Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2333: Not afraid! But disdain!

Chapter 2330 is not afraid! But disdain! (Three more)


Fall into the sky and land!


Everything around has changed!

This seems to be a huge underground world!

The sky vault is no longer visible!

You can only see the dark cliffs!

"This is...where!"

"Is this fallen into the sky below the city... It seems wrong... The atmosphere here is ancient and different from the atmosphere of Taixu, even if Taixu is old enough, it can be compared with the atmosphere here. ..... wait! here... here will not be the incomplete world left by the sixth epoch, the breath here is so old, because it comes from the sixth epoch! No! It is not from the sixth epoch , But can be traced back to the sixth era!"

"The Sixth Era is That... those are... there are huge idols in front... there are six huge idols guarding a temple, that The six giant idols seem to be women... It seems that all the appearances are the same except for the different costumes. Are these six giant idols the legendary goddess of the Six Desire Robbers! Heaven, the real Six Desire days!"

Falling into the sky, the creatures watched the dragon master who stepped on the black lotus, and flew to the front, watching the dark front light up a little. When an ancient temple and six giant statues came into view, they were all kinds of Exclaim!


Six desire to rob the Lord!

The sixth robbery!

The six giant statues have to be reminiscent of these!

"Senior Chen...we..."

In the Qin Palace Hall, the heads of the Qin family received their eyes, and at this moment their brows were locked towards Chen Zhengwang!

"This Dragon Lord Ying Huan is nothing more than to make a wedding dress for others."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly. The Qin family was puzzled when he heard up and down. He got up and stepped out, and the next person appeared outside the fallen city! At this moment, a person hangs in the air, a demon flower hangs beside him, and the creatures in the sky are staring at them!

"Demon Flower!"


"It's him!"

Someone is stunned!

Someone was shocked!

Someone's look changes continuously!

It's ignorant that someone who has never seen Chen Zheng!

What shocked and changed the look were the monks who had seen Chen Zheng in Fanhu before!


This is a positive response to the Dragon Lord's response!

"Daozu? Huh!" The dragon master who had stepped on the black lotus and had flew to the ancient temple, turned suddenly at this moment, his indifferent eyes locked on Chen Zheng: "Good Dazu, you are really kind!"

Do you want to fight?

The hearts of the souls falling into the sky are tight!

Subconsciously held his breath!

"It seems... it seems that there is no Dragon Lord in his eyes at all..."


Soon many people noticed a little!

This young man!

Although it was stared by Dragon Lord Yinghuan!

This young man!

Although looking at the direction of the ancient temple!

But he didn't even watch the Dragon Lord's response!

At this moment, it is like treating Dragon Lord Yinghuan as air!


Isn't this what the Dragon Lord should have in mind!

Is this child so confident!

That's the dragon master's response!


At the restaurant, Jin Yizi opened his mouth, and at the moment countless thoughts flashed in his mind!

Ignoring such things as the Dragon Lord should be illusory, he believes that it is not impossible to appear, such as Tai Huang, Tai Xuan Shang Cang, Lord of Tai Yin, Supreme True Demon, etc., the type that was once the top of Taixu is now on the top of the list Ten creatures do have capital to ignore the Dragon Lord's response!

In front of this one!

Although in front of the fan lake has already shown the anti-sky combat power!

Although not long ago it also suppressed the fallen demon!

But right under the eyes is the Dragon Lord Ying Fanta!

And the dragon master Ying Huan also stepped on the black heavenly lotus!

This can be regarded as a strong gesture by the dragon master!

Is it really a strategy for the young man to really look down on?

For a while!

Jinyi is difficult to determine!

His thoughts flashed again!

Make a decision!

"This son... The black heavenly lotus that Dragon Lord Ying Mian stepped on should be related to the past robbery. The past robbery is mysterious. I am afraid that it has already worked with the Dragon Lord Ying Fang to plan something. You are still cautious. Some are better!"

He secretly spread a word of thought!


This is the moment!

There was a man who suddenly plundered out of the fallen city!

People disappeared instantly!


this is?

The monk in the fallen city was shocked!


next moment!

Just listen to howling ahead!

The Taoist who disappeared just now appears!

