Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2242: Uncover the top list!

The easiest battle in history?

It seems that this is the truth!

This child!

Obviously, I already knew the details of the three girls!

So it is so calm from beginning to end!

Those three girls!

A pupil with true demons!

A bodyguard with a strange divine light!

One is still the first to walk in front of the stone hall in the center of the Wanzhan space!


This is also the ability of those three girls!

It has nothing to do with this kid!

The old man in white flashed his thoughts quickly, staring at Chen Zheng and humming again: "According to the rules, the girl whose ancestor was unable to reach the first walked to the stone temple. That's it! But that's the girl's ability, it has nothing to do with you, you are just a chess piece launched by the Lord of Red Dust!"

"Master, Master, my first hey!"

As soon as the old man in white had spoken, in front of the stone hall in the center of the ground, Yan girl raised her head and shouted at Chen Zheng on the **** of war!



Is this kid the master of that girl?

The old man in white was stunned!

I just felt an invisible slap in my face!

I said that this kid has nothing to do with that girl!

The girl suddenly shouted Master!


"This young man is the master of that strange little girl?"

"What... what happened?"

In the huge shrine, there are also some people in various avenues who are ignorant!

"That girl...when approaching the robbery, why did the robbery automatically give way? Lord Lu, you are the undefeated shrine, and you are the one who controls the space of war, you should be very clear just now What is the situation?"

The Tian hook clan's eyebrows were locked, and his eyes fixed on Lu Dianzhu, lowering his voice and asking!


The rest of the Taoists also stared at Master Lu!

"This...I really don't know the specific reason."

Lord Lu Dian pondered slightly.

To be honest, he didn't understand it. He was also puzzled. He knew that there must be an answer, but he couldn't think of it.


"Don't know the specific reason?"

"If this little girl won the first place on the Tianjiao list, and let this little girl uncover the top list, this can't convince the crowd at all!"

There was a lot of discussion!

"Look at the girl with the pupil of the real demon, who has also passed the robbery, and has reached the stone palace!"

"Huh? The princess Qiyu, the princess of the princess of the Yudu, also arrived. It seems that the three women are all from the Yudu. How could this be the first of the three girls to the stone palace!"

"Have the other domains of Tianyu been compared?"


Another burst of exclamation!


Yan Yi and Princess Qiyu have also gone through the robbery and arrived in front of the Stone Temple!

This scene!

Come from other big domains!

It surprised me that!

Although this time the most top-notch Taoist Tianjiao did not come!

But it’s not for the people of Yudu to take the lead!

"Feng Huaxueyue brother and sister are here!"

"That is the Nine Elephants of the Chuling Mountain!"

"That's the **** son of the Temple of Fire!"

"The Skyhook Divine Son of the Skyhook Race is here!"

"The prince of Liuli Palace is here!"


Another voice sounded!


The voice is getting lower and lower!

Because as you go back, you lose face!

After Banzhuxiang's time, another person passed the robbery. As for the others who hadn't, they gave up. Lu Dianzhu smiled slightly and lightly opened the stone temple in the World War Space, only Seeing a flash of white light, dozens of people in front of the stone hall were wrapped in white light and all entered the stone hall!


The gate of the stone temple was closed!

What is the situation inside!

Outsiders are out of sight!

"At most half an hour, the terms of Tianjiao will be discharged. You can rest assured that this time the ranking of Tianjiao will be discharged by the undefeated monument, so it is absolutely notarized, and outsiders can’t intervene if you want to. I believe everyone knows that in the past Devil Dragon Emperor came to the Undefeated God City and wanted to destroy the Undefeated God Monument. But Emperor Yang used all kinds of secret methods to bomb three days and three nights, but also failed to leave a trace on the God Monument. Also because of this, Emperor Yang was furious and furious in the Cangqing territory, and then fled in embarrassment after being beaten by people in the Cangqing line."

At this time Lu Dianzhu smiled again.

"Undefeated Monument..."

"We must believe the Shenbei. The Tianjiao battle is just an appetizer. We want to see the main dish. I want to know how the top ranking is! The top ranking in the once dominated list was Taihuang, the top ranking. Will it be too emperor!"

"I'm curious now, will the little girl whose Taoist ancestors haven't been able to do so, will it be the first place on this list of Tianjiao!"

All kinds of sounds!

"It's finally over. This dispute of Tianjiao is nothing more than a name. The real Tianjiao, the most top-level Tianjiao, haven't come a lot, and only some of them will be mixed in. Some mixed Zizi’s apprentice is also a bastard, but the **** will not stand the test after all."

In the space of ten thousand wars, the old man in white in Liuli Palace groaned, and also gave Chen Zheng a glance.

"Mixing is also a life."

Chen Zheng heard a slight smile.


The old man in white suddenly stopped talking, and couldn't find any rebuttal in a moment.

"Hanging is also a kind of life... Brother is open."

The wonderful lady of Qingzong smiled.

"I also want to mix, but sometimes I don't."

The man in gown seemed to think of something, and he sighed with emotion.



The white light in the stone hall lights up!

In an instant!

Everyone in this ten thousand war space has been teleported out!



"All out!"

"What about the Tianjiao Ranking?"

"The ranking is out, look at the ranking!"

The people of the various avenues were taken aback, and then the transparent ball turned into a **** monument. A list appeared on the **** monument. That list is the Tianjiao list. This time the Tianjiao list!


When I saw the top name!

Everyone in the avenues is ignorant!

Red Dust Master, Queen Bee, Zhuo Xie, Su Changqing, etc. are also ignorant!

"Yan Nu!"

"Who is Yan girl!"

"Who is Yan girl!"

Doubts sounded!

"That's... it's me."

Yan Nu was also a little embarrassed and surprised at the moment, but she raised her right hand and returned.



People from all walks of life stared!


Even more ignorant!

Isn't this the first little girl who just walked to the stone hall in the core area of ​​Wanzhan Space!

This little girl Dao Zu didn't make it!

How could it be selected as the first in this list of Tianjiao!

"This..." Lord Lu, the undefeated shrine, is also somewhat The candidate in his heart is Yan female, because he has the pupil of the true demon, he is also a hegemonic level, and he is also a cultivator. Ancient magic. However, this is the choice of the undefeated monument, and he could not refute it, so he groaned a little: "Since girl Yan is the first in this list of Tianjiao, then according to the rules, you can go to the undefeated monument and everyone’s concern. The top list will also be opened by Yan girl. By the way, Yan girl can invite one person to see the monument together, or you can uncover the top list with that person."

"I must invite Master!"

Yan Nu smiled!



Two white lights appeared out of thin air!

Send Chen Zheng and Yan Nu together!

"Look at it!"

"An additional line of comment comes after the little girl's name!"

"What? What does this mean?"

When there was nothing to say, someone stared at the Tianjiao Ranking and shouted, and everyone looked at the Tianjiao Ranking again, one by one! Because there is a line after Yan girl's name!

"Luck is part of strength. To the extreme, luck is absolute strength. This woman's physique is unique!"


After reading this line of comments!

Everyone is even more ignorant!



Will this work!

Is it really fair to be undefeated!



The crowd soon came to a consciousness, because the undefeated Shencheng suddenly shook, and saw a white light rising from the deepest part of the temple, and then three golden characters appeared!


finally come!

No list!

This moment, which is one level higher than the overlord list, is here!

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