Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2456: 3 **** patterns

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Emperor Zong is silent up and down!

Although I don't know who the Taiyou Qinghuang is!

But the first lord of Emperor Zong died in the hands of Taiyou Qinghuang!

That must not be a good person!

"Huh? Uncle's eyebrows have another **** pattern? Is it because of crushing the strange curse of Taiyou Qinghuang?"

At this time!

Lan Ling suddenly noticed a little bit!


The rest of the temple quickly seemed to be surprised!

"She was really strong to a very high level when she was at the peak, but now the realm is falling seriously. The Taiyou Curse needs to be urged with the power of the source. Her Taiyou Curse is also equivalent to finding a successor for herself, otherwise the Emperor Sect Even more than 90% of the Taoism in the Taixu was cast by her. You've been able to help me improve my mana realm."

Chen Zheng nodded gently.

"No wonder the uncle helped Taixiao to cast a spell in Xiaoshenghuangshan before.

Lan Ling focused on the head.


Tai Xiao sighed that this Emperor Emperor Sect was created by his only blood descendant, but he never saw his blood descendant again.

"Then... I'm just her..."

The suzerain thought deeply and glanced at Wu Luoli, who was still unconscious, and could not help but bow his head and ask.

Chen Zheng didn't answer directly. He only lightened Wu Luoli's eyebrows lightly, and Wu Luoli's eyebrows suddenly showed a mark.



Elder Xuan was shocked!

"This is... Is this girl..."

Tai Xiao's eyes widened and shivered uncontrollably at this moment, he was more familiar with that mark than anyone else, because that was his unique mark!

Only the descendants of his bloodline will have such a mark in Yuanshen!

"The reincarnation of the first generation!"

Elder Xuan shouted!

"This is the reincarnation of Tianli..."

Tai Xiao couldn't believe it. He remembered clearly that the only descendant of his bloodline had fallen. The Yuanshen was completely erased by the power of the Taiyouqing Emperor. It was impossible to reincarnate!

But the mark of this girl's eyebrows in front of her is indeed the mark of her own vein! Each **** has its own unique mark, for example, Taihuang is a sword-shaped **** pattern!

Emperor Sword Seal!

Everybody in Taixu knows no one, no one knows!

This imprint of heaven!

Even supreme beings cannot be imitated!

and so!

The girl in front of me is indeed the only reincarnation of his bloodline descendants!

"I am I... Lord Emperor.... Old and thank you Lord Emperor!"

Between the vertical and horizontal tears, Tai Xiao bowed deeply to Chen Zheng!

"You resume your cultivation as soon as possible, and maybe I will use you someday in the future."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


Taixiao focuses on her head!



Emperor Emperor Zong.

The mountain guards loomed.

"Three Rings Overlord...Without the shackles, this mana repair is indeed much faster."

Chen Zheng swallowed the blood of origin, mana cultivation to reach the peak level of the three-ring overlord.

"That may have forgotten a little. Although you have no shackles in your body, because you have completed the next part of "None", you don't need to worry about getting out of control.

But in fact, the ultimate bite body you swallowed before can no longer suppress your flesh. Your flesh is much stronger than before, so it is still not so easy for you to recover your mana. It is not possible to rely on the real blood of origin. , But also the original power of the creator hierarchy.

For this reason, it should still be that the physical body grows too fast. Your physical body has detached billions of years ago, but before you battle with Hongmeng, the physical body and mana can basically maintain a balance. After your battle with Hongmeng, the balance was broken, and your flesh began to grow unlimitedly and without limits, and the mana could not keep up.

Of course, if it is a major reincarnation universe like the Hongmeng universe, one ring of overlord mana or three ring of overlord mana is actually not much different. Anyway, if it is not in the top ten of the list, it should be able to shoot casually. More powerful guys, such as the pure extreme level of Hongmeng, you can kill with a sword.

Now, only Yuwei, the fallen creature, and the guy who controls part of Yuwai's power are not so easy to kill. The Emperor Tai, the Lord of Tai Yin, the flow of supreme true demon, the body went to the broken land, it should be for the power of the universe. Taiyouqing Emperor Heaven is in the broken land, and there must be a force outside the universe in the broken land. "

In his spirit, Macross Roulette Ling said a lot in one breath.

"You say that the difference is not too big, but to kill the detached who fell from the realm, to completely suppress the Hongmeng robbery, you still need to raise the mana. Hongmeng’s ambition, the ambition is not ordinary, then the servant was with me. During the war, he had already controlled the power of Yuwai, not to mention that the man was still hiding his hands in the chaotic prison."

Chen Zhengyuan responded.

"Hongmeng Tribulation Master..." Ling Chao, a roulette player, pondered for a moment, and then transmitted a secret magical power to ensure that only Chen Zheng could hear: "I originally thought these tribulation masters in the Hongmeng universe... It is purely the creatures bred by the Hongmeng universe...It has nothing to do with the first major reincarnation...but now at least two can be determined...the morning of the immortal era can be determined Fengxian Lord Immortal Domain Supreme, that guy has another identity, that is, the guy himself said Chenfeng Haoyu Xian Luotian. So this Hongmeng Tribulation Lord is also very likely... One thing, this Hongmeng universe may be a fusion universe."

"Fusion universe?"

Chen Zheng is a little curious.

"The battle of the Great Destroy has destroyed many great reincarnations. This mighty universe might be the one... pinched out with the destroyed great reincarnation... the one who wanted to take this fast rebirth And restore the peak...

I doubt that once that person returns to the detachment, this huge universe will devour the power of the Ninth Reincarnation in a frantic manner, and in a short time it will become the new polar circle in the Ninth Reincarnation... The ultimate ultimate magic weapon... centering on the polar ring can quickly radiate the entire nine major reincarnation...

It may even be possible that the Hongmeng universe is the polar circle of that person... Of course these are just my Don’t think too much about the owner, I really dare not provoke the owner and that person Relationship, I’m just afraid... after all, the battle of the Great Destruction was terrifying, and the original creator was almost completely lost... that year was really crazy..."

Macross Roulette responded with secret magical powers.



Above the night sky of the palm domain!

A thunder burst!


Macross Roulette was shocked, thinking that his secret supernatural power was perceived by that person, but actually a huge golden symbol appeared at the moment above the night sky!

"Heavenly Daoyuan Realm opens, and the last choice of the sons of the heavens begins, any creature in the heavens and all realms can enter the heavenly Daoyuan Realm!"

next moment!

A vast voice resounded from Taixu!

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