Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2422: We are all wrong

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"Emperor Tianshenzuo Gao fell, hereby telling the world of Taixu!"

"The Emperor Tianshenzuzu falls, and hereby tells the world of Taixu!"

"Tenjinzu Emperor Deer fell, hereby telling the Taixu world!"

The deep and thick voice of the undefeated Shenbei resounded through the world of Taixu, and the creatures of other domains in the second domain, subconsciously looked at the sky, and then looked towards the second domain!

The very few people who have seen the fall of the supreme being in other territories in person, a figure emerged in front of them at this moment, almost all guess that the fall of the three gods of the supreme realm of Tenjinzuka is mostly related to that one!

And the creatures in the second largest domain heard the announcement, some were ignorant, some showed a happy look, and some were as if their eyes were about to burst apart!


The Yinxian Xianmen monk took a deep breath and fixed his eyes on the Tiangan Taiji Temple. At that moment, the back view was no longer visible, and the back view had entered the Tiangan Taiji Temple!

"Uh... this and this... let's go first."

Sect Master Long Chu grabbed the Yang Huang Axe and talked about it. To tell the truth, at this moment he felt that the Yang Huang Axe in his hand suddenly became extra heavy!

Originally, this supreme treasure is in hand, it should be very fragrant, but after witnessing the scene just now, the supreme supreme treasure of Yanghuang Axe suddenly became fragrant!

Yanghuang Axe has a fart use!

Can you kill the gods of the three supreme realms of Tenjinzu!

Can it be comparable to the supreme means of Chen!

if it is possible!

I would rather replace Yang Huangxun with the supernatural powers of Chen Supreme!

"Go ahead."

After the turbid Yinxian whispered, he took the lead and stepped into the Tiangan Taiji Temple. The Long Chu Sect Master, Wan Ji, Bai Ji Niangniang, and Xingxu Elder quickly followed in.


The rest of the monk of the Immortal Immortal Gate suddenly breathed a sigh of relief!

It just felt that the invisible terror disappeared at this moment!


Still all stared at Tiangan Taiji Temple!


Tiangan Taiji Temple!

As soon as a few people entered the temple after the turbid Yinxian, there was a change in the temple before the opening of the temple. The faceless idols enshrined, and even the people like the opaque immortal gate after the turbid Yinxian could not be identified. At this moment, as if I were alive, the facial features emerged from the faceless, turning out a complete human face!

This is a man!

A man who just wanted to glance and couldn’t help but worship!

Who is this!

This is a great man in the ancient era!

Is this the Taichi among the congenital five great gods!

"You are right, we are all wrong, she is indeed helping us. But you have to be careful, there is another her in this world, or another she is her twin sister...!"

The man didn’t look at the others, but only looked at Chen Zheng. He said something with emotion, just talking, his face changed suddenly, and he wanted to open his mouth and shout, and his face shattered!

The idol changed back to faceless!



Broken a sparse rotten!


Wan Ji, Empress Dowager, Dragon Chu Sect Master, Bai Ji Niangniang, and Xingxu Elder all shuddered. At this moment, they looked at the idol turned into ashes, and there was an inexplicable fear!


Who is stopping the body of the idol!

Who ruined this faceless idol outside the Taixu!

and also!

Is this really the Taichi among the five congenital gods!


Then he knows Supreme Chen!

What was the status of Supreme Master Chen once!

Several people looked at Chen Zheng with endless doubts!

"There is indeed another woman in this world, but I can't distinguish it completely. Is she the only one she has touched in this life?"

Chen Zheng said softly.


What does it mean?

Does this mean to listen to the will of the idol body just now?

But will the will of the idol be heard?

These thoughts flashed over, and the Long Chu Sect Master wanted to ask, but when he thought of the strangeness of that scene and saw the fear after that scene, he restrained himself!

no doubt!

That's not enough to get involved in the level of beings at this level!

and so!

In order to prevent Dao Xin from being impacted again!

It’s better not to ask!

"Where is the ancestral land of the Tian hook family, and where is the celestial body of Tenjinzu."

At this time Chen Zheng turned around and swept a few people.

"Ah? Chen Wushang... Are you going to destroy the Tian hook clan and Tianshen mound? This... Long Chu can lead Chen Wushang at any time!"

Sect Master Long Chu was stunned, and then he was overjoyed, and nodded like a chicken peck rice!


This is a great opportunity!

Destroy the Skyhook clan and Tenjinzuka!

The Yinxian Xianmen in the second largest domain is the absolute first line!

of course!

This is not so important now!

Now is the bad omen of the world after the destruction of Yin Ruins!

Resolve the robbery of Yinxian Xianmen!

"Go to the Tian hook family first."

Chen Zheng smiled and glanced at Long Chu Sect Master.


Sect Master Long Chu nodded his head and directly urged the Yang Axe with a mysterious method. I saw the red awn flash. At the next moment, everyone went out of the Enchanted Immortal Gate, and the Yang Axe was transformed into a giant red fairy ship. Carrying the way of horrible fire, slamming to the northwest!


"There is still the Empress Dowager... where is this going!"

"That's the direction of the ancestral land of the Tian hook family. This is going to the direction of the ancestral land of the Tian hook family. Is this going to counterattack the Tian hook family!"

The monk of the Immortal Immortal Gate looked at the sky, and then exclaimed!


On the Sect Master's Peak, the teacher of Xuanhe Divine Son grabbed the Xuanhe Divine Son and turned into light, rushed out of the mountain gate enclave, and went to the northwest land!


Ji Gun Divine Son without hesitation, also emerged!


The look of the full moon **** child changed rapidly, and a sharp bite also turned into light!


After a moment!

A white light flew out of the autumn water!

The rest of the monks looked over and froze for a moment, and it quickly came back. It was the elder Qiushui who took the disciples of Qiushui to the ancestral land of the Tiangou family!


This is really a counterattack!


at the moment!

Only one question!

Can the Hook family stop it!

The mysterious young man who Wan Ji invited back, but he squeezed the supreme creature!




Ancestral land of the Tian hook family!

Black Qi You Mang surge!

This is an ancient battle!

The Skyhook family used to be too lazy to urge this ancient big formation!

Because there is no Taoism in the second largest domain that dares to provoke the Tian hook family!

However, when several elders and the three heavenly gods, the Supreme God, went to the Immortal Gate, and they never came back, the elders' cards were destroyed, and the three heavenly gods fell and the sound of the fall was heard from Taixu. The Hook tribe urged this ancient big formation!

Not right!

The Yinxian Xianmen is not so strong!

After the turbid Yinxian urges the Yanghuang Axe, it is impossible to kill the three Supreme Gods easily!


Above the ancestral land!

A huge red fairy ship came across!

The road of horror fire is pressed down!

The surging black gas Youman was instantly pressed down!

Under the dark air!

The Tian hook family stared out!

"someone is coming!"

"It seems to be the man of the Immortal Immortal It is really the person of the Immortal Immortal Gate! Elder, there is also a young man with a major focus on doing things! These guys are here, this huge red fairy ship has supreme breath, this seems to have been transformed by Yanghuang Axe!"

"Yihuanba is a young This young man... this young man is a little familiar, this is not... this is not seen in the undefeated shrine in the undefeated Shrine. Was that guy ever!"

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