Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2293: 1 stand out!

Chapter 2290: Outstanding! (Three more)


at the same time!

The Emperor's Great Mountain shrouded in rainbow light!

A fairy ship emerges!


These fairy ships emerged!

The wings of heaven suddenly burst in a sudden!


Not broken!

It turned into countless light spots!


Among the people of all ancestors are surprised!

The scattered light spots suddenly joined together into a huge immortal cable!

at the same time!

The rainbow that originally shrouded the Huangshan Mountain suddenly expanded!

In the blink of an eye!

A huge rainbow enchantment will cover all the land boundaries around Mount Huangshan!

Chen Zhengyan and Zhu Xiaozi were also shrouded in enchantment!


The creatures in the enchantment only feel the world and earth suddenly startled!

Nine huge immortal cables fell from above the rainbow enchantment!

A fairy light flashes above the nine Dao Xian Suo!


"Are the wings of the sky inside the fairy gate!"

"Is this a test for us, who can enter the fairy gate through the Xian Suo summit, who can get the wings of the sky!"

The eyes of the Tongsheng spirits of all avenues are all focused on the fairy gate pointed by the nine Daoxian cable!

Nine Ways!

Like nine huge real dragons!

Guarding the Immortal Gate!

"Since my dark cloud master has opened a way to everyone before, let me continue to open a way to everyone now!"


A voice sounded!

The Dark Cloud Master rises to the sky!


He didn't walk away!

He flew directly to Xianmen!



Just flew into the air!

One of the Xiansuo suddenly moved!

Hit on the Dark Cloud Master!

Dark Cloud Master has no time to scream!

Suddenly the flesh and soul spirit exploded!


Seeing this scene, the mortal creatures of all avenues shrunk their necks and their faces sank! Wuyun Master is also the overlord of the Second Ring. He also has a great reputation in the large area of ​​Hongguang, and he is also the brother of Wutian Sect Master!

Who can think of it!

I was killed in a flash!

"Fortunately, Daoist I'm deep enough in the drama, but fortunately, I'm timid like a mouse, otherwise the first one just rushed up, the person is gone!" Beside Chen Zheng, Zhu Xiaozi was scared, and looked at Chen Zheng. A glance: "This place is too dangerous for young people. Although the wings of the sky have occupied the second place in the gods in the world, they may even be the first flight between heaven and earth. But let us not think about it. We are honest on the ground. It’s enough to watch the performances of all the major roads. As far as I know, some of the guys who come here are first-class, but not top-notch. The top-notch guys didn’t show up. But the wings of heaven are so precious, those guys will definitely show up. , Our cultivation is to go to fight against the wings of top-level creatures, it is pure death."

"That may not be necessary."

Chen Zheng did not respond, Yan female smiled mysteriously.

"Huh? You little girl, do you want to grab the wings of the sky? There is no chance, no one above the 7th Ring Overlord has appeared, not to mention there are several top creatures, although they are hanging on the top At the end of the list, how can it be on the list, not to mention the general era overlord, and the ten-ring overlord has no chance. Unfortunately, my secret method has not been practiced to the extreme, if I practiced to the extreme, I play a supreme creature, as long as I can enter the drama Then in a short time there will be cultivation of the supernatural beings, but it’s a pity."

Zhu Xiaozi shook his head again and again and sighed.

"Huh? Your secret can still do this step?"

Yan female eyes moved, thinking of an idea.


"Deng Xiansuo!"

"Wings of Heaven, we will surely get our wrath!"



The unification of all avenues begins!

One by one!

Fly up along Xiansuo!

This time someone reached the position where the Wuyun Taoist rushed to!

There is nothing unusual about Xiansuo!

The man breathed a sigh of relief and flew along the Xiansuo!

Can just passed the two-thirds of the height of Xiansuo!

The man stopped suddenly!


As if I saw something terrible, the man fell in a scream, although the body looked intact, but the statue of the person was frightened, so much that he fell on the ground and was dumbfounded!


This sudden situation changed the face of the other Dengxian Suo!

But he still gritted his teeth and flew up!





When others also reached the height of two thirds of Xiansuo!

A scream sounded!

The situation is exactly the same as before!

Almost screaming and falling!

Although the body is intact!

But like the man before, it seemed to be frightened!

"What did you see..."

Someone asked in a deep voice!

"This... I'm afraid that you can only know it by climbing to that height!"

Someone replied!

The people from all walks of life are silent!

Many monks are on Xiansuo!

All stopped now!

For a moment, I dare not go any further!

"Wings of the sky, the second **** in the divine list, cannot be easily obtained by the world. I have a hunch that this kind of treasure will either choose the top creatures between heaven and earth as the mainstay, or will choose the master by itself. Master Daotong, it is certainly impossible to climb to the top of Xiansuo, close to that Xianmen, let's wait for the few who appear on the list to appear." Beside Chen Zheng, Zhu Xiaozi shook his head for a while, but his eyes suddenly Liang: "Why don’t I pass on the secret of our line to you, if you can cultivate to the extreme in a short time, then you treat yourself as the supreme being, once you really enter the drama, you should be able to have it within thirty breaths The cultivation of supreme beings! It is just our veins, and the masters of the past generations have not been able to practice the ultimate, and even the ancestors of Kaishan have failed to achieve the ultimate!"

"Huh! Zhu Xiaozi, you are as timid as a mouse, and dare to covet the wings of the sky! Do you really think that if you find a Dao Zuxiu kid, you will be able to practice the **** secrets you inherited to the extreme! The vein, the secret method of **** is simply rubbish!"


A cold eye stared down!


Many people stared down!

Basically, they are all jokes!

"That... Anger God Sect is mad god, you are in trouble with Deng Xiansuo, and you will not let me play this small role. I will talk casually, don't need to be so excited."

Zhu Xiaozi was silent for a while, then shook his head gently.

"What's wrong with you?"


The cold voice sounded again!


The tall man on the ship of the angry God Sect!

A raised hand!

A wrath of God appeared!

The roar of the angry gods!

The hill-like fist banged down!


When Zhu Xiaozi's face changed, Shi Xian Fa shouted and took Chen Zheng and Yan Nu away!


He failed!


How can this kid not move!

Zhu Xiaozi was stunned, seeing that the fists of the angry gods had slammed, and he bit his teeth and cast another secret method, and wanted to move Chen Zheng and Yan Nu again, and in the blink of an eye, Chen Zheng smiled and glanced lightly. That wrath of God!


The wrath of God is broken!


Mad God is stunned!

All avenues are stunned!

I saw that Chen Zheng stepped out of one didn't walk the Xiansuo at all, and stepped on the ancient stone platform in front of the Xianmen of the Nine Dao Xiansuo Arch in one step!


This kid!

A great ancestor!

How did he get up!

and many more!

Why didn't Xiansuo attack this kid!

The unanimous spirits of each avenue are a little dazed!

" kid is so good!"

Zhu Xiaozi froze for a moment, shouting at the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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