Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2444: Pan God Panlong!

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This Nima!

Shenying really stuck!

"But...Yin Tianwang could this **** shadow get stuck...Yin Tianwang is the supreme realm, who can enter the ink world to destroy the ancient formation method !"

Guzhou animal husbandry looks changeable, bow your head and ask!

"It's not to destroy the ancient shadow **** formation, but to completely seal the ink world, and seal me and you all in the ink world. After all, he is still working on Tianlong, and his ambition is too great."

Yin Tianwang shook his head for a while.



This ink world!

Suddenly turned gray!

It was originally a bright and rich world!

At this moment, it seems to be drawn away from life!

Become a dead place isolated from the world!


"How can the world of ink and wash be like this!"

"What is the meaning of King Yin Tian... Who is he? Is it... Lord Lord! But... How could the Lord Lord do something to Lord Tianlong, so he rushed to Tianlong It is the patron saint of the royal family of the Yin ancient dynasty!"

The face of the nine big state animal husbandry has changed greatly, and the appearance of the unification spirits on all the major roads has also been changed. Originally, the desolate face staring at the lone Cang of Fairy Qin Mei, now also awake!

Can't figure it out!

Do not understand!

"Tianlong... Tianlong's reputation is not obvious in the era of overlord. Compared with the Taihuang, Taixuan, the Lord of Taiyin, the Supreme True Demon, and the Ancient Magic Dragon at that time, Tianlong is not a level at all. Hong Wangu, the killing Dao Yi Qianhan, the Huntian priest and other slightly lower-level tyrants are also much worse.

It's just that... Taixu entered the supreme age, and Tianlong also stepped into the supreme realm. Tianlong had supernatural powers that gave ordinary era supremacy and even supernatural powers. This supernatural power is too awesome, and I can step into the supreme realm by relying on the supernatural power of the dragon.

However, some people are dissatisfied, and some people want to make supreme creatures in large quantities. I do not agree with Tianlong. Naturally, Tianlong’s supernatural powers can’t be displayed without limits. You see what happened next.

He sealed the ink world, and he has already begun to deal with Tianlong. I just want to say that he took the wrong step, and it is very wrong. "

Yin Tianwang frowned, shaking his head for a while.


Nine big animal husbandry is silent!

"Then... shall we go out?"

Someone can't help asking!

"When his plan succeeds, he will let us out. It was only then that Tianlong should no longer exist, then there is also a possibility that you might be wiped out."

Yin Tianwang glanced at the man.


Everyone heard!

The body trembles!

This Nima!

Tianlong feast!

It turned out not to be a chance!

What is this?

What to do now!

Is it really waiting to be silenced!

"Our little Holy Emperor Mountain, in the territory of the Yin Ancient Holy Dynasty, is also the first lineage except the royal family. I bear the hope of the Little Holy Emperor Mountain. The Lord should not kill me and kill me... except me, Fairy Qin Mei, the descendant of the evil religion, is also present. Fairy Qin Mei now ranks third in the rankings. If Fairy Qin Mei falls in the ancient ancient city of Yingu, the leader of the evil religion will be traced down, and the Holy Lord cannot bear it."

Gu Cang said thoughtfully.

"The little girl is just an era overlord, and the little girl fell and she fell. Where can the master of the teacher make an effort for the little girl."

Fairy Qin Mei smiled brightly.


Everyone glanced at Fairy Qin Mei, in fact, they all understood that if Fairy Qin Mei really fell in the ancient ancient city of Yingu, the leader of the evil **** would definitely come here in person!

and so!

The Holy Lord will surely let go of Fairy Qin Mei!

This fairy Qin Mei doesn't need to worry about her own safety!



The light shines in the ink world!


Everyone's look changed!


next moment!

All creatures in the ink world are teleported!

Next moment!

Everyone was in a golden palace!


Seems like a Holy Court!

It seems to be inside the ancient ancient court!

"Holy Lord!"



"This, this..."

Jiu Dazhou Mumu glanced and saw more than one familiar figure, but it was very wrong. At this moment, the human body's Tianlong was locked!

Not locked by shackles, but locked by a demon woman, who was like a spider on Tianlong! Tianlong is not only unable to move at this moment, he is fainted at the moment, his origin seems to be being sucked away!

Enchanting woman!

It is a supreme being!

"Yin Gu Shengzhu, if you just wipe these guys directly, and use the fate of abbot to control these guys, it is a waste! Among these guys, there are only two or three of some value, and the rest are stinky fish, kill them. There’s no loss in killing!"

The demon woman who was trapped in Tianlong turned her head strangely, and swept across the crowd with a wicked smile!


All the avenues of the invited quiver!

Holy Lord!

How could the Lord Lord be with such a woman!

Who is this woman on the list!

"Holy Lord, the minister made a vow to swear that he will never leak anything from today's affairs!"

At this time!

Guzhou Mubo knelt with a cry!



In a few moments, Dazhou Mumu kneeled!

In the nine major state herdsmen, only Zhao Wuyou is still standing!

"Tianlong has guarded our Yingu royal family for so many years, but you want to eat Tianlong's flesh and **** the blood of Tianlong, even the bones are not as good as you are. You will be retaliated for doing so!"

After Yin Tianwang was silent for a moment, the man in the robe staring at the Holy Court God's robe sang a drink!

"Old ancestors, you and I are already supreme. At this stage, if you are still afraid of any retribution, if your old people think I am wrong, your old people will not close your eyes. If your old people want to block , That can only bring you back to hegemony. Speaking of which, you also have a supreme power in your body. If you give it to the prince, the prince should be able to step into the supremacy."

The ancient Holy Lord on the throne smiled faintly.


Yin Tianwang's heart suddenly fluctuated!

All the avenues in the main road were stunned!


Holy Ancient Lord!

Is this even the disrespect of their ancestors?

"The old thing has no fighting spirit, it is difficult to make progress as a supreme cultivator, you old thing might as well pass on the supreme power that Tianlong gives you to the younger generation! If the old thing you feel trouble, God I can help you!"

The demon woman who coiled on Tianlong like a spider, Yin Yin's eyes fixed on Yin Tianwang!


Yin Tianwang stared at him coldly!

"Haha! Sinister? Old stuff! This **** is not a wicked sin, this **** is the dream of one of the four major robbers of the future robbery! Yin Gu Shengzhu joins hands with our future robbery, this is the wise choice, you The old things guard the old things, and when the catastrophe arrives, the first thing to fall is your stubborn old stubbornness!"

Enchanting woman sneer!

"Great dream!"

"Top 15 on the list!"

"Future robbery!"

Invited trembling cry of the Tongsheng spirits from all avenues


Yin Gu Shengzhu is joining hands with that strange future robbery!

No wonder this woman is so weird!

"Uncle This shameless woman is the future robber!"

At this moment, Lan Ling suddenly shouted at Chen Zheng!


This little girl!

Don't be too brave!

Everyone stared at the temple!

Kneeling on the ground, Guzhou Mu raised her head and stared at it coldly, and then she smiled. She secretly said that the little girl was really stupid, and she dared to jump out at this time!


Out of stupidity!

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