Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2312: Corpse Kun! Extinct!

Chapter 2309: Corpse Kun! Extinct! (Two more)

Don't understand!

I really don't understand!

Right now, Taihuang, Taixuan, Lord Taiyin and other bodies have gone to the broken land, but they have only explored about one-tenth of the area. Even if this scroll only depicts the general appearance of the broken land, it is also extremely precious. !

Is a normal person!

I should choose this scroll!

Huangpao Taoist waited for his brows to lock!

"Since I took it out, it must be true."

Chen Zheng nodded gently.

"That's good, I collected it. The unborn god's egg belongs to you!" The girl focused on her head and said a blood talisman was sacrificed. The small face was cautiously put away the starburst, and then sent the unborn god's egg. In front of Chen Zheng. She didn't pay attention to the others. After looking at Chen Zheng for a few more moments, she whispered: "It seems... vaguely seen you somewhere, but it doesn't matter. If you have time, you are in Guren Xiancheng stayed a while longer, I will go back to the Eternal Blood Palace for a while, and I will come back later!"


The words fell!

The girl disappeared!

"Alas!" The middle-aged man sighed and closed the scroll, looking towards Chen Zheng: "Daoyou's chess is a high move, and Tianming is willing to worship the wind. Today he came for this unborn egg, and now the egg is said to be Friends, then this auction will be meaningless to me, I will take a step first."

The man shook his head gently and got out of the meeting place.


The Huangpao Taoist waited for his eyebrows to be locked again, and the Huangpao Taoist thought, and got up and chased out!


The rest of them stared out!

"Mom's running so fast, it's gone. Why am I also a three-ringed overlord, and I can't even track that guy! The guy's scroll, if he changes his hand at least, he can at least find top-notch invincible Taoism and change to a tyrannical magic weapon, I even changed to the promise of the supreme being! If I were the little master of the Eternal Blood Palace, I would definitely choose the scroll, not the starlight!"

After a while, the Huangpao Taoist came back and said uncomfortably!

"Ah...this...the old feeling of being able to come up with such a scroll, it must be an unusual start. The man who claims to be the dawn may be standing supreme behind him, so you are still Don’t fight the man’s idea. Although the Blood Alliance auction is over tonight, although all the lots are won by the boy, you don’t have to... Um? This is? Is this Mr. Nan Guo’s breath? Nan Guo Is Mr. coming?"

The chairman on the stage pondered a little, and his mouth was a polite word, but his face changed!



This blood alliance auction venue!

As if suddenly sinking into darkness!

Everyone did not react!

The next moment is like being in the Underworld!

"The power of death!"

"Whose magical power is this!"

"This is the death road turned into a world!"

Huangpao Taoist waited for his face to sink!



Amidst the dark sea of ​​ink ahead!

A behemoth got out!

There is a man standing above this behemoth!

"Mr. Nan Guo!"

At the meeting, the man was clearly seen, and he was extremely shocked, because the man was the chief guest secretary of the Eternal Blood Palace, and his status was very high, only under the blood palace palace, which is the Eternal Lord!



Why did Mr. Nan Guo use this magical power to trap everyone!

and also!

What a monster is that monster?

How does it look a bit like Kun!


"Giant Kun? Virtual Kun?"

"No! This is a corpse kun! The corpse kun feeds on the beasts of the world! This should be the mythical beast that existed in the third era, or the chaotic murderous creature. I can't think of seeing the real guy today!"



Now lay down!

"Corpse... If it becomes the size of a slap, it might be pretty cute..."

Yan girl glanced at the behemoth and suddenly came a sentence.


People around stared!

Secretly this little girl's taste is really special!

I actually think that this legendary chaotic murderous creature is cute!

"Mr. Nan Guo...why..."

The president groaned, and asked.


The person on the head of the dead body!

A sleeveless!

The president, the Huangpao Taoist, the old woman with the identity hidden, etc., were moved to hundreds of meters away at once, and Yan Nu was also moved to hundreds of meters by a strange power!


In the heaven and earth transformed by Death Avenue!

Suddenly it became a situation where Chen Zheng confronted the person above the dead body!

"Is this kid here? Fortunately, this kid is so crazy, it really needs lessons!"

The Huangpao Taoist froze for a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then he smiled!


The president frowned, but he wanted to stop knowing that he didn't have that ability. The corpse should be able to crush all the creatures above him at will!

"You're number five, right. At the Tianxian World Medical Immortal Pavilion, you tried to use magical powers to kill me but failed. It seems that you still miss it. It was just that you didn't kill me. Now you should know that I am Who do you think you can succeed."

Chen Zheng looked at the middle-aged man above the head of the dead body and asked with a smile.


Number five?

What does the number five mean?

Could it be!

What mysterious organization is Mr. Nan Guo in this eternal blood palace!

The chairman and other people were startled, let alone outsiders. He, the president of the blood alliance branch directly under the eternal blood palace, had never heard of any number five!


The person above the dead body snorted!


The corpse Kun roared under him!

Suddenly opened his mouth!


The Huangpao Taoist shouted that the corpse Kun was about to release the terrible magic power, but the corpse Kun did not release the terrible magic power, but just spit out a thing and spit out a pure white jade charm the size of a copper coin!


What a magic weapon this is!

How it feels like an ordinary jade charm that can't be ordinary!

Huangpao Taoist frowned!

"Mr. Nan Guo, this son is a distinguished guest of the young master..."

The chairman felt something was wrong, he gritted his teeth and spoke again, but only when he opened his mouth, he was blown away by an invisible force, and his mouth spewed out gold blood when he fell!

"Eternal Taoist is here, and can't stop this seat, what is that little girl!"

The person above the dead body spoke relentlessly, and said that the pure white jade symbol spit out at the dead body. The pure white jade symbol suddenly lit up, and a white light hit directly at Chen Zheng's eyebrow!


This moment!

Everyone in the world of Death Road!

Somehow felt a chill!

as if!

At this moment!

Everything is the same!

"There is a secret in this kid. If Mr. Nan Guo killed this kid, could he sell me the unborn **** beast egg that the kid just photographed, I can exchange the life box of the Emperor!"

Huangpao Taoist's expression changed, he gritted his teeth, and shouted to the man above the dead man's head!

This scene!

The appearance of the people around me has also changed!

"I don't dare to be interested in what the Emperor's Destiny I have no interest in the things in the Hongmeng universe. I am here today and I just want to kill this kid to get what belongs to me. Just stop." The man above the head of the dead body said indifferently, and said a pause, suddenly showing a smile, pointing at the pure white jade symbol to Chen Zhengdao: "This jade symbol was created by the extinct body, this thing destroyed the Hongmeng universe. Three epochs. You don’t need to know exactly what the extinct body is. You only need to understand that this seat uses secret methods to connect the extinct body to you, so as long as you don’t break away from the first major reincarnation, you will definitely die!"


The words fell!

The pure white jade charm moved!


Rushed to Chen Zhengmei's heart!


There is only one feeling at this moment for other people in the world transformed by this death avenue, that is, everything seems to be extinct!

(End of this chapter)

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