Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2369: No more taboos! So fast and ruthless!


Do you understand?

Will this be too fast?

And what do you understand?

Bu Mingming and Feng Dao's middle-aged men glanced at each other. Both of them saw the look of surprise in each other's eyes. Bu Zhiming wanted to ask, but he didn't dare to ask! The original master of the Son of God, the significance of its existence is only... just a tool, a tool for branding the secret method!

at this point!

Bu Zhiming is a bit difficult to receive!

"Although this mystery is old, it is not afraid of others, but the old is still all the gods, and it can be regarded as a complete completion of the master's task for the old!"

The voice of the first-generation master of the Son of God in the stone plate sounded again, and I saw the strange sacred scripture on its body. At this moment, it was like a butterfly, all coming towards Chen Zhengfei!


Chen Zheng nodded his head lightly, and collected all the essays.


The white light flashed.

The stone plate turned into a sloppy Taoist.

"The first generation of Lord Master... this... the state seems to have degenerated..."

Bu Zhiming glanced at Tianpan Taoist, his face changed.

"No hindrance, I am the lowest among the master's slaves, and the body is a bit special. The cultivation is degraded, but my old stubborn stone is not so easy to be destroyed by people. "The grungy Taoist smiled and looked at Chen Zhengdao: "The old decay finally completed the task left by the master. The master also cultivated Wu that year, and gave himself away. But the master must be still in this world, just me. When the servant can't feel her breath, I am afraid that the master will have to do it himself."

"I basically know where she is."

Chen Zheng nodded gently.


Upon hearing this, Bu Zhiming became more and more curious as to who the master mentioned by the first generation of masters was. Why had he never heard such a number one in the first era!

"That’s fine, I will wait for the servants to see their masters. But one thing to note is that not every servant under the master seat is as faithful as the old. Maybe the times have changed, maybe it’s been too long in the past, So that some guys have forgotten the rules set by some masters, forgotten all masters, and even want to replace them."

Tianpan Dao Ren smiled and thought of something, his face sank slightly.

"Don't worry about this, forget the ruled slaves, the disobedient slaves just killed."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


A middle-aged man of the Taoist family!

The two trembled involuntarily!


This is just an understatement!

I don’t know why!

Looking at this smile is terrifying!

"Just kill it... I'm afraid some guys aren't good at killing... If Emperor Qing Emperor is the pinnacle of the first era, it shouldn't be a problem. .... indeed dragged the hind legs of the detached body."

Tianpan Taoist thought thoughtfully.

"My mana cultivation is a little bit worse, but after reading the next part of "None", there is no taboo in my flesh. As long as those guys have not been detached, they should be able to kill, at most a little more."

Chen Zheng smiled again.


Is there no taboo in the flesh?

What does this mean?

The middle-aged man of Bu Mingming and Feng Dao is surprised!

"No more taboos...then...the old age is waiting for the means of Lord Qingdi!"

Tianpan Dao Ren once again revealed the color of thought, but did not think for a long time, and soon showed a smile, and bowed slightly to Chen Zheng!

"Send us out."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly without explaining, and only glanced at the middle-aged men of the Taoist family.

"Ah good!"

The middle-aged man of the Dao Dao family was slightly stunned. He reacted and nodded quickly, summoned three beasts, and sent the three Chen Zheng out of the Dao Dao!


Seal the road!

The heavy stone door of the ten-hole entrance is closed!


In the ancient passage, Bu Zhiming felt the existence of the avenue, and suddenly there was a sense of unreality!


Went to a closed road!

That can be suppressed at will, such as robbery, holy emperor, **** and other supernatural beings!

Today, following this ancestor Chen Chen is like visiting my back garden!

Not true!

It's really untrue!

"Lao Lun casts the immortal method and sends it back to the Falling Heavenly Daoist Temple. When he returns to the Falling Heavenly Daoist Yuan, the old Lun will release the remnant soul of the young girl!"

Thinking of a little bit, Bu Zhiming quickly lowered his head and said a word, then sacrificed a rune, smashed the rune, and in a flash three people teleported!


Fairy light flashes!


Already returned to the ancient temple of Fatian Daoyuan!

