Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2295: Invisible horror!

Chapter 2292 Invisible Terror! (Five more)

"Sovereign Lord..."

Crazy God shouted!

"Sovereign Lord is gone..."

The young man in a red robe beside him was also shaking!

Ji Madness Sovereign!


Why is it gone!

This is impossible!

Unless it is the top ten creatures on the list!

Otherwise, it is impossible to kill the Sect Master in seconds!

Isn't that kid the Taoist ancestor of the ninth realm!

"Wait, what's wrong with this, how do you seem to be shocked one by one?"

At this time!

A fluttering voice sounded!

Another figure appeared!

And it also fell on the ancient stone platform in front of Xianmen!


Xiansuo moved!

Hit this figure!


The man chuckled, stood proudly, and let Xiansuo hit him, and Xiansuo was suddenly bounced off the man, and then Xiansuo returned to his position!


"Another Supreme!"

"It's just that... we don't know, it doesn't seem to be the supreme being of our Rainbow Realm!"


The people of all avenues come back!

This person is undoubtedly supreme!


I don’t know what happened!

and many more!

Didn't this supreme being realize it!

Are there signs of the fall of the supreme being in front of the fairy gate!

Didn't you see the fragment of the ring of the era left after the wrath of the wrathful **** Sect?

"Huh? A dynasty overlord is dead? It seems to be the ten-ring overlord... This is normal. The ten-ring overlord wants to seize the wings of the sky. It is indeed a little too confident."

Between the doubts of the major avenues, the man's eyes flicked, glanced at the fragments of the ring of the era, and then shook his head gently.


The monks of the various avenues were stunned, and the secret road was wrong. Just now, the mad lord of the angry God Sect Ji was clearly supreme, how could it be the Lord of the Ten Rings!

"Although I don’t know which big domain you are from and which immortality, but I still want to remind you that my deceased Ji Madang Sect Master was just above the real price, but was killed by a kid in Xianmen! That kid There is only the ninth realm of immortality, not even the half-step overlord, but it has the power to destroy the supreme creatures! If you want to get the wings of heaven, you must first enter the immortal gate to solve the kid!"

The look of the mad **** changed, and he gritted his teeth!



Zhu Xiaozi frowned!

He knew that this was the mad **** who wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone!

The lord of the angry God Sect is crazy!

Although there was supreme breath before appearing before!

But it does not seem to be truly supreme!

Just a parallel!

However, the gown man who appeared at the moment!

It seems to be the real supreme being!

Mad God said something like this!

He wanted to borrow this gown to kill the young man!

"Master's combat power can really kill the parallel imports in half a step. This guy feels good about himself and should be stronger than the parallel imports just now, but it doesn't seem to be much stronger. How long can this guy last."

Yan Nu whispered.


Randomly kill parallel imports in half a step?


Isn't it!

Is this little girl still awake!

What this little girl said is not true!

Bamboo flute was on the side, he heard the whisper of Yan Nu very clearly. At this moment, she blinked wildly, a little surprised!

"Boy? There is a Taoist ancestor in the ninth realm in the immortal gate? The ancestor of the ninth realm kills the supreme being? Eh... If this is true, you should be mentioned on the list The kid’s name, so do you know what that kid’s name is. I’m too lazy to ask anymore, I went to see inside the Xianmen, I really want to have such a kid, I also want to try his means. But since I'm here, then the wings of this day must belong to me, after all, I am a crazy fairy."

The man in the gown showed his curiosity and glanced at the celestial god, but soon shook his head and stepped in and out of the immortal gate with a light smile!

"Crazy fairy!"

"He is crazy fairy? No. 21 on the list!"

"If I remember correctly, he comes from the second largest domain Jiu Ji Temple, he is the fairy pole of the Jiu Ji!"

Exclaimed by the people of all avenues!

"Crazy Fairy... No. 21 on the list, so it turns out to be the crazy Fairy, the kid who killed my Sect Master, this time you are dead!"

Angry God Sect is also surprised, and then smiles!

"Crazy Immortal... The immortal pole of the Ninth Ji Temple in the second largest domain turned out to be this lunatic! Can you connect with your Master Yuanshen, little girl, please tell you Master, Crazy Territory's time Mad is not the same, it is a genuine supreme being, and the secret method of this crazy fairy cultivation is extremely strange. It is said that there is an immortal body. This crazy fairy once took the sword of the Taihuang without dying, so your master must be careful! "

Zhu Xiaozi whispered, his body shuddered, and quickly reminded Yan girl!

"Twenty-one on the list...whether it is before the change or after the change, you can't even enter the top fifteen. This kind of merchandise is a bit special and it won't last long."

Yan Nu shook her head gently.

"Ah? Little girl, don't you really wake up? This crazy fairy is really different. The creatures in the second largest domain are the most chaotic ones in the 13th domain of Taixu except the ultimate maximum domain and the mysterious Hongyu. The strongmen in the two major domains are all killed in life and death fights!"

Zhu Xiaozi thought he had heard it wrong and quickly reminded again!


This is the moment!

There was a cry of exclamation inside the fairy gate!


"you dare!"

"This seat is crazy...!"


There are several exclamations!

Just suddenly stopped abruptly!


next moment!

A figure flew out of the fairy gate!


This is not flying out!

This is being thrown out!


The person who was thrown out was a crazy fairy!

Crazy fairy seems to be dead!

and many more!

Not right!

This is not a dead end!

This is the Yuanshen seems to be stripped!



Suddenly a loud bang!

The crazy flesh of the crazy fairy exploded into a blood mist!


All the souls in the avenues below are breathing cool!

Every face looks instantly white!


There is no Yuanshen!

There is no Yuanshen in this flesh!

There is no crazy fairy!

Then the question is coming!

The crazy god!

Was it swallowed by the things in the fairy gate!

"Nothing on the list... The name of the mad fairy disappeared... There is no name of the mad fairy on the overlord list! The mad fairy... The mad fairy seems to have fallen off, and no longer exists! "

A fat man wearing a golden robe subconsciously picked up a compass-like magic weapon, and explored the **** list. His body shook and shouted! Its magic weapon almost fell!

"Crazy Immortal falls, hereby announces a world!"

at the same time!

A thick voice rang above the rainbow field!


It should be resounding throughout the Taixu!


The people of all roads in the rainbow enchantment!

Body instinct tremble!

His eyes moved slowly towards Xianmen!


Crazy fairy fell!

Crazy fairy really fell!


Who killed the crazy fairy!

Is that young man!

Still a creature in the fairy gate!

Does Xianmen have the fourth master or the Holy Emperor of Rainbow Light!

this moment!

The people of all avenues only felt an invisible terror!

(End of this chapter)

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