Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2360: Has the war begun!

Outside the blood cave!

   Various magic ships flying magic weapon hanging in the air!

  These creatures, no matter whether they are natives of the Futu area, come to the blood cave today, just for one thing, that is, watching the battle! Today is the third day of the Blood Sword Battle Book under the Lord of the Blood Cave. At this moment, the creatures outside the Blood Cave are waiting for the challengers to come!


   In the blood cave!

  One was blasted out!

   "Wind ghost against the blue wind family..."

   "It was bombarded again... It is said that he wanted to save a woman who was suppressed under the blood cave by the blood cave master..."

"The wind ghost is very strong... No matter how strong it is, it is impossible to beat the Lord of the Blood Cave. Now the Lord of the Blood Cave has ranked eighth on the list. The power of the source can barely break out of the highest level of combat power... The gap between the two is really too large. However, the master of the blood cave did not kill the wind ghost, it may still be afraid of turning against the blue wind family, it is said that the inverse The Cangfeng family has a very deep heritage. It is said that before the Taixu entered the supreme age, the supreme creatures were born on the ancestors of the anti-Cangfeng family, but not in the Taixu, but in their real ancestral land. There are also rumors, saying The anti-Cangfeng family and the Chaos Lu family are a one-level family."

  Many people recognized the people who were bombed out.

   "Li Qing! My Qing Qing! Put my Qing Qing out!"

   The person who was blasted out, disheveled, roared deep into the blood cave!



   A sword sounded deep in the blood cave!


next moment!

   A **** sword shadow skyrockets!


   All the avenues outside the blood cave are shocked!

   Look up subconsciously!


   "The main subject of the lying trough blood cave has been improved again, and it has already reached the seventh place on the list!"

   "This, this... The Lord of the Blood Cave is too strong!"

   continued to scream, the Cultivator was really shocked!

  Before three days, the Lord of the Blood Cave was still ranked after fifteenth. After just three days, it has reached the seventh place on the list! And the sixth person in the top list is the famous emperor, the first person in the overlord list in the era of Taixu overlord!


   Overlord among the once overlords!

   is now ranked sixth on the list!

  The Lord of the Blood Cave was about to catch up with the Emperor!

   "I drop the tortoise... who is the Lord of the Blood Cave who is about to fight, and the Lord of the Blood Cave is crazy to improve his cultivation ability in a short time, how does it feel like a desperate fight!"

   Someone said in a deep voice!


   This time!

   Listen to Jianming again!

  See the **** sword shadow again!

   Subcultivators are subconsciously looking to the top!

   Found no change in ranking!

   But still trembling!


   is stronger!

  The Lord of the Blood Cave became stronger again, but the Taihuang was stronger than the Lord of the Blood Cave, so the Lord of the Blood Cave failed to surpass the Taihuang!

"Breaking the cauldron...The Lord of the Blood Caves may be difficult to stabilize at this level... It should be the source of burning... Take out all the cards...Blood The lord of the cave must be very clear. If this battle is defeated, then surely he does not exist anymore... And the more this is, the more terrible the warlord of the blood cave is... Who the **** is it! The Taoists here, especially the local Taoists in Futu, what happened to the Temple of Fire in Sanye three days ago. Which Daoist was present at that time, or did he stand up and say a few words?"

   An old man thought of it a little, and his eyes swept across the crowd.


   No one stood up!

   Today's creatures!

   There are indeed a lot of monks who were outside the Karma Mountain three days ago!

   It's just that these monks are all silent!

   Not want to say!

   But dare not say!

   Because the one involved is really terrible!

   Wait for yourself and others to come today!

   Just watch the game in silence!

   "Why don't you stand up, are you afraid?"

   The old man saw that no one responded, frowning and sweeping the crowd.


   Still no response!

