Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2392: Finally saw the son's sword!

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"Beyond the pulse..."

Jiu Ge Jianzun whispered, revealing the color of thought, he knew that the inheritance in the name of Taoism was absolutely not an ordinary one, and it was definitely not weaker than the top-level Taoism in Taixu, and even stronger than Taixu. The most top-notch Taoism, such as the Chaos Lu Clan!


At this moment, what I really want to know is not the detachment!

I want to see the son's sword most!

I want to see the son out of the sword!

The son explores the fifth largest domain with golden ancient orders. The era monument, the fifth master and the holy emperor corresponding to the fifth largest domain are no longer in this domain, and the son said that the fifth largest domain is for the domain The eye, the epoch monument, and the holy emperor came!

The son went to the Immortal Cave to destroy the Yinyue Palace. The domain eye under the Yinyue Palace has been taken away by the son. Now the son has the eight swords of the ten swords in the world. There should be no things the son needs in the fifth largest territory. Five domains!

If you don’t see your son’s sword today, I don’t know when you will see your son’s sword!

For a while!

Jiu Ge Jianzun is tangled in his heart!

He really wanted to ask Chen Zhengke to say nothing!

"The young man should leave the fifth largest domain, and the old man dare to beg the young man for a sword!"

After a while, Jiu Ge Jianzun finally made a decision and bowed his head to Chen Zheng!


What does it mean?

Why Jiujie Jianzun suddenly came out like this!

Jian Xiu, who was in the fifth largest field around, stared over, revealing his doubts, wondering why Jiu Ge Jianzun suddenly said such a sentence! But when he suddenly thought that this is the reincarnation of the sword master, he suddenly woke up and showed his expectation!

Sword master!

Its sword skills!

How terrible!

A sword of its use!

How shocking it must be!


Can you be blessed!

"Beg me to draw a sword... Since that is the case, I will bring someone to Taixu."

Chen Zheng thought a little, nodded lightly, and said that he was able to hit an object, and the object flew above the sky of the fifth largest domain, suspended in the sky!


Nine Ge Jianzun looked up, and under the investigation of Shen Nian, he saw that it was a pen, first stunned, and then felt again, and his eyes were full of surprise!

good fortune!

The breath of nature!

The pen thrown by the son has a sense of character!

and many more!

This thing!

Could it be that the magical pen of the top ten in the magic list!

hold on!

The son should lead anyone with his magic pen!

"Some other big domain creatures have spied on them..."

"The creatures of other big domains thought it was a fetish... this pen is indeed a fetish, but at this moment only Shennian has spied on it, and no one has used supernatural powers to **** this magic pen."

"The young man said that he wanted to attract people to Taixu, so it must have attracted the souls outside Taixu. Could it be that the people from the Chaos Lu tribe would come to Taixu?"

The cultivating thoughts flashed quickly, and the thoughts of other powerful psychic creatures in other domains swept through the magic pen suspended in the sky. For a time, I was worried that there would be other large domain creatures, and sent this magic pen out of the fifth domain with strange magical powers. !

Jiu Ge Jianzun and Jianshan Sect Master and Son are silent at the moment, but they are really excited. If they really attract strong and powerful spirits to **** the magic pen, then they should be able to see the son out of the sword!

What is the sword of the son?

How arrogant a son is!

"Did the fishing fail?"

Chen Zheng also looked at the sky dome, and there was no reaction above the sky dome. With a slight smile, his thoughts moved, and the magic pen suspended in the sky suddenly turned into a divine light, which was already in the sky, and now reached the top of the sky dome!


The semi-manufactured magic pen penetrated the Taixu dome above the fifth largest domain!


What is this to do!

Jianxiu around Chen Zheng outside Jianyuan was stunned!



Above the sky!

Silver light sprinkled!

Instantly turned into a silver enchantment to block the fifth largest domain!

Isolate other big domains!


The creature in the fifth domain saw a big hand!

Stretched down from the sky dome!

That big hand reached under the magic pen!

A blow towards the top!


This is to blow the magic pen out of Taixu!

It seems that the magic pen cannot be taken outside the Taixu!


Whose big hand is this?

Jiu Ge Jian Zun waits for a question!

Is this the soul that Chen Zu wants to attract!


and many more!

If this is a supreme being!

Its big hand entered Taixu!

Then its name should also appear on the top list!

Jiu Ge Jian Zun suddenly thought of something, and looked away, looking at the unparalleled list that was also hanging above the sky, this look was all shocking!


There is one more person on the list!

An extra strange name!

A name never heard!

And this man also squeezed the Taihuang who was originally ranked sixth!

Tai Huang was squeezed to the seventh!


"Only one word!"

"Who is this!"

A short silence followed by a whisper, not only the creatures around Chen Zheng and the fifth largest domain, but at this moment, although the other domain creatures could not penetrate the silver enchantment, they also found the change on the top list for the first time!


There is only one word in the sixth place at the moment!


This silver ranks above the emperor in the **** ranking!

Ranked sixth!

Although not in the top five!

But the top five are strange names for more than 90% of Taixu's creatures!

The Tai Huang, Supreme True Demon, Lord of the Yin, Tai Xuan, etc. after the first five are the most outstanding creatures known to the world!

So at this moment, this silver one appeared on the top list, directly surpassing the emperor. For the creatures in the Taixu, this is already extremely shocking!


Overtaken again!

Once the first person in Taixu!

It is still recognized as the first sword repair in Taixu!

Today was surpassed by one person!


Who is this silver!

"Son...this silver is..."

Outside of the fifth largest domain, Yuan Jiuyuan, Jiu Ge Jianzun's eyes came back, looking at Chen Zheng and asked in a low voice!

"Someone off the pulse."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"Beyond the pulse..."

Jiu Ge Jian Zun whispered out.


And at this moment!

Suddenly a sword rang!


All Jianxiu stared around!

Jiu Ge Jianzun's body shocked and showed a very excited look!


Jianming comes from inside the son!

The son is finally about to make a sword!

Can you finally see the son's sword!


Etc., etc!

The son must be!


Isn't it!

Excited, Jiu Ge Jianzun's thoughts flashed in succession, and he suddenly thought of a little, and then thought of this, only to see a ghost sword shadow rise to the sky, Jiu Ge Jianzun waited and quickly looked up at the sky!



You Mang!

A flash!

A huge mouth appeared in the sky dome above the fifth largest domain!


You can see it with just one thought!

Outside that huge mouth is a silver figure like a huge divine demon!

Just glanced at the silver figure like a demon!

Nine Songs and Sword Sovereign are all shaking!

So strong!

Is this the silver!

Really strong!

This is the supreme existence that you and others can only look forward to!


It seems something is wrong!


This devil-like silver figure solidified!


Its eyebrows!

It seems like something was worn through the hole!

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