Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2245: Your name is Chen Zheng? Hahaha!


Yan Nu whispered, although she doesn't know what the creator is, it must be very powerful. Of course, listening to the meaning of the stele, the creator does not seem to be the end of the practice.

"Of course, in the three aspects of the body's primal mana, you are currently the strongest, but your flesh is able to merge even the ultimate Daoist, and you also use the ultimate Daoist to restrain the flesh from becoming stronger, your flesh. It’s the real pervert. To be honest, none of the creators in my memory have a physical body like you. I wonder if you come from the nine major reincarnations, or the legendary ultimate creator created it, and specifically destroyed it. Nine major reincarnations."

The spirit of Shenbei said again, with emotion in his tone.

"It seems that logic doesn't make sense...If there is an ultimate creator outside the Ninth Anniversary, he really wants to destroy the Ninth Anniversary and block the way that the Ninth Anniversary leads to the outside. Isn't he going to get it done by himself? Why not? What about creating a creature?"

Yan Nu said softly.

"Little girl, what you think is too simple. Have you ever thought about more than one ultimate creator? Have you ever thought about balancing this? Well, little girl, I have run out of energy and need to sleep for a while to recover Energy, I will send you out now. Hope that the next time you wake up, Chen Zheng you will be detached."

The spirit of Shenbei smiled and said that the white light flashed, and the two were sent out of this mysterious space.

"Why didn't the master receive this omnipotent Almighty Great Reincarnation monument? This thing is very special. If it can be repaired, it should be no problem to see the entire Hongmeng universe."

It was also at this moment that in the spirit of Chen Zhengyuan, the sound of Macross Roulette sounded.

"To repair it should be similar to repairing the cantilever of the universe, or to unblock the cantilever of the universe, so it is not too late to find it after detachment."

Chen Zheng responded.



"This kid and this girl!"

"This is sent out. I don't know what rewards I got. The top ten Tianjiao all got the undefeated Shendan. This girl ranked first. In addition to the undefeated Shendan, there should be other rewards!"

next moment!

The two returned to the undefeated temple!


All eyes are on!


Red Dust Master, Queen Bee, Princess Qiyu, Yan Yi, Elder Zhuo Xie, Elder Step, etc. shout!



Lord Red Dust also called this kid as a son?

Isn't this kid the chess piece launched by the Lord of Red Dust!

The monks of each avenue frowned slightly!

"What reward did you get, little girl?"

For a moment of silence, Qingzhao's beautiful wife moved her eyes and asked Yan Nu.

"This one."

Yan girl spread her palms, nine pill pills appeared, and then the things that appeared in her hand out of thin air just now.


When Mrs. Miao waited to see it, all of them were stunned. For a while, they didn't seem to know what to say, because all the nine pill pills were undefeated. The rest of Tianjiao, one person also won an undefeated Shendan, and this little girl actually got nine undefeated Shendan!


The undefeated shrine Master Lu also showed an unexpected look. The undefeated Shencheng Tianjiao Battle has been held for so many sessions. In the past, it seems that at most, the first three undefeated Shendan and the nine undefeated Shendan were given. For the first time!

God Tablet!

So optimistic about this girl!

"Nine...Hum!" Tiangou clan snorted coldly: "Although this girl has uncovered the list, although she got nine undefeated Shendan, but today's protagonist is not this girl, of course It’s not this kid. Today’s protagonists are the supreme creatures on the top list, and they are the top of the top list. That’s the absolute protagonist of today! In the future Tai Chi, people will only remember that the top of the top list is Chen Zheng. Who will remember who uncovered the top list!"

"It makes sense to say that today's top list is the big show. I'm afraid no one thought that Taihuang wouldn't be in the top five!"

"The top of the list Chen Zheng...I really want to see him, see what he looks like, and see how strong he is!"

Many people of the Orthodox line up, including the old man in white in the Liuli Palace, the blazing wings of the Temple of Fire, and of course the heavenly arrogance of the Chu Nine Elephants in the Spiritual Mountain!

Today's Tianjiao battle!

