Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2397: This is dead?

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Longevity Heaven Fire Road is silent all the time up and down!


In the eyes of other humanist Taoist monks, they and others are simply aliens. Other humanist Taoist monks did not consider themselves and others to be similar!

"I... listen to the epoch overlords of the Fuyue Demon clan said that it was Lord Shengyang who calculated something, saying that our Tianhuo Dao would cause changes in the domain of the Heavenly Fire... But Lord Shengyang even It’s a supreme being, something that can be calculated, is it really..."

After a moment of silence, Tianhuodao middle-aged man gritted his teeth!

"Come on, you dare to question Lord Shengyang!"


Only halfway!

An overwhelming pressure came over!

"Autumn Deacons Rewind!"

Sect Master Tianhuo Dao exclaimed, the whole person flew out at once, to block the overwhelming pressure of the overlord!



The pressure of the overlord coming towards the gate of Tianhuo Road broke down instantly!


at the same time!

There was a loud noise outside the mountain gate!


Tianhuo Dao monk stared with the rest of the Taoist people, this was dumbfounded. The era overlord on the ship, that is, the era overlord who had just interrupted the middle-aged man in Tianhuo Dao, and only a cloud of blood mist was left at this moment. !


Hundreds of Taoist monks outside the mountain gate shuddered!

and so!

Was that man hands-on!

Who is that person!

Hundreds of Taoist monks glanced across the gate of Tianhuo Road!

"This and this!"

The Sect Master Tianhuo Dao and several elders in the mountain gate also widened their eyes, and their eyes were full of terror. At this moment, they suddenly remembered that when he and others woke up, Deacon Qiu said that someone had saved Tianhuo Dao!

and so!

Is it that senior who blocked the overlord's coercion and killed the era overlord?

and many more!

Where is that senior!

The responding suzerain and several elders quickly swept around the mountain gate, and finally looked at Chen Zheng, because only Chen Zheng was an outsider in the mountain gate! They just hesitated again when they saw the **** pattern at Chen Zheng's eyebrows!


This seems to kill the era overlord just now!


The middle-aged man is also the deacon of autumn. At this time, he also recovered and looked towards Chen Zheng. He subconsciously wanted to thank him, but he had not opened his mouth. Bye!

"Welcome Master Shengyang!"


Holy Sun?

Lord Shengyang!

The only supernatural being in the domain of Skyfire!

Tianhuo Daoqiu Deacon, Sovereign Elder, etc. shuddered and looked towards the front, seeing clearly the Taoist who was riding an ancient beast, his heart was giggling again!

Shengyang Taoist!

Now comes!


This is troublesome!

A supreme presence!

Things have reached this point!

I am afraid there is no room for recovery!

"How to do......"

A disciple shivered and shivered!

How to do?

Sect Master Tianhuo Dao and several elders shook their heads subconsciously, what else can they do now, the Shengyang Taoist is the only supreme being in the domain of Tianhuo, this is the real invincible in the domain of Tianhuo, even if the young man is really the predecessor mentioned by Deacon Qiu Master, you can face a supreme creature, I am afraid there is no way!

"Young Master... Let's go, the Young Master has rescued us once on Skyfire, and I am grateful! Now that a supreme being is coming, the son does not have to wait for a supreme being for me!"


A sigh in his heart secretly spread a thought!


Chen Zheng chuckled.


Sect Master Tianhuo Dao saw this scene, and he couldn't help but stunned for a moment. Could this son come from the most top-level Taoism in the heavenly domain, and his masters are those inanimate creatures in the top ten in the top list, so are you afraid of the Holy Sun Daoist? ?

and many more!


I was wrong!

This son is not afraid at this moment!

But disdain!

Thinking of this, Sect Master Tianhuo Dao was shocked again!

"The holocaust in this area arises because of your long-lived Tianhuo Dao. I shelter this area and it is also a human race. Tianhuo Dao is also a human race. I won’t do anything like the Tianhuo Dao monks to destroy the Yuanshen. As for the rules of the year, you should be clear. After entering the supremacy, that rule has actually lost my binding power."


Taoist indifferently spoke on the back of the ancient beast!


Tianhuo Dao's face sank instantly when he heard it!


Shengyang Daoren couldn't say it!

But what is the difference between his opening and the shot!

"Not yet self-disciplined!"

"What are you waiting for!"

"Master Shengyang has said so, don't you wait for the monks of the Sky Fire Dao, do you really want Master Shengyang to send you on the road!"

"Huh! Just secretly shot the man who killed King Sect Master, you may have a kind of appearance at this moment, do you dare to be a dare!"

"You are also self-disciplined, you can't escape the supreme eyes of Lord Sheng Yang!"

Outside the mountain gate!

The relentless voice of hundreds of Taoist monks sounded again!

Although just one era overlord was killed by strange means!

Although I was shocked!

But at the moment, the people of Shengyang Dao come in person!

A supreme being is sitting!

Are you still afraid of the mysterious guy hiding in Tianhuo Road!


That mysterious guy died with Tianhuo Road!

"Self-destructive Yuanshen!"

"Quickly customize!"

"Don't get out and plead guilty by yourself!"

The monks on the avenues outside the mountain gate saw Tianhuo Road no one responded, and instantly they were all kinds of ruthless voices!



A figure appeared in front of Shengyang Taoist people!


Cultivators from inside and outside of Tianhuodao Mountain Gate stared!


Deacon Shan Neiqi was shocked, and the rest of his disciples were also shocked. Although this predecessor killed Fuyue Demon Commander, Fuyue Demon Commander and Shengyang Taoist are not at the same level. Know how dangerous it will be!

"One Ring Overlord?"

"Every ring of the overlord, you dare to jump out of it, and dare to overtake Lord Shengyang!"

"What kind of thing are you...!"

Outside the mountain gate!

The monks of each avenue stunned and then sneered mercilessly!



When a sound of incomparable breaking sounds!

There was only one half of the era of the overlord's words, and his throat was like something was stuck. The whole portrait was like a terrified cat, and the hair on his body stood up!


Hear another fall!

Everyone on the road outside the mountain gate shivered!


All ignorant!


Not the young man who fell to the ground!

Falling to the ground is the Shengyang Taoist!

That click is the sound of Shengyang Taoist's neck being pinched off!

It is also the sound of Yuanshen's destruction!

That young man!

Just one hand squeezed the Shengyang Taoist!

Crushed a supreme being!

Crushed to death the only supreme in the domain of Skyfire!


Inside the mountain gate!

This moment is as silent as outside the mountain gate!

Skyfire Road up and down!

At this moment, his face was full of horror!

They were also scared!

This Nima!

Who can think of it!

A supreme being!

I was squeezed to death in one face!

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