Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2354: They are not good

Chapter 2351 they are not good (second)

"It's true."

In the mysterious land of the palm heaven, there is a godship. The godship has a faint color and a metallic luster, like a giant arrow. At this moment in the Shen ship, Chu Yaoya nodded again, and in front of her was the reincarnation master sister.

"So Chen Zu wants to decay... The decay is called the ultimate Daoist, I know that there is a place, but it is not so easy to take it out. But since Chen Zu has given us the master Opportunity, that demon you go to that place with me."

The master nodded for a moment.


Chu Yaoyao also focused on the head. In an instant, the white light on the two of them lighted up. At the next moment, the sky and the sky were hanging above the top list, and their names disappeared at the same time.



Earthshaking fire.

Straight towards the sky.


"Unexpectedly... the Temple of Yehuo will be repulsed... Such a tyranny of the Temple of Yehuo will be repulsed, so embarrassed at the moment... also please the majors in Taixu The Taoist monks came to extinguish this out-of-control Shenhuo, but no matter how high the reward given by the Temple of Yehuo Fire, even if the inheritance of the Heavenly Fire Dao Dao Chapter was taken out, no one should help this Temple of Yehuo get rid of this runaway. The **** of fire."

All kinds of sounds.

Here is a lot of other Taoist creatures coming from the Temple of Karma Temple, some are attracted by the fire and come to see the lively, some come for remuneration.

Just now.

Basically, they are shaking their heads.

The out-of-control fire is terrible.

The era overlord did not dare to approach easily.

All the people in the Temple of Fire were withdrawn.

The upper level of the Temple of Yehuo only dared to cast a mystery outside the Shenshan Mountain.

There is a supreme creature called Ye Daozong in the Temple of Yehuo, but even this supreme, dare not enter the God Mountain at this moment and dare to get close to the out-of-control Shenhuo.

"Go on like this... Will the sky dome of the Buddhism domain be burned through..."

Someone frowned.

"Burning through the sky dome...may not be possible... Although the sky dome of Taixu was cracked before, but that was because of a terrifying force of terror, which triggered the turbulence of the heavens and the world. After the shock of the entire Hongmeng universe, that mysterious terror force has disappeared, the Taixu has repaired itself, and although the out-of-control fire of the Temple of Fire is terrible, it is still much worse than the previous force."

Someone responded.

"I thought of a way to extinguish the out-of-control Shenhuo, that is, to invite the Lord of the Blood Cave, and use the magical power of the Lord of the Blood Cave to call the power of the Blood Cave and the Blood Sea, it should be able to extinguish this out-of-control Shenhuo. Now the problem is , The Lord of the Blood Cave had a grudge with the Temple of Karma, and it was not so easy to invite the Lord of the Blood Cave to the mountain. The Lord of the Blood Cave might be unwilling..."

Someone spoke again, and just kept silent.



Shenhuo skyrocketing!


"Lying trough!"


The faces of the main roads outside the Shenshan Mountain changed drastically, and they flew back crazy. The monks of the Temple of Fire were panicked. Although there were elders shouting to keep their disciples, many of the disciples of the Temple of Fire broke out immediately. Faster than anyone else!


Shenhuo skyrocketed again!

Those elders in the Temple of Fire are shocked!

Also fly back!

Can be instantly shocked by Shenhuo!

One by one spurting golden blood in the air!


Seeing this scene, the monks of various avenues couldn't help but retreat back. They secretly said, if this Nima can't really control it, then not only the Temple of Karma Fire is suffering, but also the other Taoism in the area of ​​the Futu will suffer!

In this area of ​​Buddhism, the Taoism that is stronger than the Temple of Karma is only the Taoist Son of the Blood Cave, but the people of the Holy Path have always been independent of others, even if the other Taoism in the area of ​​the Buddha is completely destroyed, the Son I am afraid that the Taoist people will not shoot!

"Huh? It's you!"


A voice sounded!


Who is coming?

