Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2406: I only give you 3 days

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the city's live billions of years!

This human race!

If at this moment really cut off everything from the outside world!

That's a bit too confident about himself!

Really not afraid at all!

The native demon tribe of the leaf-falling fairy city has its eyes widened to the extreme, and it wants to see something. But no matter how it looks, the young people of the tribe standing on the city head are just a ring of overlords, and there is no other magical place!

and many more!

The seven sons of Meng Shengzi and Elder Tiger of the Tianshou family have successively fallen in the Fallen City. Will the Falling City send someone to come? Will the new Supreme of the Tiansou family come in person!

If the newcomers of the Tianshou family come admirably, if they are shot against the young people of the human race above the city, what will be the result of the newcomers of the Tianshou family!

A group of demon clan suddenly thought a little, and looked at the top of the stargazing building, but there was no fluctuation of mana, and there was no breath to be sent by any creature!

Could it be!

The Tianshou family is not sure!

The next action is being discussed!


The Tianshou family thought that the graceful master killed the Emperor Tiger and others!

Prepare to call other demon clan in the wind domain to come to a great army to suppress the situation!

Various thoughts flashed over, and the native demon clan in Deciduous City suddenly felt a little strange, and they didn't wait for anything, but then Deciduous City might usher in the biggest crisis in history!


Thinking of these, a group of demon clan's eyes moved and looked again at the young people of the human race standing on the city head. The dark road variables seemed to be caused by this young people of the human race!


Who is this kid?

What is he meditating while standing on the city head!

Is he the road to enlighten the wind!


At this moment, a sigh sounded, and the ears of the native creatures of Deciduous City moved, and their eyes moved again, staring at the young human race above the city. This sigh came from this human race!


The human race opened his eyes!

Why did he sigh!

Could it be that the road to enlightenment has failed!

Native demon curious in heart!

"Why sigh?"

On the platform in front of the shrine, Chun Yu asked subconsciously.

"This...should not be the failure of the Taoist Avenue, it should have another cause."

On the side, the demon girl frowned slightly.


next moment!

The young humans on the city head disappeared!

Also disappearing together are the fragments of the era ring scattered in the air!


Has this human race left the Fallen Leaves City?

The native demon clan was stunned, and his eyes quickly swept around. When he swept across the platform in front of the highest temple, his heart was all awkward, because the human race now fell on the platform in front of the temple, before the goddess!

not good!

Goddess is in danger!

The native demon clan in Deciduous City sinks!

"You... Your Excellency... Your Excellency what to do to the goddess!"

Chunyu stared at the human race in front of her, and she felt a little uncomfortable at the moment. She knew that although she was also an era overlord, she was definitely not an opponent of the human race in front of her!

This human race is too weird!

"The body is Qinglian... Um... I was planted with a seal. You and I are also destined. I will help you to unlock the seal."

The young man didn’t look at Chun Yu, he only looked at the demon girl, and he frowned at the girl. At this moment, Chun Yu was extremely nervous. He wanted to stop it, but he didn’t dare!


The demon girl does not have any fear, her eyes are bright, like she wants to see through the human race!


Young people can do it easily!

The green mangoes in the demon girl light up!

Qingmang skyrocketing!

It turned into a huge Qinglian phantom above the fallen leaf **** city!


Chunyu and other local monsters raised their heads violently and only glanced at the huge Qinglian phantom, and they were shocked, because this huge Qinglian phantom had a supreme breath!

"Humph! Dare to move the seal planted here, you are looking for death!"


Above the sky!

Suddenly there was a thunder shake!

Ruthlessly snorted!

A thunder **** thundered!


The native demon clan of the fallen leaves is horrified!


This is also a supernatural power!

This is a cross-domain long-range strike of some terrible supreme creature!

It is even possible that this supreme being is not in Taixu!

This is a cross-border blow!

"You shouldn't touch the seal inside this girl, you've got a big guy who shouldn't provoke!"

It was also at this moment that a white demon shadow swept in and turned into a woman, and the woman stared at the young humanoid with a cold cry!

"How old?"

The human race young man smiled faintly, raised his head and glanced at the horror **** thunder that was about to fall down, only to hear a clatter, the horror **** came to disillusion suddenly!


The horror **** thunder is gone!


Is this awesome magical power that has solved the supreme being?


The woman in white is as cold as a frost!


Chun Yu opened his mouth and froze, his heart was shocked! If you read it right, this human race just glanced at random into the sky, and the horror supernatural power of the supernatural beings shattered at once!


At a glance!

Supernatural power!

Is this child really just a ring overlord!



"You know who this seat is, and you know who you are causing!"

The thunder shook, and a violent sound was pressed down!

The spirits of the fallen leaves shivering!

This is definitely a supremacy!

It is definitely more than a small level stronger than the handsome adult!

"Welcome to Taixu to find me. I can tell you who I am. By the way, remember that the body is in person. It is convenient to kill it. Otherwise, you will have to go outside Taixu to find you."

The young humane responded with a smile.



This, this!

This response is crazy!

The native demon tribe of Fallen Leaves Shocked was dumbfounded!


The woman in white also widened her eyes!

This child!

How can it be so arrogant!





God thunder is furious!

"Crazy you are crazy, you are really crazy, you want this person to be in person, ten days later, you will be in the domain of the Taixu wind, ten days later, this person will come to kill you! You remember this seat, Lei Zun, the name of this block!"


That voice sounded again!


Although I have never heard such a person!

Although there is no such character on the top of the Taixu list!

However, the title of the era is definitely a tyrannical creature that survived in ancient times!

Ten days later!

The era of Lei Zun is coming!

Will the Fallen Leaf City be erased!

The native demon quiver!

"Ten days later? The time is too long. I will only give you three days."

The young human race smiled again.


Three days?


Isn't ten days good!

Why three days!

Isn't there more preparation time on the tenth!

The native demon clan was shocked!

Do not understand for a while!

" Three days, three days, three days later, this seat will come. If you escape, this seat will chase the world and kill you!"


That voice sounded again!


Just hear a thunder blow!

The sky threw away the **** thunder!



The demon clan in the fallen leaves **** city!

Stare towards the platform in front of the highest temple!

Only one question at this moment!

Are the young people of this race really not afraid at all!

How dare anyone provoke!

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