Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2451: My uncle is here!

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"Blue ginger... No. 23 on the list... Our saint, who had been eliminated from this family, stepped into the supremacy... I remember her tradition Let’s go to Yunling Mountain in the Worship-free State of the ancient Yin Dynasty... pass on a bloodline to her."

There is an unnamed valley in the east of the palm heaven, and there is a mysterious little world under the valley. At this moment, an old man in the mysterious little world said lightly.

"This... she can receive the call of the blood brand, but will she really come back? After all, a few elders were unfair to her, and she is the most qualified to be a saint of our family. ."

A middle-aged man frowned slightly.

"Recently, the sleeping old monsters of the ancient races in the heavens have begun to recover, and the ancestors of our family will also recover. Blue Jiang has stepped into the supreme realm and will definitely want to go further and she will come back. "

The old man said lightly again.

"I...understand, this is the blood vein branded to Lan Jiang."

The middle-aged man bowed his head and retreated silently.


Emperor Emperor Zong.

Orthodox mountain gate is in Empress Mountain.

Emperor Zong was calm in the past.

Now besieged by the strange and strange black armor.

in all directions!

All black guards!

"They all blame the Chu Hongyi. Her divine power has attracted this strange and unorthodox person! Even the era overlord, it is difficult to completely kill these black guards, not to mention the supreme black bridge. The spirits are sitting in town! Our Emperor Emperor Sect has no supernatural beings. At present, this strange force named the surname and asked the Sect Master to surrender the Chu Hongyi, otherwise we will calm down the Emperor Sect!"

"Hazard Star Constitution, didn't she have a terrible divine power before, wasn't she very proud, and now the supreme beings are coming to the door, how come she doesn't come out to fight the supreme beings!"

"Hush! But they have a great uncle, everyone said that when her uncle came, no matter how powerful the creatures could slap and die, we should believe her right!"

Emperor Zongwai Hall!

All kinds of sarcasm!

"Fuck! Really **** shameless! I went to Yinyang Tianhu to try a new magical power. This dog thing still wanted to take me away. I was beaten and said that I provoked them? Aunt Xuan, you can rest assured, I My uncle has come to control the heavens. Since my uncle sent a power from the gods and demons last time, I must know that I am in the Emperor Sect! If I am in any danger, my uncle will come and directly attack these guys. Dog head!"

In the Emperor Sect Patriarch Hall, Chu Hongyi was very upset!


Today this thing was touched porcelain!

"Huh! No matter if you provoked this force, or you are caused by this force, now that other people's supreme beings have come to the door, it doesn't make any sense to talk about right or wrong. Finding a solution is the key!"

A woman stared with cold eyes!

"Elder Liu, I was rescued by Aunt Xuan and brought Emperor Emperor Zong. Your old man seems to be unhappy with me. I just want to know, where did my Chu Hongyi provoke your old man?"

Chu Hongyi glared back!

"You! Huh! Your heart is clear!"

The woman sneered!

"But they are a little girl, they are naive and innocent, they don't have so many channels in their hearts, they really don't know, please ask Elder Liu to tell them, please beg your old people!"

Chu Hongyi's expression suddenly changed, covering his eyes and crying!

"You, you, what do you pretend! Don't you know that you are the daughter of Princess Longxiang, the ancestor of the ancestor, but the ancestor of the ancestor of the ancestor is not recognized! Originally, our emperor sect was closely related to the ancestor of the ancestor. Girl, the ancestor divine dynasty and our emperor sect are now cut off! So the existence of your little girl is a mistake in itself!"

The woman was angry!

"The ancestor ancestor? It turned out to be the ancestor ancestor! The ancestor ancestor was a fart, and my uncle smacked it with a slap!"

Chu Hongyi is also angry!


Emperor Sect Master, the beautiful woman who was called Aunt Xuan by Chu Hongyi, the rest of the elder disciples, etc., did not know what to say for a while!


Why is this noisy!

"Sect Master Mo has to hesitate again, and this strange power is basically clear! We can't afford this strange power. The supreme creature sitting in the black bridge is the blackhead who is currently ranked 14th in the ranking. God! Even if this girl’s uncle is a supreme being, the Daoist, Taixuan God, Taiyin Lord, etc. might not dare to provoke them! Where is it!"

The woman's eyes moved and looked at the Emperor Sect Master, lowering her voice!


The emperor's patriarch showed hesitation, and it seemed difficult to choose for a while!

"Fengmo cave? Huh! Afraid of a ball! My uncle slaps it!"

Chu Hongyi sneered!

"Blow up, blow up? Your uncle is really powerful, your mouth is also strong, open your mouth to close up, you think your uncle is the top of the list!"

The woman stared with cold eyes!

"My uncle... Hey? My uncle is here!"

Chu Hongyi was about to go back subconsciously, and suddenly felt a familiar breath, immediately showing the color of great joy, the power of the gods and demons surged, and rushed out of the patriarch's hall!


Is this girl's uncle really here?

The patriarch, elder Xuan, elder Liu, etc. all stared out in the patriarch's hall. The patriarch and elder Xuan were looking forward to it at the moment, but Elder Liu sneered!

"Are you here? I want to see today, how great is this uncle who has been studying for a long time! Doesn't that girl say to blow up and burst, can her uncle blow up the Dark Lord!"


His eyes followed Chu Hongyi's figure!

Emperor Zong Zhongxiu saw Chu Hongyi plunged into one's arms!


That young man!

The young man with two lines of domineering gods in her heart is her uncle Chu Hongyi?

and many more!

Two overlord **** patterns!

How come the two overlord **** patterns!

Sect Master and Elder Xuan stunned!

"Haha! Laughing to death! This girl and other people turned out to be just a second-level lord overlord! Sect Master and Elder Xuan, aren't you partial to this girl? Now that the truth is clear, do you regret it!"

Elder Liu also froze for a moment, and then laughed!


Inside the patriarch's hall!

Almost all are silent!

Sect Master and Elder Xuan glanced at each other, and they saw the surprise in each other's eyes, because the young man and several others were not outside the Emperor Zong Guardian Grand Formation at this moment, but now within the Emperor Zong Guardian Grand Formation!



This is to ignore the Emperor Sect guarding the great formation!

And there is no damage to the guardian team!

The young man and several others appeared in the gate of Emperor Zong Shan!

and so!

That young man is not as simple as it looks!

"That guy... Erhuan Overlord... He is what Uncle Chu girl has to wait for?"

"Haha! Hahaha! Earrings overlord! This girl usually blows her uncle into the So that's how it was done!"

"We were all fooled by this girl. I really thought that this girl's uncle was a terrible supreme creature. It turned out to be just an ordinary thing with only two overlord **** patterns!"


Emperor Zongwai Hall!

Many female disciples headed by Master Waiwai also sneered!

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