The monks of the various avenues froze for the first time and recognized at first glance that the person who made the sound was the Eighth Ring Overlord, the Fiery Wing Elder, who saw the Elder Fiery Wing staring at one person, and stared at it!


A... a young man with a half-step master's major!

Is this young man special?

Does this young man come from some top-notch dynasty?

It even attracted the attention of the elders of the Eight Ring Overlord of the Temple of Fire!

The half-step master majored in young people is Chen Zheng. After being separated from Chu Yaoyao, he directly crossed Jieshan and stepped into the territory of Futu. Originally, the first stop was to go directly to the Blood Cave. Suddenly, I saw the flames, and perceived me.

"Elder of the Temple of Fire"

Chen Zheng glanced at the fiery wings, recognizing that the old man was one of the many monks in the undefeated temple, and he smiled back.


Blazing Wings opened their mouths, but this time only one word was spoken, and then stared at Chen Zheng, revealing his thoughts.


This is also the time!

There is a flash of Aurora!

Then a bizarre fairy ship shaped like a sphere like a crystal emerged!


"Which one is this?"

"We don't seem to have a fairy ship of this style in our large area of ​​Futu?"

As soon as this ball-shaped fairy ship emerged, it instantly attracted the attention of many people, and was full of curiosity in surprise, looking at the crystal ball-like fairy ship!


White light flashes!

The three came out of the strange fairy ship!

"Three-ring overlord... Five-ring overlord... Ten-ring overlord... Hmm? It should come from a strong tyranny, but there is no supreme creature, it seems to no avail, it can't suppress the runaway Of the gods."

Zhong Xiu swept the three people, and at a glance they saw the three people's cultivation behavior. Although they were a little surprised, they quickly shook their heads secretly. If the three people came for the Heavenly Fire Taoist Temple of the Karma Temple, it would definitely not be possible.

The supreme Chi Dao Sect of the Temple of Yehuo is almost unable to suppress Shenhuo. It is absolutely impossible to suppress Shenhuo in a few eras.

"Old decay is a long story short, old decay comes from the Temple of the Eternal Extreme in the Heaven of Heaven. Old decay heard the matter of the Temple of Yehuo Fire and rushed in the first time. The old decay came for the Heavenly Fire Dao chapter, so the old decay is not nonsense, this is out of control. Let the old age suppress it."

The old man in white among the three, glanced at the fiery wings, said a word, and rushed into the mountain of God with the two beside him as an aurora!



Aurora blooming!


It's so cold!

This is the moment!

Cultivation trembling!

Not afraid!

It felt a force of extreme cold!

That dazzling aurora contains the power of extreme cold!


Why haven't I heard it before?

There is a strong crossbar in the domain of Zhangtian called the Eternal Ji Temple!


Chi Dao Sect, who had been suppressing the out-of-control Shenhuo, had a flash of surprise in his eyes at this moment. He was supreme. Although his rank was very general, he was also supreme. He just cast a variety of magical powers, and he could not suppress the magic fire. These era lords, the aurora magical powers, actually suppressed the magic fire.

Zhouji Temple?

Is this a resurgence of an ancient era that had broken down?

"They are not good."

Chen Zheng glanced at the direction of Shenshan and shook his head with a smile.



The monks of all avenues stared over!



Less than one and a half trail ancestors come to comment!

"They're not good? Are you good?"

The elder Fiery Wings of the Temple of Yehuo thought about what happened in the undefeated temple that day, but when I first saw Chen Zheng, I felt uncomfortable at first glance, and it was even more uncomfortable at the moment, so I snorted!


He just snorted!

The flames shrouded in aurora burst!


Aurora burst in an instant!

The three people who claimed to be from the Jiu Ji Temple were instantly blasted out!


Golden blood spurts!


"Really failed!"

"This this child's eyesight so powerful!"

The unifying souls of each avenue were Then came to Chen Zheng staring again, for a time was shocked and suspicious! The supreme and era overlords of the Temple of Karma are not sure just now. Is this child seeing the results at a glance? Is this child's eyesight stronger than the era overlord and supreme beings!

(End of this chapter)

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