Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2362: Necromancer

Lord of the Blood Cave!

   Is this gone!

   Watching the soul tremble!

   Staring at the fantasy scarlet enchantment!

   Lord of the Blood Cave!

  Silhouette of the blood cave master!


   Completely disappeared!



  Blood fantasy enchantment is broken!

at last!

  Is it necessary to see who the Lord of the Blood Cave is about to fight!

   Those creatures who have never seen Chen Zheng, at this moment, the double pupils were gigantic to the extreme, waiting for the **** enchantment to disappear completely, and wanted to see who was killing the blood cave master!

   "It turns is your power...that you passed the secret method of the Lord of the Blood Cave."

At this critical moment, the audience heard a light laughter, and they were about to see clearly the figure above the blood sea, but suddenly a huge wave surged in the blood sea, which instantly connected to form a huge blood Egg, give that figure to the package!


   Watching the souls ignorant!

   Is it!

  The master of the blood cave is not the real master of the blood cave!

  The real owner of Blood Cave has someone else!

  The Lord of the Blood Cave is just a spokesperson!

   Countless thoughts came out, the audience creatures stared at the huge **** dome above the blood sea, desperately wanting to know what is inside!

"I don't know if you feel it. At the moment when the Scarlet Enchantment broke down, I felt the breath that killed the Lord of the Blood Cave... he... he seemed to have no mana at all. .... Although I didn't see others clearly, I still feel this!"

   Someone whispered!

   "No mana?"

   "I also perceive this!"

   "The Lord of the Blood Cave wiped out all his mana?"

   Many people were startled, and then whispered, and then revealed the color of thinking!


   Chi Daozong raised his eyebrows, of course he knew who killed the Lord of the Blood Cave. He was shocked at the moment just now, and now someone hears that Chen Wushang's mana is gone, he was shocked!

and so!

   The sword of the Lord of the Blood Cave just now!

   still caused some influence on Supreme Master Chen!

and many more!

   Supreme Supreme Chen has no mana!

   It should be no problem!

   should just enter the mana vacuum period!

at the moment!

   should care a little bit!

   That's who Chen Shang just said!

   "Ling Qing! Ling Qing! My Ling Qing!"

   This time!

a long distance away!

  Crazy shouts against the wind ghosts of the blue wind family!


Chi Daozong and Qingzong Miao stared at the past, and a thought suddenly appeared in his heart. This wind ghost wanted to save a woman named Lian Qing, who all heard about that woman, although they did not know what that woman was. The beginning, but all know that the woman is not small, after all, the woman once made waves in the Taixu.


is it possible!

   The woman was not actually suppressed by the Lord of the Blood Cave!

  The Lord of the Blood Cave is only the spokesperson of the woman!

  The man that Supreme Master Chen said just now is that woman!

   thought of this, the eyes of Chi Dao Zong and Mrs. Miao flashed in shock, and their eyes fixed on the blood-colored dome above the blood sea!


   Only watched the three interest time is not enough!

   The **** giant egg formed by the water of the blood sea!

   Crash with a clatter!

   The water of the blood sea drops!


   Watching the creatures stared over!

   Very eager to see people clearly!



   No figure at all!

What about    people?

  What happened?

   Who killed the Lord of the Blood Cave?

  Why is it gone!


   Very foolish!

   Chi Daozong, Mrs. Miao, etc. recognized Chen Zheng's creatures at a glance. At this moment, his eyes were stunned. His eyes quickly searched the sea of ​​blood, and Shennian also infiltrated into the sea of ​​blood, but there was no gain!


   On the ship of Qingzong, Xueyue opened her mouth. For a time, Dao Xin was a little confused. She suddenly raised her head and looked at the top list hanging on the sky. Seeing that the top of the list was still that name, Dao Xin recovered calm.

"This...According to his statement, the Lord of the Blood Cave won a certain spiritual life to be able to cultivate and rise to the seventh place on the list in just three days. Then it is inferred that the person who pointed the blood cave mostly on the top list, and should be in the top five, then it should not be the pity witch... "

   Aside from the wind flower reveals the color of thought.


   He just opened his mouth!

   Among the sea of ​​blood!

   suddenly appeared a figure!

   Watching the souls staring at the past!


next moment!

   It's all cool!

   That is a woman!

   at this moment!

   The woman stared at this with a smile on her face!

"is her!"

   Madam Miao's eyebrows were instantly locked!

   "Ling Qing! Ling Qing! My Ling Qing!"

  The wind ghost who turned against the blue wind family roared as if he saw this woman out of control!


   What about Supreme Chen?

   Was it secretly carried away by this woman?

   Chi Daozong's brows were also closed, he recognized this woman, he had no good feelings for this woman, now he just wants to know Chen Zheng's whereabouts!



   The woman's complexion has changed!

   smirk turned into surprise!


   The woman disappeared instantly!


   Chi Daozong, Mrs. Miao, etc. are ignorant again!

   "What the **** is this..."

   Someone asked, but no one responded, because they didn’t know what was happening at the moment, and they could only speculate on something. The Lord of the Blood Cave should have obtained the witch’s secret method to be able to improve their cultivation madness in just three days. This witch was not suppressed under the blood cave. Most of the witch was restored under the blood cave.

   In addition, this witch is bigger and more mysterious than people and others imagine.

   at this moment!

   The deepest part of the sea of ​​blood!

   Even the supreme creature such as Chi Dao Zong can't perceive in the dark enchantment, there is a huge ink shuttle, and in this ink shuttle, the woman who appeared just above the blood sea just now glared at Chen Zheng!

  While Chen Zheng was bound by a chain of ink-colored metal shackles, he didn't struggle with any anger, but instead showed a smile!

   at this moment!

   The strange crystal that lies in front of him!

   is about to be completely swallowed by him!

   Women seem to be because of this!

   would suddenly scream back!


   The woman seems to be unable to stop Chen Zheng from swallowing the bizarre crystal!

   only watched the last point of the strange crystal being swallowed by Chen Zheng!

"The wind ghost of the home against the wind ~ ~ is also a genius wizard, but he is obsessed with a woman. When I first saw the wind ghost when I was in Tiannvcheng, Youyu, I heard about his The story is very curious what kind of woman will make him obsessed, so crazy. When I saw you today, I finally understood why the wind ghost will be turned around by you."

After swallowing the bizarre crystal, Chen Zheng smiled. The ink-colored metal shackles on his body crashed into powder, but did not fall to the ground, but suspended around his body.

   "Lord of Wanyu..."

The woman looked around Chen Zheng's body, surrounded by countless ink-colored metal powders, and stayed in that instant, as if she saw not powder, but saw the infinite void, there are countless universe light **** surrounding Chen Zheng, subconsciously Say four words!


   The woman shook her head soon!

   "No! There is no possibility, you are just a creature in the Hongmeng universe, you can't be the master of Wanyu! My spirit demon just slept too long, not fully awake, just look at the flowers!"

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