Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2365: Who gives you courage

"The overlord **** pattern is only manifested by mana."

  Chen Zheng casually said, glanced towards the blood overseas, and gently shook his head and disappeared.

  Blood overseas.

   Watching the spirits is still waiting.

   "Let's go, that person should go to Shengzidao Mountain Gate."

  Chi Daozong thought for a moment and swept across the crowd.

   "This...Where is the gate of Shengzidao Mountain?"

   Someone asked.

"do not know."

   Chi Dao Zong replied, turned into a red awn.

"Eh... Everyone is gone, we don't know where the Son Son Dao Mountain Gate is, and it doesn't make any sense to stay here. Unfortunately, I didn't see the truth of the Lord who killed the Blood Cave today. Rong, I really want to see that one."

   With a sigh, the man who asked a question swept away.

   "Master respects us..."

   On the ship of Qingzong, Xueyue looked at the wonderful lady behind the curtain.

   "Holy Son Road... I guessed a place, so I can go and see it."

   Mrs. Miao nodded her head softly with a deep groan, secretly cast an immortal method, and Qingzong immortal ship flew away.


   The southeast of Futu area.

   There is a Liuhe Academy in Wu hook fairy city.

   In the eyes of Xiancheng creatures.

  Although Liuhe College is also a cult of immortality.

   can only be considered third-rate.

   belongs to that kind of optional tradition.

   is just a little bit older.

   Other than that.

   is mediocre.

   And now Chen Zheng is in the backyard of Liuhe College.


   A scholar-like youth salutes Chen Zheng.

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly and entered the door opened by the young man with the immortal method. When he stepped on the door, his field of vision was broadened, and a world that was tens of thousands of times bigger than Wu hook fairy city was reflected in his eyes.

"It's worthy of Chen Zu. There was no fluctuation in seeing our real mountain gates." The young man observed and observed that there was no fluctuation in Chen's front face, and he smiled slightly: "For Chen Zu, the younger generation of Le Qi, and the descendants of Shengzi Road rank among the descendants of this generation. Seventh. This time, Chen Zu is invited to come to Shengzi Road, which is to ask Chen Zu."


  Chen Zheng swept across the world and nodded lightly.

  The youth didn't say anything more, led Chen Zhengpiao all the way to the most central mountain in the heaven and earth. After a moment of effort, the young man led Chen Zheng to the Taoist Temple at the top of the mountain.

   There is a stone tablet in front of this courtyard, with the words "Fatian" written on it.

"This is the Fatian Taoist Temple. This monument is the legacy of the first epoch. The inheritance of our Son's Word can be traced back to the first epoch. This monument looks ordinary, but it actually has a great future. And it’s extraordinary.”

  The youth did not enter the Taoist Temple directly, but introduced the origin of the stele. At the same time, they also observed the change of Chen Zheng’s expression. Seeing that Chen Zheng still did not fluctuate, there was a doubt in his heart. The master of the road would be wrong.

   This Chen Zu!

   This is the first person on the list who has only one ring to do!

   does not seem to be the reincarnation of Taoist speculation!

  The Lord mentioned it!

   As long as he introduced Chen Zu to the Fatian Taoist Temple, he saw the Fatian Monument!

   Chen Zu must have a look of fluctuation!


Absolutely not!

   "Master Dao is waiting for Chen Zu in the Dao Yuan, Chen Zu please enter the Dao Yuan."

  The thought flashed in my heart, and the youth opened the door of the Taoist Temple. Chen Zheng was invited to enter the Taoist Temple.


  Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

Qingnian Leqi froze a little bit, secretly said that this is the first person on the list, is there anything in this world that can make his mood fluctuate, or is it essentially not to put everything except himself In the eyes!

   If this is really the case!

   So today, after Chen Zu entered the Tiantian Taoist Temple!

   Even if it is the first person on the list!

   Even if he cut the blood cave master!

  I'm afraid it won't be so easy to go out again!

Another thought flashed, Le Qi silently followed into the Taoist Temple, continued to observe and observe, and saw the eyes of all the elders and other peers in the Taoist Temple swept toward Chen Zu, Chen Zu was too lazy to glance at the elders and Taoism Disciple, Le Qi shook his head secretly in his heart, and the elders and other disciples, most of the time in their hearts, were also the same as themselves!