"Old, go here... eh? How can there be blood?"

Bu Shiming opened his mouth, but said that his face changed, and the door of the ancient palace was opened, and a **** and fierce atmosphere suddenly entered!


The **** and fierce gas turned into a murderous creature and rushed towards the three people in the ancient hall!

"This is... let the old decay to suppress this murderous thing!"

Bu Zhiming's face sank, and when he raised his hand, he played an immortal spell, but the immortal spell he played was instantly swallowed by the murderous creatures, and even his body of mana and original power began to be lost inexplicably!


Fortune telling is frightened!

How can I be supreme!

How can it be the teaching of the five ancient evils in Taixu!

Why can't even the murderous creature that seems to be barely supreme!

"go with!"


He raised his hand again!

Sacrifice the double orders of the sky!



The rogue shouted!

Instantly swallow the sky and double orders!



Fatian Shuangling was swallowed!

"This... this murderous creature has a power that is not part of Hongmeng..." Tianpan Dao's face sank slightly, and after glancing at the two orders, he seemed to be absorbing the murderous double orders Things, looked at the Taoist Temple outside the ancient palace: "The old deceased Son of God, the first generation of the Taoist Tianpan Taoist, I don't know which Taoist visits the Tiantian Taoist Temple in person?"

"Tianpan Daoren? Huh! Laozi cares what Taoist you are and what Daoist is, Laozi comes for a remnant soul, and quickly hand over that remnant soul, otherwise Laozi wipes out all these little miscellaneous hairs of your Son Road Now!"


Outside the ancient hall!

A violent voice responded!


next moment!

A sturdy man with a thundering blood and a **** man pressed with a force of violent supremacy!

"Who... who are you, why I have no impression!"

Bu Zhiming stared at the strong man, and realized that the strong man was not a human race, but a **** and demon, and his brow was instantly locked! Because he thinks he knows all about the supernatural beings in the Taixu, but the strong man in front of him is not impressed!

"Who is Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu is Yue, the big dragon Yue under the throne of the future!"

The devil and the strong man grin!

"What! Under the hijacker in the future! This! Not right! How could it be under the hijacker in the future!"

Bu Shi subconsciously exclaimed, and then shook his head. He knew that the relationship between the future robbery master and Chen Zu was extraordinary. How could this suddenly come up with a devil under the future robbery master!


He quickly looked at Chen Zheng!

"Under the future robbery..."

Tianpan Daoist heard the four characters of the future robbery master, it seemed that he had thought of something, his eyebrows twisted slightly!

"Future robbery, immeasurable robbery, regardless of what you do not destroy the Orthodoxy, regardless of what you are, the Lord, the Holy Emperor, the God, the Lord, the supreme creatures, will be destroyed! Our future robbery is the future robbery. The ambassador, before the lord of the robbery is born, clean up the lineages that should not exist in the world for the lord of the robbery! Your Son Road is one of the five ancient evil lines of the Taixu, and the Lord Sovereign has the future robber rule, your son The Dao is the first line that should be robbed! Today, one of the four great robbers of this sect, the God of Dragon Dragon, flattened your Son Road! I would like to persuade you to say that there is still a chance of surviving when you are caught, if you still want to resist, then There is no dead body!"

Outside the ancient hall!

A Daoist in a red robe showing up with a whisk!

At the moment cold eyes swept the temple!


The brave man grinned!



A terrible tear sounded!



The red robe Taoist suddenly glared!


Staring at Chen Zheng!

At this moment Chen Zheng raised his right hand!

He still keeps his eyebrows in front of the strong man!


Originally engulfing the murderous creatures of Fatian is absorbing the power of Fatian Shuangling on the side. At this moment, his eyes were suddenly widened, and his eyes were all staring out!


Chen Zheng closes!

It is also a stop!

In the extreme consternation, the powerful man of the gods and demons surging in the blood and blood of Raymond was turned into a blood mist!


The gold belt that was originally tied to the waist of the brave man!

Smash to the ground now!


The red robe Taoist's throat agitated, staring at Chen Zheng, and subconsciously retreated!

"Quick! Ruthless!"

Bu Shiming also took a deep breath, Shen Sheng shouted four words!

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