Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2271: A sea of ​​dragons

Palm domain.

   Emperor Sect.

"On the top of the list, it turns out that there is no real name, and the really powerful one is still extremely evil. As long as the extreme evil appears, it is firmly on the third list, and the combat power is the first. This is the strongest. The top leader Chen Zheng, Counting down the combat power list, this is really difficult to convince the crowd."

"Just parallel, maybe there is a powerful magic weapon, maybe the physical spirit level is very high, but even if no one can kill him, he is just a magic weapon with strong passive defense. It is the top of the list. No one at the end of the list can kill."

"I really want to see what the top of the top list looks like. If he came to our domain, he would meet the strongest people in our domain, such as the emperor Taihuang, Taixuan God, and Hong Kong What will be the result of Yi Qianhan's long-lasting, vertical and horizontal killing."

  No girl disciple is talking.


   Then a light laughter sounded.


   "What are you laughing at Chu Hongyi?"

   "Do you think we are wrong?"

   These female disciples heard light laughter and stared at them one by one, staring at a girl, her face slightly cold!

"Since the undefeated Shenbei will rank Chen... at the top of the list, there is naturally the reason for the undefeated Shenbei. What force list just now is nothing but a guy who wants to deal with Chen Zheng, But he didn't dare to do it himself. He made a list of combat power and let others on the list try it out. I can't understand this. Your thinking ability is too bad. No wonder you are still in the outer hall and cannot enter the inner hall."

  The girl chuckled again.

   "Aren't you a little girl in the outer hall?"

   There are female disciples unhappy.

   "That's not because I don't have enough talents, it's because I don't want to abolish the secret law of a female emperor. The secret law I cultivated, but my uncle passed it to me, my uncle can be powerful, my uncle is the best in the world!"

  Girl proudly said.

"Your uncle is the best in the world? Your girl came to Taixu not long ago. If you didn't just meet the deputy patriarch, you would have been eaten by the Yin people! If your uncle is really powerful, how can you let you come to Taixu alone? , You little girl, blow it hard, your uncle is afraid to even enter Taixu!"

  Have a female disciple!

   "Who said my uncle dared not enter Taixu, will my uncle be in Taixu? My uncle is... hum! I'm too lazy to waste time with you, this girl retreats to practice and wait for uncle to come!"

  The girl laughed, and subconsciously wanted to tell who her uncle was, but suddenly stopped and disappeared with a hum.

"Okay! A good retreat practice is waiting for your uncle. I'll wait for your uncle to come and see what a powerful person he is! Then this little girl, if it wasn't for the blood of the royal family of the ancestor, the dynasty, would have been expelled from the emperor's sect. The deputy patriarch rescued the girl and left the girl, nothing more than to look at the blood of the girl!"

   female disciple sneer!

   Other female disciples also sneered!

   Secretly said Chu girl!

   Although there is blood of the ancestors of the royal family!

   may return to the ancestral dynasty!

   To be recognized by the ancestors of the royal family!

   At least you have to be an era overlord!

   This girl was able to make a triple tower!

   This girl is too confident!

   will one day pay the price for their confidence!



  Canghaishen Island.

   Hanging palace.

   "A bright moon is born on the sea, and the world is here."

  Yanyan looked at the rising moon in the sea and suddenly read a poem.

   "Well? You girl can still write poetry?"

  Cangyun God Bird was surprised.

   "Ah... This is what I heard, not what I wrote."

  Yan female shook her head.



   is also this moment!

   Around Canghaishen Island!

   The wave suddenly became violent!

   originally had a guardian guardian island!

   The waves outside the enchantment should not penetrate!

   "Is it finally coming to life?"

  At this time, the sea bird suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the front.


  Cangyun God Bird and Mu Hongzhuang all showed doubts.



   Above the sea!

   There are countless spots!


   More than the sea!

this moment!

   Numerous spots appeared throughout the sea!

   For a time!

   Extreme dream!


"what's going on!"

   "This is too beautiful!"

   All groups of God Island exclaimed!

   The rest of the sea creatures also exclaimed!


  The monks of the Holy Sorcerer Sect were also hanging outside the palace. At this moment, they saw the sea of ​​dreams and opened their eyes one by one, because they have never seen such a scene!

   The vast sea!

   There are countless spots appearing at this moment!

   countless nods are floating!


Chen Zheng, the Yuanshen in the palace, sinking into the heavens and earth inside the Daotu, also opened his eyes at this moment. As soon as he opened his eyes, he heard the exclamation coming from outside, and at the same time saw countless floating spots of light. Condensed into a huge transparent dragon shadow.

   "It turned out to be this thing, I don't know if the ancestor was in this Tai Ru."

  Chen Zheng said with a smile, and then walked out.


   "Which ancestor?"

   "Is the ancestral monk...not even a saint...Chen Zu said the ancestor should not refer to the ancestor monk..."

   Yan female, Mu Hongzhuang, Cangyun Shenbird slightly surprised.

The sea bird also stepped out and landed beside Chen Zheng. She looked at the dragon shadow that was more and more solid under the full moon and sighed softly: "The Lord of Turbulence came to Taixu sea, it should be for this thing. There is a big dragon hidden in the sea, but no one knows when it will appear. Tonight, the appearance of the dragon will surely attract the supernatural beings to compete for the dragon."

"Dragon? A big dragon in the sea! I never thought of it before! Legend has it that our universe, from the first era, will be born in every era. The dragon of heaven and earth, which is the incarnation of the power of the era, any big The dragons have the power of epochs! I don’t know what level is the world dragon in the world of thousands, but the world dragon in the Taixu must be the supreme level! The turbulent master was warned twice by Chen Zu and he still stayed In Taixu, it was originally for this dragon!"

  Cangyun God Bird also flew over and instantly figured out something!

   That turbulent master!

   has been warned twice by Chen Zu!

   But the name is still on the top list!

   still did not get out of Taixu!

  Long tonight!

   Then there is no doubt that the turbulent lord is for the Taixu that this dragon came to!



   Long Yin!



   Deep in the sea!

   A column of water rises into the sky!


   That's not a water column!

   That was terrible turbulence!

   That terrible chaos became a person!

   The man was caught towards the condensed dragon shadow!



   His grasping power!

   was cut off like a sword shadow from another time and space!


   The turbulent master raised a brow!


  Under the full moon!

   A figure appeared!

   That is a sword repair!

   It's just that the hand except the sword is exposed!

  The rest are all covered in a white robe!

  Who is this person!

  Cang Haishen Island all ethnic groups are surprised!

"This guy...should also be a supreme Is he a sword repair, is it too emperor? No! Not too emperor, the emperor's emperor's sword is not long like this, the emperor should be There is no such evil spirit of this guy! Wait! Look at the list!"

  Cangyun God bird raised his eyebrows, thoughts flashed in his heart, and a **** thought was divided to see the top list hanging above the center of the Cangqing domain, and the next moment showed his surprise!

at the same time!

   A lot of creatures in the ten large domains of Taixu also showed their surprise!

   "A new name emerged from the top list, the owner of Shenghuang Mountain, ranked seventh!"

  :. :

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