Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2339: 1 erase!

Is it cheap?

  Public fixation!

   Don't say it!

   Think carefully!

   This son in white is so cheap!


   "Really cheap!"

   "A bitch!"


   A lot of people came courageously!

   Just shout!


  In an instant!

  Zusuma Yuanshen who was sheltered by God Jade is furious!

   The fierce gaze swept towards the monk of Dudu!



  Chen Zheng was holding a magic pen, brushing it at will, the **** jade that sheltered Zuo Xumiyuan God shattered at once, Zuo Xumiyuan God shivered and came toward Chen Zheng suddenly!

   "This son is also one of the seven great heirs of the detachment. The master of the son is titled by the sky, you can understand what it means!"


   is a roar again!


   Panic flashed in his eyes!

   "Take the sky as the title, the transcendental person, right, so what?"

  Chen Zheng smiled faintly, holding the magic pen, and wiped it again!

"Do not!"

   "Let me go!"

   "I don't pretend!"


   Zuo Xumi Yuan God scream!


   is already late!

  The original spirit is directly erased!


   Out of the capital!

   No matter who walks through the road, no matter how grey the robe is in the north, or a middle-aged man with a huge stone sword in the armor, all shudder!


   Really erased!

   It really wiped off the detachment from one person to another!

   This young man!

   Are you really not afraid of detachment!

   Although it sounds like a legend!

   Although not in Taixu!

   But it really exists!

   At that time, the era overlord entered the Taixu!

   Fight with the top of the original leaderboard!

   It is said that the victory will be won or lost!

   It is also said that the epoch-making overlord of the epoch is only the penultimate constellation of the epoch!

"Your Mightiness......"

   Organized his thoughts, the Northern You Daoist opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but only yelled out two words, and he heard a boom, and the obliques on the other side of the rift suddenly oscillated!





   A shadow emerged!

   Subsequent materialization of the shadow!

   I saw a black giant, a huge ancient fish like a corpse, a spooky creature twisted like a unicorn, and a monster with the head of the blood sea giant chapter beast in the floating domain!

no doubt!

   These are evil things!

   Just never appeared before!

   And the breath is even more weird than the evil thing that appeared before!

   Visible to the naked eye!

   is clearly ahead!

   feels like being connected to another time and space!



   The black giant roared!

   opened an eye at the eyebrow!

   A huge eyeball seemed to pop out suddenly!

"Be careful!"

   "This is the shock of Yuanshen!"

   "What a weird supernatural power!"

  Yudu Waixiu exclaimed, only glanced at the eyeball of the giant’s eyebrows, and it felt like something had invaded his Yuanshen, and his body was instantly numb, unable to move at all!


  Chen Zheng is easy to wipe!

   One stroke!

   These evil things instantly turned into ink color!

  Ink colors are coming towards here!

   Instantly poured into the magic pen!

"Huh?" Chen Zheng raised his eyebrows slightly, and then smiled faintly: "With the strange and real blood as ink, your gadgets are a little more interesting. If you knew this, you would leave some blood of the supernatural beings and use it to kill Wu. It's a parallel import."


  What blood?


  People were in a trance, heard Chen Zheng said, there was still a trance, suddenly came awake, one after another stared at Chen Zheng's back, and screamed at the trough!

   You heard it right!

  Is this young man's previous sentence potentially meaning killing the supreme being!


   Is this bragging or true!


  Amidst the suspicions of the practitioners, a roar came out of the Oduiya Palace!

"It is the Lord of Obsidian! No! It is not the Lord of Obsidian, it should be said that it is the evil thing of the Lord of Obsidian dynasty after death! Not long ago, because of the chaotic atmosphere of the little girl of the Chaos Lu family, the Lord of Obsidian was transformed. The evildoer stepped into the supreme realm, then fell down quickly, and now stepped into the supreme realm again! My piece of black magical charm, I am afraid that it cannot be sealed!"

   North Youdao raised his head and looked at Shennian, who instantly swept across the top list hanging on the sky dome. His face lowered and his voice lowered to remind Chen Zheng!


   His voice has not fallen!

   Not long ago, the black charm that Chen Zheng hit at the entrance of the palace was destroyed!

"not good!"


   "Lying trough!"

Seeing that the black charm was directly smashed by a strange power, the appearance of all the practitioners also changed greatly, and the instinct retreated, and at this moment, Chen Zheng smiled lightly, carrying the magical pen, and wiped it at random, divided into two. The 湮 all healed in an instant, and others flew into the underground palace into a ray of light!


  掮都 startled!




   Everyone was shocked, also at this moment, another horror roar sounded!

   "This emperor annihilates the sacred lord, the empire is immortal, the empire will be the first sacred lord of Taixu!"


   is roar again!


And then!

The Cultivator seemed to hear the sound of Yuanshen's destruction, his body shook uncontrollably, and he suddenly looked up at the sky, and Shen Nian swept through the No.1 list. Shiver!


   A person exclaimed!


   The eyes of a young man are so big that they are so big!

   "He... Did he wipe out the Lord of Obliteration, did he use the power of the magic pen or..."

   Someone's throat agitated, and his eyes were taken back from the sky, staring at the direction of the underground palace in Taodu! At this moment, a strong thought came out of my heart, that is, rush into the underground palace to see what the situation is!


  Dare not!

  Think about it!

   People dare not leave!

  Dare not move even one step!

   "That... the announcement of the undefeated monument has not sounded, and the Lord Obsidian should not have fallen yet..."

   Someone thought a little and lowered his voice.


   "Is there a delay?"

"There should be no delay... after all, the undefeated God Monument is mysterious and unpredictable. The overlord list, the gods list, the Tianjiao list, the Kistler list, etc. are all set in the undefeated God City Undefeated Monument in the Cangqing domain! Who has undefeated monument should be able to be sensed immediately!"

The people around    also showed their thoughts.


   This time!

   surrounded by chaotic breath of female sword repair opened her eyes!


   Everyone stared at me!

   "Someone... suppressed the Overseer Lord?"

  Female sword repair felt, and frowned slightly asked.

"This... is more than that simple...Although you come from the Chaos Lu Clan outside Taixu, you should be shocked when you hear the next news." The North Youdao murmured: "Come just now When a mysterious young man snapped his fingers, he wiped out the evil things that came out of Yudu, and then came a young man in white, who claimed to be Zusumi, and wanted to take the blood of the mysterious young man. ! Zusumi shot with a magic pen, wanted to suppress the mysterious young man, but was wiped out by the mysterious young man! You are a chaotic land, you should know what Zusumi is more than us!"

   "He... killed Zusumi who was so detached?"

   Female sword repair was surprised, turned into a sword mansions, plundered into the Dudu Palace!

   "Shall we..."

  A monk gritted his teeth!

  The eyes of the Northern Youdao people moved and looked at the middle-aged man holding the giant stone sword. He just glanced at it, and the middle-aged man with the giant stone sword also turned into a sword mansions and plundered the underground palace!

  :. :

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