Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2419: Can you not be so strong!

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Who is this!

Whose voice is this!

Is this the sovereign?

Does not seem to be a suzerain!

Who is this!



The face of nothingness transformed by the Supreme Heavenly Path retreated!

That terrifying thunder tragedy disappeared at once!

Just now!


The face of nothingness transformed by Supreme Heavenly Dao also showed a trace of panic!

This Nima!

Who can scare the Supreme Heavenly Dao!

This world!

I am afraid that only the Hongmeng Tribulator can do this!

Could it be that the Hongmeng Tribulation Lord is in the main hall of Sect Master Peak!

The monk outside the main hall of the Sect Master of the Sinister Immortal only feels an indescribable horror at the moment, because I have never seen such a scene before, because that scene was just too unbelievable and terrifying!


Fu Feng, a deacon, has a very pale complexion, and his whole body is trembling! He heard it. He heard the voice of displeasure that came from the main hall of Sect Master Peak just now!

this moment!

He just felt like it was falling apart!

Daoxin suffered an unprecedented impact!



His eyebrows split open!

Brilliant flash!

The Yuanshen villain in his eyebrows shattered!


Deacon Luo fell to the ground!


The people around me, a few other deacons who had been outside Xianshan before, and dozens of disciples who had been outside Xianshan, subconsciously looked over and saw that Deacon Luo had broken his heart and fell, and he was terrified!

This Nima!

This Nima!

What kind of terrible existence did Wan Ji invite back!


Ji Gun Divine Son came back to God, there are only four words at the moment!

"Who is he!"

Full Moon Divine Son glanced at Deacon Luo's body, his body flickered toward Ji Gun Divine Son, and trembling asked!

"I don't know who he is, I only know that he is something we can't afford.

This time Ji Gun Divine Son responded!


The full moon **** son shuddered again, and then fell into silence!


At this time!

Two shadows flew out of the cliff on the left side of the Tiangan Taiji Hall deep inside the Yinxian Immortal Gate and flew to the Sect Master Peak!


The top and bottom of the Yinxian Xianmen was shocked again!

"The queen came out!"

"Is the Empress Dowager disturbed?"

"This... Both the Empress Dowager and the Lady Baiji went to the Sect Master Peak Hall!"


The two figures flying to the main hall of the Sect Master Peak are the only supreme supernatural spirit of the Yinhuang Immortal Gate, and the only disciple, Baiji Niangniang, seems to have been awakened!


Sect Master Peak Hall.


From the suzerain to the youngest female disciple down to Qiushui, they were silent and looked at Chen Zheng again, changing their looks and extremely complicated.

"Long Chu Sect Master..." At this time, two figures plundered into the hall. One of them was Bai Ji Niang Niang. Bai Ji Niang Niang shouted subconsciously, but when she saw Chen Zheng, she froze for a while, after a few rests He took a deep breath and bowed to Chen Zheng: "Senior... The Senior has come to the Immortal Immortal Gate. Baiji followed the Immortal Retreat and failed to greet the arrival of the Senior, and looked forward to Senior Haihan! Ji... Bai Ji thought that the senior would stay in the wind domain for some time, but did not expect the senior to come so fast..."


Bai Jiniang know this supreme Chen?

Sect Master Long Chu, a few elders, Goddess Xuan He, and a few female disciples behind Wan Ji froze, and then all stared over!

"Listen to Bai Ji, your lord is in the deciduous city of the wind, and the three palms are afraid of death. Three of them are supreme, and one of them is from the era of Lei Zun. Seeing the Supreme Heavenly Dao retreat in horror, you should be one of the top ten in the list."

Beside Madame Bai Ji, there was a woman dressed in elegant elegant clothes. The woman looked at Chen Zhengyi, her eyes also flashed in shock, with a rather emotional tone.

This simple and elegant woman is the only supreme being after the muddy Yinxian, the Yinhuangxianmen, now ranked 16th on the list.


"There is still this matter!"

"Three slaps shoot three dead supreme!"

"Baiji...Baiji came back before and seemed to say nothing!"

"The top of the list is really horrible!"

Sect Master Long Chu and several elders subconsciously exclaimed. For the first time, they heard that Baiji did not mention anything at all! It turned out that the three supreme beings that had fallen a few days ago, and the undefeated Shenbei announced a few days ago that the three supreme beings had fallen, it was Chen's hand!


Sovereign Chen is the top of the list!

Casually retreat to the incarnation of Gaotiandao!

Three slaps are afraid of death. The supreme beings after the top ten of the list are also reasonable!

It's just that for others like yourself!

It is too scary!

"The top of the list... the predecessor is... the top of the list?"

Baiji's mother was stunned. At this moment, she remembered that in the city of Fallen Leaves God, she hurriedly left with her heart broken and scrapped Xiu Wei, and did not dare to ask the identity of this senior!


This senior is the top of the list!

No wonder!

No wonder so terrible!

"Chen Zheng, the top of the list..."

The Empress Dowager was also stunned. She guessed that Chen was one of the top ten in the list, and even more than 70% may be the ultimate devil!


It's not the supreme true devil!

It's the top!

It is the top of the mysterious list!

"Can you...don't be so strong...can you give us a little hope...can you give us a chance..."

At this time!

The Xuan He Son at the main entrance of the hall suddenly opened!


A crooked head!


It seems that it has suffered an unbearable blow!


The rest of the temple saw this scene and remained silent for a while, not to mention that a **** son was hit, even if he was already the second-largest domain or even the first-level overlord of the nine-ring and ten-ring era in Taixu, he felt at this moment. Suffered an unprecedented blow, Dao Xin is almost unable to support it!

Can you not be so strong!

Can we see a little hope for those of us!

Can you give us a little chance!

this moment!

I also want to make such a cry!

Just dare not shout it out!

I'm afraid the last bit of confidence is gone!

Sect Master Long Chu and several elders sighed!

"I'm here to see Yang Huangxue. Wan Ji takes me to see Elder Qiushui."

Chen Zheng looked at Wan Ji and broke the silence with a soft whisper.

"Yes! Wan Ji takes the Master to Qiushui Peak!"

Wan Ji responded solemnly, and then gave a slight salute to the Empress Dowager, turning the light out of the hall. Chen Zheng also came out with the light, and several female disciples shuddered in the vein of Qiushui, quickly saluted the patriarch and the emperor of the cloudy Yin, and the light turned out of the hall.



Outside the Sect Master Peak!

Inside the Immortal Gate!

Almost all creatures are flying towards Chen Zheng from the Sect Master Peak!

One by one!

Startled again!


Afraid again!

At this moment!

Almost everyone already knows who killed the Skyhook monster!

Casually forced to retreat to the highest heaven incarnation!

I just don’t understand!

Who is this man?

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