It's just miserable!

Its body is rotten!

Like a terrible curse!

"Do not!"


That man wailed again!


Its flesh and soul are broken!

Fragments of the Epoch Ring are scattered!

This man is an era overlord!


"Era Overlord has fallen strangely!"

"Is that a curse..."

The monks in the fallen city panicked. They knew what the Taoist had to do. The Taoist wanted to slip into the ancient temple in front, but he failed and was corroded by a strange power!

"Want to sneak close to the temple? Stupid! Do you really think that the Era Overlord can run through this ancient secret? The Era Overlord is not qualified to touch this temple!" Afterwards, he stared at Chen Zheng again: "Your combat strength is indeed very strange, and your supernatural powers are very strange, but what about that! The moment this seat enters the ancient temple, the moments left by the sixth century The catastrophe has already started! Just now it was decay. At most half a scent of incense, the decay will attack the fallen city. You dare to jump out and count as you, but you are also the first to bear the brunt!"



"This and this!"

The monk who fell into the heavens panicked, thinking that as long as he did not covet the things in the ancient temple, he would not be stared at by the power of a terrible curse, but he did not expect that the dragon master should have opened all the disasters in this ancient secret!


Isn't that done?

The era overlord is corrupted instantly!

Who can resist the terrible decline in the fallen city!

"Huh? Do you think you don't dare to stand here, and pretend to ignore it, you will be able to escape the ruin, and you can shake the heart of the seat? Oh! If this small means can shake the heart of the seat, then this How could this seat step into the supreme realm! Do you think this seat doesn't know what you think in your heart now? You are scared, you are afraid, you are timid, you just want to escape now, and you have the courage to look at this seat now. It’s all gone! As long as you look at this seat, your Dao heart must be cracked, but you won’t be able to support it for a long time, this block is waiting for your Dao heart to burst! Hahaha! Hahaha!"

The Dragon Lord should be illusioned that Chen Zheng did not respond. He snorted and laughed wildly!


"Is this young man really seen through...the moment he appeared just now, it was a rallying rage, a rage that could shake the dragon master... but it seemed Failed......"

"Dragon Lord Ying Phantom is breaking the heart of this young man, can this young man hold it!"

The creatures in the fallen city heard the wanton laughter, and their eyes focused on Chen Zheng again!

"The ancient secret... It seems that it is only part of your strength, whether it is your own collection, or I will help you recycle."

At this time, Chen Zheng suddenly smiled.



Who is this talking to?

Everyone was shocked!

"Huh! At this step, you are still pretending to be a ghost, who do you deceive, and within ten breaths, your Dao heart must be broken!"

The dragon master should have a foot on the black lotus and disdain!


Is this really pretending to be a ghost?

Seeing the souls in the fallen city, there is no other voice response!

For a time, all kinds of thoughts flashed!

"You continue, continue to pretend to be a ghost, why don't you continue!"

The dragon master should be surrounded by both hands, step on the black lotus, and look down on Chen Zheng!



You mang flash!

There is an extra little girl beside Chen Zheng!



Everyone stared at the little girl!

"Uh... I just woke up and listened to my elder sister this time. I slept for a long time. Don't blame the owner."

The little girl rubbed her eyes, blinked at Chen Zheng, then the breath changed, and the person changed. She grew up in the blink of an eye, and turned into a peerless woman at this moment!

A draught!



Everyone has not reacted!

The woman in palace dress pointed at the ancient temple with an extremely elegant gesture!


The ancient temple **** is broken!




next moment!

Several roars sounded!

I saw a shadow rushed out!

A blink of an eye!

The ghosts are all in the body of the palace woman!


The woman's breath of the palace dress rises instantly!

Directly entered the hegemony!


A supreme and pure breath is released than the dragon master Ying Huan who stepped on the black lotus!

"She is!"


"Oh my God!"


The souls of the fallen city tremble!

At this moment, I guessed the identity of the woman in palace dress!


I also understood at this moment!

The young man is not pretending to be a ghost!

That young man really despised the Dragon Lord's response!

It’s not that the Dao heart is shattered and I don’t dare to watch the Dragon Lord’s response!

But disdain!

(End of this chapter)

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