"Luo Xing is getting more and more curious, and he can’t help but want to use the mystery search method, but unfortunately the old cultivation is not strong enough, otherwise he will use the mystery search method... well? There are fluctuations in the depths of the blood cave! Huh? There are also changes on the list! Lying trough! The blood cave master squeezed the emperor down!"

   The old man's eyebrows were locked, and with a grunt, he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the top list. The name of the Lord of the Blood Cave even surpassed the emperor and killed the fifth in the top list!

   Surrounding creatures are also shocked!


   Nothing on the list and a sudden change!

   The Emperor who was squeezed down!

   suddenly came back!

  Let's surpass the blood cave master!

   regained the sixth place!


   The old man is a little ignorant, and the surrounding creatures are also a little ignorant. The secret way is that the Taihuang has perceived the change that is not on the list, or the Taihuang has just made a breakthrough! It is said that the Taihuang body went to the Broken Land a few months ago. Did the Taihuang gain something in the Broken Land?




   It was between the conjectures of the cultivators, and among the blood caves, blood awns flew out!


   The face of the practitioners sank, showing a vigilant color, because the flying creatures are all the creatures in the blood cave, and they are all people under the seat of the blood cave! Appeared at the moment, is it not to catch people!

and many more!


   doesn't seem to catch people!

   doesn't seem to be a creature that wants to watch from outside!

   After these creatures from the blood cave flew out, they didn't look at them at all. At this moment, they all stared at the depths of the blood cave, and there was obviously a panic in their eyes.

   "Doesn't that...have entered the blood cave...The world war has begun..."

   A young man whispered. Three days ago, he was outside the Karma Mountain, and he saw the terrible scene with his own eyes. At this moment, when he saw the spirit of the blood cave, he suddenly thought of it!

   "Has it started!"

   "Is the Lord of Blood Cave about to fight in the blood cave already!"

"Shocking war is coming soon, shall we retreat thousands of miles or tens of thousands of miles? After all, the Lord of the Blood Cave should be infinitely close to the level of the Emperor. If this kind of war of spirits is not controlled deliberately, Then the whole blood cave and the blood sea are afraid to be beaten into nothingness!"

   The main creatures of all avenues almost understood at this moment, although they were also staring at the depths of the blood cave, but they became more and more embarrassed!



   Deep in the Blood Cave!

   The power of terror shock spreads out!


"Oh shit!"

   "Started! Really started! Rewind! Retreat thousands of miles away! No! Retreat thousands of miles away! This is terrible!"

  In an instant!

  Countless exclaimed screams sounded!

   The creatures who came to watch the war from various domains instantly withdrew thousands of miles away!

   Even the creatures in the Blood Cave were withdrawn thousands of miles away!

   at this moment!

  Dare not approach the blood cave at all!

   Only dare to probe with magical thoughts or magic weapons in the distance!

   And be ready to retreat at any time!

   "Have you started..."

   Chimang A figure emerges, this person is the Chi Dao Sect of the Temple of Fire, even if he is the supreme being, he dare not approach the blood cave at this moment!


at the moment!

   There is another person outside the blood cave!

  The wind ghosts against the blue wind family!

   "Ling Qing! Ling Qing! My Ling Qing!"

   He usually shouted insanely, looking at the posture and rushing into the depths of the blood cave, but before he left, he saw a flash of light, and a time and space avenue that he could not resist was added to his body, instantly sending him to thousands of miles away!


   can't move anymore!

   "This is... which supreme means? Is this the supreme means of Chi Dao Sect in the Temple of Karma?"

   Watching the creatures startled, subconsciously staring towards the Chi Dao Sect!

   "Old decay... can't control this level of space-time avenue, this level of space-time avenue, old decay didn't even perceive the first time!"

   Chi Daozong gently shook his head!


Who is that?

   Could it be that the Lord of the Blood Cave will fight!

   The eyes of the unification spirits on the main roads of the battle!

   stared deep into the blood cave!

  Under the exploration of Divine Thoughts and various magic weapons!

  I just feel that the avenue deep in the blood cave has been messed up!

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