Even a little girl who is not a Taoist ancestor won the first place!

And also unveiled the top list!

I also won nine undefeated Divine Pills!

To be honest, most of them are dissatisfied!

"Let's go."

"Every time there is one case, the top rankings are here, and the thirteen territories of Taixu will surely be surging! The names of the supernatural beings are all on the rankings, and the rankings will also change in real time. Anyone who falls will know the first time!"

"I have already foreseen that Taixu will have a big change in the future, so I don't have to worry about today's arrogant battles. Let's take a precautionary plan for each major domain!"

A lot of voices sounded again. These Orthodox people greeted the undefeated shrine Master Lu and prepared to leave one by one.

"What's your brother's name?"

It was also at this time that the eyes of Qingzong's wonderful wife moved and suddenly asked Chen Zheng!


what is it call?

Is it important to call this kid?

"Mrs. Miao, do you have a crush on this kid?"

The old man of the Tian hook tribe stared over and laughed, and the **** of the **** hook was also full of jokes!

"Is it important to call this child?"

The old man in white in Liuli Palace is also contemptuous!


The people of all avenues still stared at Chen Zheng!

And the Red Dust Master, Queen Bee, Princess Qiyu, etc. held their breath at this moment!

this moment!

The heartbeat is crazy accelerated!

Uncontrollable acceleration!

"My name is Chen Zheng."

Under the focus of everyone's eyes, Chen Zheng smiled back slightly to Mrs. Miao.

In an instant!

Undefeated Temple!


Chen Zheng?


and many more!

What is the top of the list?

Isn’t Chen Zheng the top of the list?

This kid is also called Chen Zheng?

This Nima!

This should be just a coincidence!

It’s not impossible for this kid to be the top of the list, right?

For a while!

Countless thoughts flashed in the hearts of the people of all avenues!

"Chen Zheng? The same name as the top of the list? Haha! Hahaha! You guys are almost scared to this seat. You will change your name in the future. The same name as the top of the list, I am afraid it will attract you to the sky. disaster!"

The old man in white in Liuli Palace laughed for a while, stared at Chen Zheng, and took the disciple of Liuli Palace away!


The old man of the Tian hook tribe chuckled and took away with the **** of the **** hook!

"It's troublesome to have the same name and surname as the first person on the list. Don't report your name in the future. If there is any misunderstanding, it will be troublesome!"

The fire wings of the Temple of Fire are also the people of the Temple of Fire!


"Chen Zheng? Your name is Chen Zheng? Change your name!"

"You can't afford this name!"

Other Taoist creatures shook their heads one after another, and left the temple after leaving a sentence!

After a moment!

Inside this undefeated temple!

Only three parties are left!

Chen Zhengfang!

Qingzong party!

The undefeated side of the temple!

"If Chen Gongzi is free, we can come to our Six Desire Sects, maybe there is something Chen Gongzi needs."

Mrs. Miao gave Chen Zheng a blessing, and the two brothers and sisters flew away with the doubtful Fenghuaxueyue.

"grown ups......"

And also after Madam Miao waited out of the temple, the Lord of Red Dust showed a very excited color and shouted at Chen Zheng! At this moment, not only the Red Demon Lord is excited, but the Queen Bee, Princess Qiyu, Yan Yi, Zhuoxie, Bu Jingfeng, Master Chu Palace, Su Changqing, and Sect Master of Dark Immortal are also very excited!

"That... Your Excellency is the top of the list?"

The undefeated shrine master Lu Dian looked at his words and asked some questions.

"It seems that few people believe it."

Chen Zheng smiled and took the Red Dust Demon Master out of the temple.

"and many more!"

Master Lu Dian was shocked and wanted to chase it out, but reacted violently, silently applied a secret method, and then his face changed drastically, and he could not believe staring out of the temple!

See this scene!

The undefeated temple disciples understood!

Lord Lu Dian should have confirmed the identity of the young man!

And that young man should really be the top of the list!

Only those who ridiculed this young man's avenues!

If you provoke this young man in the future!

I'm afraid it will lead me to a great disaster!

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