   This Chen Zu!

   is really unpredictable!

   "Master Dao is in the hall, the juniors will not go in. Please invite Chen Zu into the hall."

   went to the ancient temple in the deepest part of the Taoist Temple. Le Qi made a ritual, and then retreated, watching Chen Zheng enter the ancient temple.


   The fairy light flashed.

  An ancient enchantment enveloped the ancient temple.

   "He...dominated by a major, is still a ring of dominance, and there is only one **** pattern, is he really the one in the legend... Is it the top?"

   At this time, there was a disciple in the Daoyuan lowered his voice, and he was a little uncomfortable just being ignored. If the first person on the top list really ignores himself, then there is nothing to say, but there is only one top of the top list of the **** pattern, he is not convinced.

   "The Lord of the Blood Cave... really died in his hands..."

   "To be honest, I don't believe it. His cultivation practice... really doesn't deserve to be the top of the list."

   "Is it possible that Master Dao has made a mistake... Please make a mistake... Everyone knows that there are too many things happening to impersonate powerful people and impersonate great people."

   Many disciples also spoke.

"This one......"

  Lee opened his mouth seven times and wanted to express his opinion, but Master Tao should not be mistaken.

Not long ago, Zhang Tian Da Yu came up with a list of combat power. At that time, it was extremely evil and ranked first, and the top of the list is Chen Zu who came to Shengzi Road today. It is only ranked in the combat power list. reciprocal.

   So there is only one question right now, that is, what level of that Chen Zu's combat power is. Today, Master Dao should be able to test it out.

   Inside the ancient hall.

  Chen Zheng sat opposite a Zipao Taoist.

  Zipao Taoist left and right, dangling two ancient orders, one red and one black, like two **** fires, blinking between them, and like two pupils of the demon, which locked Chen Zheng.

"The undefeated Shenbei ranked Chen Zu on the top of the list, so there must be a reason for it. Today, Chen Z killed the master of the blood cave again, or cultivated to the blood cave that soared to the seventh place on the list. Lord, the name of Chen Zu's list is indeed worthy of the name." Zipao Taoist looked at Chen Zhengyi and smiled and said: "The old deceased son of the Taoist Master knows his life. The two left and right ancient orders are called Tiantian Shuangling. The Celestial Stele is also the thing inherited from the first era to the present day. The old deceased invited Chen Zu to come this time to ask Chen Zu to do a favor. That is to ask Chen Zu to release the first generation of our Son of the Son of God."


   Chen Zheng heard a smile.

"Remuneration... Chen Zu has seen the Fatian God Monument, and sees the Shuangling of the Celestial Heaven, don’t you feel anything at all? , It should take the initiative to help us release the first generation of the Master of the Son of God."

  The mysterious child smiled mysteriously.

   "Your may have inferred Zheng shook his head gently.

"The inference is wrong... There should be nothing wrong with the old deduction, but Chen Zu may not remember it, or he has forgotten a certain identity and some things. It is also good to cut the heavenly stele, cut the sky It doesn’t matter whether it’s Shuangling, in addition to crusade against the Lord of Heaven’s Dao in the first era, and also against the Lord of the Devil’s Dao in the First Age. Didn’t Chen Zu perceive it? Is the breath of the Lord's remnant soul?"

  The son of the Son of God again smiled mysteriously.


  Chen Zhengruo thoughtfully.

   "Since Chen Zu said the name of the Master of the Heavenly Devil Dao, it should have been remembered in the past, why did he forget the double order of the Heavenly Monument and the Heavenly Heaven?"

  Sheng Zi Dao Dao heard the word You Er, and now he had to smile.

   "Who gives you courage?"

   It was the next moment, Chen Zheng asked.

"Huh? Who gave the old courage? Chen Zu means that the old man took the remnant soul of the Daoist Daoist Master to ask Chen Zu for help? This... this is actually the meaning of the first generation of Daoist Master, and it is also the first generation. Master Dao gave the old courage. The other old ones will not say much. Will Chen Zu help or not help today?"

  The son of Dao Zi Dao was stunned, and then he touched his beard again and smiled.


  Chen Zheng smiled, and said with a friendly smile.

  :. :

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