Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2465: Stop for me!

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"Jealous of your looks and spiritual talent?"

"Oh! Your Chu Hongyi also has only half of the ancestors' royal lineage, and the other half of the lineage is only from a family in the middle of a thousand worlds. Do you think we will be jealous of your spiritual talent?"

"The boy who is the master of the Three Rings, no matter what your relationship with Chu Hongyi, you have to understand that this is the ancestral ancestor of the Supreme God, not to mention that you are an era overlord, even if the supreme creature comes, you must also abide by the rules here. ! You are an outsider who has not yet qualified to speak!"

"The pheasant running out of the mountains will never want to become a phoenix!"


Cold eyes swept over!

Still disdain and ridicule!


The guide elder heard these taunts and frowned slightly. He was the slave of Princess Longxiang, and Chu Hongyi was the daughter of Longxiang, so he still had to maintain Chu Hongyi no matter what. At this moment, he only shook his head gently in his heart.

If his master was not under house arrest for some special reason, if he was still the first princess of the ancestor of the thunder and lightning that controlled the thunder and lightning, how could these royal children dare to sneer at the 19th princess!


Sigh in my heart!

The leading old man looked at Chu Hongyi again, seeing that Chu Hongyi was too lazy to take care of the rest of the royal family, and was a little shocked. He couldn't help but look at Chen Zheng more, didn't see any divinity, and thought about it. Be prepared to secretly remind you of something!



The door of the vast vast shrine suddenly opened!

I saw a person coming out of the vast shrine!

In white!

All hair must be white!

But the face is not the old man!

Face is no different from middle-aged people!

This is a white-haired **** emperor!

"See the Emperor Xingtian God!"

"Meet the ancestor of Xingtian!"

"Congratulations to Xingtian Ancestor!"

The children of the royal family in front of Baiyutian Order saw the people who came out of the vast shrine, and they respectfully worshipped them!

"Bei Mingshuang Respectfully Welcomes the First Ancestor!"

This is also the time!

A woman's voice came from behind!

Chu Hongyi's little face was instantly cold when he heard this voice!

Immediately afterwards, I saw a woman in a phoenix robe walking past her with a few maids!

The woman didn't glance at her!

Seems to be her air!

"This woman is the wife of the first ancestor **** emperor after the Northern Deity God. The cultivation is not very good. It is like a two hundred and five. This woman does not know if there is a problem with the brain. Every time I come to the ancestral **** dynasty, This woman has to add play to herself, deliberately showing off her sense of presence!

This woman should have been pressed by my mother for too long, so I want to get it back on me! By the way, there is a son who is the prince of the first ancestor of the ancestral dynasty, the one closest to Baiyu Tianjie! What kind of prince is the dragon prince, as the prince of the dynasty, but the name has a evil word in it, the name has not been taken well, and it must be bad luck in the future! "

Chu Hongyi secretly read the voice!

"Everyone should be here, I won't say much. The next thing I want to talk about is the Cangqing Avenue in the three traditions of our ancestors and gods, which is the Avenue of Life. There will be any reservations, so how much you can understand depends on your own talents."

At the end of Baiyu Tianjie, on the simple platform in front of the huge shrine, the eyes of the white-haired **** emperor swept the royal disciples who had been sitting on the ground before Tianjie, and then looked at Chen Zheng and Chu Hongyi who were standing behind, and they faced each other. There is a little void in the magic court!


Qingmang flashed!

Dimples appear!

"Dave pattern!"

"The Road to Life!"

"This is the path of life in the three great traditions of our ancestors!"


The royal children exclaimed!

"My child Longxie quickly enrolled in the path of enlightenment. When you fully control the three ancestors of the ancestral dynasty, you can completely rewrite the pattern of the three ancestors of the ancestral dynasty and become the only supreme ancestor of the ancestor!"


Behind the Northern Deity God excitedly secretly transmitted the sound to the Crown Prince Longxie!

"The mother is assured that as long as the path of life passed down by the Emperor of Heaven is complete, then my dragon evil will be perfectly imprinted!"

Prince Longxie responded!

"Well, Longxie, you were born with supreme destiny, and you will be born above all the emperors born in the past of the ancestors, and your father and emperor will only look at you in the future!"

Behind Beiming God smiled!


Qingmang flashes again!

The royal children sitting on the floor!

Almost all of them are now on the road of enlightenment!

"This guy... it seems that he is really trying to put my mother out, but this guy is also the 16th on the top of the list. If I were this guy, why would I have to face these younger generations and directly take the direct bloodline Descendants are released... But what did my mother do, it is impossible to be put under house arrest all her life just because she gave birth to my father..."

Chu Hongyi glanced at the dimples appearing in the void, and at the white-haired God Emperor, his brow murmured slightly.

"Princess Nineteen, please concentrate on the path of enlightenment. This is one of the three major inheritances of the ancestors of the ancestors. Only in the past, only the descendants of the direct blood line of the line of the God of the Gods have the opportunity to get this inheritance.

The old man heard a murmur and couldn't help the sound of Shen Nian.

"The Avenue of Life? The Cang Qing robbers of the Age of Life all called my uncle, I want to learn it at any time, and I need to learn it at this time! Although I am too lazy to have anything to do with the ancestor of the ancestral dynasty, , But this guy with white hair looks like a good person, and he really wants to help my mother, but he feels that he is being tricked by the other two veins, or that he has been forced into the palace. I am very upset now!"

Chu Hongyi Shen Nian said coldly!

"..." The old man stayed, thinking he had heard it wrong, so Shen Nian asked: "Did the nineteenth princess get hysteria?"


It is at this moment!

The white-haired **** emperor raised his hand again!

I saw a green mango emerged!

This green light turned into countless blue light spots!

Fly into the body of the royal family on the Enlightment Avenue before the white jade sky order!

One of them also flew towards Chu Hongyi!

"What is this for? How does this feel to be his source?"

Chu Hongyi felt something was wrong and frowned instantly!

"This... this is indeed the origin of the Emperor of Heaven...I can't think the conditions for releasing the Master are so harsh... Alas!"

The old man was shocked, and then whispered and sighed!

"So... the so-called Divine Emperor's Preaching today is actually a person of the other two veins. He wants the white-haired Divine Emperor to pass the other two veins to the other two veins, which is not qualified to practice. In addition, you need to use the power of the source to improve the cultivation of the other two veins, so that the other two veins will agree to release my mother? Damn! This is the other two veins sucking the blood of my mother!"

Chu Hongyi's body was At this moment, she understood that after a sudden change in her expression, she snapped her teeth and urged the power of the demon to open her mouth with a cold drink: "Stop me!"

This drink!

The power of the gods and demon surged!



The Shrine is shocked!

Those royal children who were enlightened on the road of enlightenment were all awakened!


After waking up!

react to!

One by one slammed over!

Almost all are greedy!

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