Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2459: Formal introduction 1: This is my 3 disciple Yan Luo

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Taixiao and others instantly focused on Chen Zheng's face!

"There are still a few girls who aren't here, and those girls are also good at spiritual practice."

Chen Zheng nodded gently.

"Ah! I really miss the lemon!"

Lan Ling shouted to heaven!


Lan Jiang, Tai Xiao and other silence!



At this time!

The wild land below!

Suddenly began to shrink!

Seems to drive all the killed creatures to the giant mountain at the center of the wild land below!

"Have you started shrinking.......This time the last choice of the sons of the heavens, it should not be long before they can be selected. Who can win the only place in the future Holy Emperor?"

Taixiao glanced at the wild land below and frowned slightly.


Blink Kung Fu!

Those killed creatures!

Almost all have been driven to the front of the giant mountain by the power of heaven!


White light flashes!

Those creatures that were not killed were also sent to the front of the giant mountain by Heavenly Path!

At the moment, one by one hanging stone chairs emerged!

These creatures were teleported to the stone chair before they responded!

It seems that they are the audience who will witness the birth of the future Holy Emperor!


They are no longer qualified to compete for the future Holy Emperor places!

"Tianjiao in Taixu...It seems that only five people have reached the final level...I don't know how many people are from Hongmeng Heaven..."

The Emperor Sect Master glanced and recognized the five arrogances in the five Taixu, and all of them are the arrogance of the top indelible ancestors in the celestial domain.


Although there are five people!

But this number is far inferior to people in other worlds except Taixu!


Is it gone!

Or is it that some immortal Taoist teachers have stepped into the supreme realm!

So I don't look down on this future Holy Emperor quota!

Too lazy to let the successors come to compete!

The thought flashed, and the Emperor Sect Master looked down, and this is also the same. When I saw the white light flashing, the several female practitioners who were amazed by Tai Xiao before, even sent them all away!

It was all sent to the audience!



The unskilled creatures below are in an uproar!

Is this directly eliminated!

Other than that!

And Chu Hongyi!

Chu Hongyi was also sent to the audience!


Emperor Sect Master, Taixiao and Xuan Elders quickly came towards Chen Zhengwang!

"The women that Chu Hongyi and the uncle have are they all eliminated?"

Lan Ling frowned, although she was a little unhappy, but unhappy was another matter. At present, it seems that all candidates who are related to the uncle are eliminated, which is obviously a special target!

Could it be!

This is the meaning of the Holy King!


The thought came out, and a big man appeared on the deck of Xingcha, it was the Saint Royal Plate!

"This is not what I meant, it should be what she meant. You know Chen Zu, although I stepped into the supreme realm, it was really not her opponent."

The Holy King smiled wryly.



The Holy Royal is not an opponent!

Hongmeng robbery?


It seems that it is not Honghong Tribulator!

Seems like a woman!

and many more!

Uncle, what happened to this woman mentioned by the Holy King!

Lan Ling was keenly aware of something for the first time!


Chen Zheng said with a smile.


How does this sound like a compliment!

Lan Ling, Lan Jiang, Tai Xiao, etc. were a little ignorant, and they were extremely curious at the moment. What kind of woman is actually more tyrannical than the earth-shattering holy disc!

"Uncle... the one mentioned by Master Panhuang... wouldn't it be your lover or something?"

Lan Ling couldn't bear it, so he asked in a low voice!

"Don't think little girl, it's Chen Zu's just daughter."

Panhuang looks right.

Righteous girl?

Lan Ling, Lan Jiang, Tai Xiao, Emperor Sect Master, Elder Xuan, etc. were surprised!

This righteous girl is stronger than the holy queen!

What a terrible big man this is!

"Mama... Although I was a chaotic goddess in my previous life, even if I wake up and step into the supreme realm, I really don't have to be a uncle's righteous girl!"

Lan Ling groaned!



"Huh! Taixu Tianjiao, then what happened, the times have changed. Our Hongmeng Tianshangtian is the first realm of the heavens and the world. If you, Taixu Tianjiao, are as strong as the Thunder Avenue!"


The white light flashes before the giant mountain!

Turn into a prison!

Enclose in prison those creatures that seem to have been approved by Heaven!


Those creatures started a chaotic battle!

I saw that Thunder snorted urgently. At this moment, the thunder pattern flew out of my heart, blooming like a lotus flower.

"Supreme Realm!"

"This son's enlightenment on Thunder Avenue is infinitely close to the supreme realm!"

