Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2371: Soul Domain Eye

Could it be!

The first generation of masters are worried about who is the same as Chen Zu!

Have you learned the first and second part of the mysterious mystery "No"!

and many more!

Is it!

The first generation of master lord is to guard against future robbers!

Suddenly thought of a possibility, Bu Zhiming was shocked, but it soon reacted. The future robber was legendary to be born for extinction, and to end everything. It is normal for the first generation of Lord Dao to have such worries. !

The future robbery!

Have to guard!

After all, it counts!

The future tribulator is the enemy of all creatures in this world!

As for what is the relationship between Chen Zu and the future robbery master, it is useless to speculate on his own, but now Chen Zu should still be able to withstand the future robbery master, so don't worry about the innumerable robbery coming down for the time being!

"I'm going to release the residual soul of the girl you."

With a deep groan, Bu Zhiming confronted Chen Zhengli and Huaguang entered the deepest part of the ancient palace.

After a moment.

Bu Shiming walked out holding a long gray box.

"In the first epoch, the remnant soul of the lord girl of the Huntian Dao Dao Dao is in this life box. This life box is not the refining of our Son Road. This life box should be the refining of the Immortal Gate of the Second Largest Domain. The Yinxian Immortal Gate, like our Shengzi Dao, also belongs to one of the five ancient evil Daoist ancestors. The five ancient evil Daoist ancestry are the past robbery, Shengzi Dao, Gaoshan, Tianshen Mound and Yinhuang Xianmen."

Bu Shiming presented the gray-white long box.

"The second largest territory is the Immortal Immortal Gate. Is there an impoverished and impoverished place?"

Chen Zheng took the long box and opened it, and saw a black shadow flying out. This black shadow is the remnant of a woman. Without his shouting, the quiet child inside his meta-spiritual figure appeared directly at this moment and merged this residual soul.

"There is indeed a saying of Yanghuang, the supreme treasure of Yinhuangxianmen is called Yanghuangxian axe"

Bu Shi subconsciously responded, when he saw You'er, the color of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"You girl still remember old age?"

At this time Tianpan Taoist smiled slightly.

"You are one of the slaves?"

You'er looked at the Tianpan Taoist and remembered something, his look changed.

"At that time, my master and the emperor loved each other, and the girl and the old man were watching the chess. Now eleven epochs have passed, and it is really sad to see you girl today. It is a pity that my master is not here. If the host is here, if you see the girl, you should also smile."

Tianpandao nodded.


But Youer was silent.

Regarding the owner of the old man, the mysteriously powerful and terrifying woman, the woman who called her teacher the emperor You're unclear, what attitude should she have towards that woman.

"As far as I know, the remnant soul of You'er girl should be suppressed with the devil's mind of the Great Demon Lord, and the girl's body should be sealed in the Devil's pit in the domain of Palm Heaven. Sealed with a very devil thought is the strongest devil thought of Chen Zu's first generation of the devil.

The thought flashed in Bu Zhiming's heart, and he pondered a bit, and said what he found in the Son of God in recent years.

"There are too many powerful creatures in the realm of the heavens. Although the body is a stubborn stone, it is not afraid of those creatures, but there is no chance for the old creatures to meet those creatures. It is necessary to unblock the flesh of the young girl, Chen Zu. You have to go for a trip in person."

Tianpan Taoist said softly.

"Will go."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Chen Zu walked all the way from Youyu Dayu. It seems to be in the eyes of every big domain, the monument of the era, and the emperor, the emperor. From the perspective of what we know about the Son of God, Hongguang, Liuyu, and Budu Corresponding era monuments were taken away by the detached people, but the domain eyes of the big domain of Futu are still there, and the domain eyes are under the city of Wu hook fairy."

Bu Zhiming thought about it again and gave out some information.

"You know me very well."

Chen Zheng looked at Bu Zhiming with a smile.

"This is also because the earliest master of the lord, I took Chen Zu to meet the eyes of Budu!"

Bu Zhiming opened his mouth and talked, vomiting and talking, and as soon as his thoughts moved, he immediately applied a fairy law, and linked to a teleportation fairy array.



Several people in the ancient temple teleport!


Just a blink of an eye!

Several people appeared in an underground magical space!

In this underground magical space, a giant eye like a floating sea of ​​blood floats!


"Yuyan all know that Taixu has thirteen Yuyus, and they contain extremely powerful forces. But after so many years, no one can really take Yuyu as their own! Even if Taixu has entered the supreme age , Taihuang, Taixuan, Vanguard Dragon, Lord of Taiyin, etc. also can’t take Yuyu. I actually tried it, and Yuyu also couldn’t. It should also be Taihuang, Taixuan, Vancomyong, Taiyin. The top creatures such as the Lord, who used to dominate the era, will choose to explore the reasons for the broken land! Although the broken land is more difficult, it can also be rewarded. Many creatures in Taixu can enter the supreme realm, 70% The above are all breaking through the broken land!"

Bu Zhiming glanced at the huge **** eyes and lowered his voice.

"Supreme supremacy is also divided into levels. Epoch overlords are divided by the ring number of the era. As for the level of supremacy, the old decay vaguely remembers the master mentioned it, it seems that it is divided by life, but how is it divided? The old age is not clear. However, since Taixu has a top list, you don’t need to divide it, just refer to the top list."

Tianpan Tao also said.

"Don't bother the Lord of the Floating Lord and the Blood Sovereign Saint Emperor, are these two guys in the territory of the Lord of the Floating Lord."

Chen Zheng glanced at the huge **** eyes and asked with a light smile, also between the questions, You Mang flashed, Zhengyue girl appeared.

"These two appeared in the domain of Futu one year ago, and have also visited the underground of Wu hook fairy city. They may want to grab the strength of the domain eye, but they have not succeeded. According to the information of our Son Road, the seventh Both the era of Fu Tuo and the Shen Shen Emperor should have gone to the ultimate domain and wanted to dig something out of the ultimate domain to restore their strength."

Bu Zhiming glanced at Zhengyue girl and said, their son's way is not showing mountains and no water, and there is really a lot of information to control.

"The ultimate domain corresponds to the future domain owner's domain. Hearing people say that many people go to the ultimate domain to dig treasures and dig a lot of treasures."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Zhengyue girl glanced at Confucianism and Tianpan Taoist, his eyes fixed on the huge **** eyes, and his small head shook, just between the shaking, the small head became Magic dragon head!


Turn into a dragon!

A big mouth!

Swallowed blood eyes!


Bu Shiming is stupid!

The magic dragon transformed by this little girl swallowed the eyes of Futu Domain!

"Well, this girl has absorbed the real blood of the master, no wonder it can swallow the eye!"

Tianpan Taoist was also shocked. When he felt a familiar breath, then he showed his joy!


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