

"Going to the undefeated Shencheng along the way, you should encounter a lot of robberies. This is also a test of the undefeated Shencheng to the surviving souls of the avenues. These robbers are not terrible, but even these robberies cannot be resolved. It is also given to Bai. So from the moment of entering the Cang Qing domain, the competition has already begun."

The Lord of Red Dust spoke, explaining the origin of the Taixu God Thunder just now.


His voice just fell!

There is a gust of wind ahead!

at the same time!

A huge ship is immortal!



And Le Mans flickered in the fierce wind!

"Wind Thunder Tribulation!"

Chu Hall Master, the Temple of No Robbery was shocked!

"Huh? The wind and thunder robbery? This seems to be the peach blossom treasure ship of the peach blossom pilgrimage in the Youdu Dayu? You are a bit unlucky. You just encountered the wind thunder robbery when you entered the blue domain. Although it is not terrible, this peach blossom treasure ship is afraid I can’t help it! The queen bee can be on the Taohuabao ship. If you are on the Taohuabao ship, I wouldn’t mind Chu Jiuxiang coming to a hero to save the beauty!”

On the vast ship, a young man laughed!


Chu Jiuxiang?

Princess Qiyu frowned!

"Let the old die cut the wind and thunder!"

On the Taohuabao ship, Elder Zhuo Xie is about to cut it!



He hasn't really made a knife yet!

That wind and thunder robbery that had flowed towards the Taohuabao ship!

Suddenly turned again!

And blasted towards the vast fairy ship that appeared out of thin air!


On the vast immortal ship, the proud young man suddenly became ashamed!

This Nima!

How can the wind and thunder turn!

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