"Hongmeng too heaven... This son is the arrogance of Hongmeng too heavenly, so this time the last choice of the sons of the heavens was not prepared for our Taixu souls, this may have been the default! But we are too The arrogance of the highest-level immortal Taoism in the market, such as the successor of the Great Emperor Sword Palace, did not come at all. If he comes, he may not necessarily be stabilized by this kid who practices Thunder Avenue!"

"Although this is true, not coming means you give up!"

"Ah! To be honest! A few female nuns who have been abruptly eliminated just now. Among them, it seems that the girl who is invincible and inherited from the first person in our overlord list is really against this too heavenly kid, and it may not be impossible to beat!"

"Defeated! The five Tianjiao that we took to the last step of Taixu were all defeated, and the Tianjiao of other worlds were also defeated, and they were all blown away by Thunder Avenue!"


These are the creatures in Taixu!

Not convinced!


No way!

After all, the top Tianjiao is that he hasn't come to fight for the title of the future Saint Emperor!

No wonder others!

Between the whispers, in the prison in front of the giant mountain, Thunder Avenue drove all the others away!

In the blink of an eye!

Only one person is still standing!

"Haha! Hahaha! The thunder is overwhelming! Our Son of Raymond Immortal Mansion is the future Holy Emperor!"

In silence, an old man in purple suddenly burst out laughing on the audience!

"What is the prince of the ruins, the terrible chickens and dogs are nothing. Compared with the Son of Son, they are all stinky fish! The moment that the Son of God condenses the pattern of the overlord, the Son of Son is destined to become the future Holy Emperor!"

The only standing young man in purple robe sneered proudly!

In front of the giant mountain!

The prison is broken!

The top of the giant mountain!

A bright divine light hit!

Hit the eyebrows of the purple robe youth!


There is a **** pattern in the eyebrows of the young man in the purple robe!

This is not overlord **** pattern!

This is the mark of the Holy Emperor!


In the next moment!

An extra breath came out of the young man in the purple robe!

"Holy Emperor! Future Emperor! See the Future Emperor! See Lei Jiu Emperor!"

Seeing this scene, the old man in purple was very excited. Even if he was the elder of the young man in purple robe, he knelt down at the young man in purple robe and shouted the name of the emperor at the same time!

The rest of the creatures on the audience were silent and their faces were not beautiful!

"Have you waited to see the Holy Emperor yet?"

Zipao Youth's indifferent gaze swept across the audience!

"This guy also deserves to be a holy emperor? Heavenly Dao is blind! Well, wait, this should not be the uncle's righteous girl who chose this guy to be the future emperor?"

Lan Ling's small face was cold on Xingcha!

"This shouldn't be the Holy Emperor she chose. She should just eliminate the little girl that Chen Zu pointed out, such as Bai Nishang, Shen Wu Tears. Of course, if Chen Zu wants to intervene, she should stop it. After all, this future Saint Emperor is her. Daddy wants to choose, and all the heavens in the Heavenly Realm are created by her father. Some superficial effort still needs to be done."

The Holy King shook his head gently.

"Her dear? Created Heavenly Path... Lying trough, isn't her dear..."

Lan Ling blinked wildly!

Xingcha's blue ginger, Tai Xiao, Emperor Sect Master, Elder Xuan, Wu Luoli, etc. also appeared very shocked!


This is also the time!

Chen Zheng stepped out in one step, and an extra figure appeared in the midair. Lan Ling waited for the first time to stare, and he saw that Chen Zheng and the extra figure fell in front of the giant mountain!



People from all walks of life and all avenues on the audience stage stared over!

Bai Nishang, Shen Wu tears, Qi Ruyi, Cang Sheng, and Ye Qingcheng at almost the same place recognized Chen Zheng, all showing excitement!




The dense shadows of thunder and staring all stared down!

"Fuck! This purple dress is going to be thundered!"

The rabbit floating next to Bai Nisang had been chewing on the Suddenly excited and burst out a swearing!

"You... the overlord of the Three Rings era? Hmm? The little girl next to you is only the overlord's **** pattern. Why has this Son become the future Holy Emperor, are you not convinced to challenge this Son?"

The indifferent eyes of the young man in the purple robe swept over Chen Zheng and the people beside Chen Zheng, and then the merciless mocking!

Chen Zheng didn’t look at the Zipao Youth, and at the moment he slowly turned around with the people around him, like he was introducing all the creatures in the Heavenly Dao Yuan Realm. He smiled and pointed at the people around him: "Formally introduce this, It’s my three disciples Yan Luo."


What does it mean?

What is going to be done?

Is this self-recommendation or promotion?

Almost all creatures are showing doubts!

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