Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2389: This is where?



   The shattered golden primordial roar!

   But this is nothing but incompetent anger!


Kungu Jianzun, who was lying on the stone platform, was stunned, opened his mouth, and slightly raised his head to hang down, although there was still breath, but the double pupils were completely lost at the moment!


   This time!

  On the stone forest, the sword repairs came back, and at this moment, only dumbfounded!

   "Do you know that my Master can control the Seven Heaven and Earth Swords by himself, and you know why that is because my Master has the ultimate holy relic of sword repair!"

  The man who picked the heart of Kungu Jianzun with white jade hands before, there was only one Yuanshen at this moment, he also returned to the gods, and shouted at Chen Zheng!

   Can hear it!

   He suppressed most of his anger!


   is also at this moment!

   There was a terrible vibration in the depths of Jianyuan!



   The flash of swordmans!

  White light flashes!

  The depths of Jianyuan were instantly silent and silent!


  What happened to the depths of Jianyuan?

  Jianxiu quickly stared deep into Jianyuan, but Shennian could not penetrate at all, and could not perceive any movement at the moment, as if he had taken the master of Kungu Jianzun's heart, and his opponent was no longer in Jianyuan!



   Two Yuanshen on the stone platform plunged into the depths of Jianyuan!


  Here, a group of swords opened their mouths, their eyes moved sharply, and they looked towards Chen Zheng! Jiu Ge Jian Zun, the father and son of Jianshan Sect, are looking at Chen Zheng now!

   "Follow me."

  Chen Zheng smiled faintly, stepped out, swept across a group of sword repairs, swept across the stone forest in front, as soon as he passed the stone forest, the stone forest collapsed!


  People were shocked!

  This and this!

   This stone forest ancient formation method trapped Kungu Jianzun for at least one incense stick time!

   Now this young man walked past the ancient Shilin formation and it was broken!

   lying trough!

  This child!

   How can you be so arrogant!

  Jiuge Jianzun, the father and son of Jianshan Sect, were not surprised, they soon followed, and the rest of Jianxiu also reacted, swept to keep up!


   Kungu Jianzun, who was lying on the stone platform, lost his body, and his body shuddered. Although he was distracted, although he had lost all his training, how could he not perceive that Cultivation passed by him!

   at this moment!

  He Dao Xin suffered an unprecedented impact!

   That kid!

   Why is he!


   Just as he shouted wildly in his heart, there was another shattering sound on the ancient road in front of Shitai, and then there was a burst of exclamation!

   It turns out!

   There are sword puppets on this ancient road!

   And it looks terrible!

   However, as soon as the young man walked through the ancient road, those swordsmen and swords hadn't really shot yet, and they instantly collapsed into dust!

   lying trough!

   What a supernatural power!

   This is simply destroying everything!

The Cultivators took a deep breath and continued to keep up. When they saw the place where Chen Zheng walked, all the organ formations, swords, ancient beasts and the like were almost destroyed in an instant, they were all silent, deep inside. The rest is terrible!

   Sweep everything!

   This is really sweeping everything!

   Horror Jianyuan!

   seems to the child to be his own back garden!




   Half a column of incense is not in time!

  Chongxiu followed Chen Zheng and came to the deepest part of Jianyuan. At the end of the deepest part of Jianyuan was a huge cliff wall. There were ten sword monuments under the cliff walls, and there were sword patterns on the sword monument!

   "Supreme Sword Skill!"

   "The supreme secret!"

   "Are these the strongest secrets of sword cultivation in the fifth era!"

Zhong Xiu swept across the sword monument and exclaimed in an instant, but when the ten sword monuments suddenly disappeared into the huge cliff wall, the huge cliff wall was like an ancient mirror. When Xiu saw his figure in the mirror, his face looked instantaneously. Another change!


   So weird!

   Why is there something more in the mirror beside me!

   More ghosts!


  Perceived by the mind!

   Can't perceive those ghosts at all!

   If it is the will of the remnant soul!

   should be able to easily perceive it!

  What are these ghosts!



   The ghosts in the ancient mirrors made by the huge cliffs made a yin evil laugh, and they rushed out of the ancient mirrors on the cliff!


   "It's weird!"

"what are these!"

  People were shocked!


  Chen Zheng slaps out the fans, and those phantoms coming from the ancient mirror are destroyed! Then I heard a thorn, the cliff mirror was broken, but the cliff wall is still there, but there is an extra channel at the moment!

   A long and narrow passage!

"How can there be such a line of sky in the depths of Jianyuan? Where is this going? Jianyuan is already in the north of the fifth largest territory, and the fifth is in the north of Taixu, and the northern of the fifth largest territory is already too. At the end of the north of the ruins, does this narrow passage lead to the outside of Taixu!"

   someone frowned and said!

   "Well? This son has entered the tunnel!"

   The next moment someone exclaimed, I saw Chen Qiang entered the narrow and long passage with a slight smile, Jiu Ge Jianzun and Jianshan father and son instantly followed, and the rest of the sword repairs were slightly startled, and chose to keep up!


   When passing through a long narrow passage!

   A huge lake is in sight!

   The fifth largest sword sword repair is dumbfounded!


   This huge lake in front of you!

   seems familiar!

   This huge lake is like a huge punishment!

   Plus the ten giant stone carvings in the center of the giant lake!

  Isn't this the ancient lake in the second largest domain called Ten Evils!

   lying trough!

   Cross the passage!

   How come the second largest domain!

its not right!

   The second largest domain is not connected to the fifth largest domain at all!

   There is a third largest domain in the middle!


  The northern part of Jianyuan should be beyond the ruins!

   For a time!

   A group of sword repairs are ignorant!

   "Young Master"

  Jiuge Sword Sovereign was also embarrassed. I never thought that, through the narrowest channel in the deepest part of Jianyuan, I even reached the second largest territory of the unforgiving place!


  Will it!

   is just an unreal scene!

   This is not the second largest domain of unforgiving!

   This is a special space!

  Everything you see is transformed into magic!

   "Is this really the worst lake in the second largest territory?"

  Jishan Young Master Yi Chuan asked blankly!

   "What about the creatures of the previous fifth era"

   Someone can't help asking!


   He just asked!

   Above the Great Lake!

  The sword lightsaber appears!

"It's him!"

   "The first mysterious person I saw floating behind the Seven Heavens and Earth Swords!"

"That's the Seven Heavens and Earth He controls the Seven Heavens and Earth Excalibur and that sword repair battle! Who is that sword repair, what kind of swordsmanship does he use, how is so fierce, every sword is necessary Mysterious human life!"

   A group of sword repairers froze for a moment, and then there was a cry of exclamation!

  The mysterious man appeared!

   Seven swords of heaven and earth appeared!

  Although the other two Yuanshen did not show up, they must have been hidden here. As for the horror knife repair, it should be the old rival of his master mentioned by the topping man!

   This is a sword repair of supreme realm!

   "Let's check out the top list!"

   Someone responded and shouted!

   "Yes, yes, check the list!"

   Someone nodded again and again, trying to probe the top list with the mind, and suddenly found that the top list could not be probed!


   doesn't seem to be a place of unforgivable evil!

   doesn't seem to be in Taixu!

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