Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2280: Do you wait for a letter?

"I said I am, wait for the letter?"

   Chen Zheng looked at Zhuge Tianci with a smile and smiled, and collected the fragments of the ring of the era after the fall of Qu Shenjun and Qu Fulong, and sent them into the Taisu stone egg.

   And Zhuge Tianci and so on!

   is silent at this moment!

  To tell the truth, they don't believe it even now!


   The seventh realm!

   Difficult to convince the crowd!

  Indestructible seventh mana is far from enough!

   is not enough to be the first person on the list!


on the other hand!

   saw the scene just now!

   It seems that only the top talent on the list has such magical powers!

"The top of the list, Chen Zheng... Your Excellency..." Cang Shangxian Zun, who was in a blue vein, was puzzled, but finally shook her head in her heart and lowered her voice again: "Cang The Qing Dynasty monument is closely related to the Cang Qing robbery worshiped by our Cang Qing line. We need the power of the **** monument to find the Lord Cang Qing robbery, so although your means is strange and contrary to the sky, we still have to keep you Come down!"


   Dare to talk!

   Cangshang Xianzun and nine other people in the same vein!

   flashes green body!

  In an instant!

   Repair is skyrocketing!


   This is not a cultivation for skyrocketing!

   Instead of being suppressed by Aoyama Law!

   is now back to its peak strength!

   is supreme!

   Nine Ages Overlord!

   body flash!

   surrounded Chen Zheng!

   It turns out!

  Cang Qing has the means to unblock it!

   Zhuge Tianci and the rest of the Orthodox people, the look is changing at this moment, silently and back again!

   "Looking for the Cang Qing Robber? I don't have to find it anymore."

  Chen Zheng is surrounded, there is no slight fluctuations, a faint smile and a move, only to see the blue light flash, a figure emerges!


What does it mean?

  What should I look for?

  Why did a woman summon suddenly?

   Zhuge Tianci wait a moment!

   Could it be!

   This woman is!



   They thought a little bit!


   Only felt for a moment!

  Every face changes dramatically!

   lying trough!


   supreme breath!

   This woman has a supreme breath!

   is not the supreme breath of the supernatural beings of the **** of heaven!

   is a natural supremacy!

and many more!

   The power in the mysterious space deep in the green mountains!

   seems to flow suddenly!


   Zhuge Tianci, etc. suddenly noticed this, his face changed again, just what to say, they only felt that the world was changing when the light flashed, the next moment was no longer in the green mountains, the next moment was already in front of the Green River!


   "We have been sent out!"

"Is that woman... the ninth robbery master? My God, did the young man named Chen Zheng summon the ninth robbery master? If so, the young man named Chen Zheng is mostly It’s the top of the list! We actually saw the top of the list today. Is this true? How do I feel like a dream!"

   All the souls of each avenue, look at me, look at you, and then stare all at Qingshan!

   For a time!

  I just felt what I saw was like a dream!

   "The prince of Liuli Gongqu fell, hereby announces to the whole world!"

at the same time!

   Above the sky!

   A thick voice sounded!

   The people of all major tremors tremble!

  Horrifying sky!

   No one feels like a dream just now!

   "Are the creatures on the unrecorded list falling, will they even show a world..."

   Zhuge Tianci also looked at the sky, and looked at the **** list hanging on the sky curtain. At this moment, it is very clear that the Qu Shenjun who has been ranked in the last few places has been removed!

   He heard the announcement for the first time!

   At this moment, I only feel that Dao Xin has been shocked!

   It turns out!

   This unseen creature!

   is not invincible!

   is not immortal!

   Instead, just fall!

   will be announced!

   All creatures in Taixu will know that he has fallen!

  Why doesn't this feel like remembering!

  Why do you feel like you are being executed?

  Why do you feel that this list has suddenly become a death list!

   at this moment!

  A mysterious space deep in Aoyama!

   Ajiu, the ninth master, devoured all the power in the mysterious space!

   is now restored to the level of era dominance!

   And all the people of the blue veins, such as Cangshang Xianzun, had already kneeled on the ground!

   Even if Cangshan Xianzun is now cultivated above Ajiu!

   He also bowed his head!

  Because Ajiu is the robber who they worship in this vein!

   Because the power of their pulse comes from the ninth robbery master!

   "A Jiuxiu has recovered a lot, but he is only at the level of the six-ring overlord, and he can't help the master. This blue slave, please ask the master to send it at will."

   A Jiu swept across Cangshang Xianzun and others, and said a word softly, turning into a green light and falling into Chen Zhengmei's heart.


   on the ground!

   Kang Shang Xianzun, who was kneeling, suddenly raised his head!

   looked at Chen Zheng stunned one by one!

   They thought they heard it wrong!

the host!

   Just now!

   Lord Master!

   Lord Master yelled this young man in front of him!

How can this be!

   Lord Master!

  The ninth robbery master!

   is born supreme!

   The creator of the ninth era!

   The creature with the highest destiny in this world!

  How can she recognize others as the main!

   "If Sister A Jiu is gentle, she should be more charming..."

  Yannu said at this moment.


   Kang Shang Xianzun kneeling on the ground and wait for a listen!

   gave Yan girl a look!

  Shouldn’t you say so about the master robber!

   This is a kind of disrespect to the master lord!


   This little girl!

   seems to be the disciple of this young man!

  The master of robbery admits that this young man is the main one!

   Then, this young disciple seems to be qualified to evaluate the master lord!

of course!

   For yourself and others!

   This is the idea that I dare not have fun!

   "Huh? Are you a degenerate?"

  Yan saw that several people were staring at herself, and also glanced a few times, but when she suddenly felt that Cang Shangxian Zunxiu was degenerating, she could not help but frown slightly!

"Informing the little master, old decay can step into the supreme realm, relying on the power of the green hill. Now the master robber has recovered the power of the green hill, and it is normal for the old decay to be degraded. Although the old decay falls to the highest level~www. But there are still ten ring tyrants, Chen Zu and the little master can send at will."

   Cangshang Xianzun seemed to care nothing about degradation, and bowed his head slightly back.

   "You... are not the same as some guys. If some guys fall from the supremacy, they might cry and cry."

  艳女 is a little surprised.

   "Our line is created by the ninth robbery master. Everything in our line is given by the ninth robbery master. As long as the ninth robbery master returns, then it does not matter if our line does not exist."

  Cang Shangxian Zun replied.

   "Ah... you are loyal, some guys are different. They have inherited the master's heritage, and they want to destroy the master and take the power of the master."

  Yannian nodded when she heard it. .

   "I heard from the Lord of Red Dust that the territories of the 13th domain of the Taixu have domain eyes. You are the strongest creature in the Cangqing domain, and you should know where the Cangqing domain robbed your eyes."

   Then Chen Zheng smiled and asked.

"Yuyan? This..." Cangshang Xianzun raised his head, revealing the color of hesitation, and sighed after thinking for a moment: "Old and incompetent, although he knows where Yuyu is, he is Cang The blue veins should have controlled the domain eyes, but the old ones have never been able to regain control of the domain eyes!"

   "Hey? Are there any stronger creatures than Cangshang Xianzun in Cangqing?"

   Yan girl asked, curiously asked.

  :. :

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