Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2467: You emperor have opinions!

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God light!

One after another!

There is from outside the court!

There is a vast shrine from the sky!

It exudes supreme breath!

"Father Emperor!"


"Meet the God Emperor!"

Prince Longxie and other royal children saw a familiar figure, shouted quickly, and then bowed and bowed!

"No Emperor..."

The old man saw the emperor's robe and lowered his head slightly! The man in the emperor's robe is the ancestor of the ancestral dynasty, and his title is unrelated, and he is a supreme being!

"Princess Nineteen brought a terrible person to the ancestral spirit."

Wu Xiang Shen Huang glanced at the Northern Deity God with only the broken Yuanshen, looked at Chen Zheng, then smiled at Chu Hongyi.

"My uncle is right anyway, it's the phaseless **** emperor, your wife sacrificed the goddess to kill my mother's old servant, and you have to expel me, my uncle's hand!"

When Chu Hongyi saw the Emperor Wuxiang, he pondered a little: "There is another point. Today, the other two veins in the three veins of the ancestor ancestors of the ancestors, sucking the blood of the white ancestor of the ancestors of my mother. !Maybe in the eyes of your unseen God, I am just a little girl, but my uncle is here today! The unseen God, the old man said that you helped my mother back then, at this point, I advise you , Don’t do it with my uncle, otherwise it will be miserable in the end!"


What is this nonsense!


"what are you saying!"

"Chu Hongyi, are you crazy?"


Prince Longxie and other royal children are furious!

At this moment, the Emperor of No Phase came in person, and two ancestors appeared in the huge shrine, which is equivalent to the three supreme emperors sitting in town.

This strange kid, no matter how powerful, can still be stronger than the three supreme gods!

"It seems that you still recognize my uncle, but the ancestors of the ancestors can not easily be provoked, not to mention the preaching ceremony today, the three ancestors have already negotiated things. Now in addition to Xingtian ancestors, the other two ancestors have also appeared, I don’t want to try the other two ancestors to try your mysterious uncle.”

The Emperor Wuxiang was lifeless and only smiled.



Above the Baiyu Heaven Level!

Two great emperors coming out of the huge shrine!

At the same time hum!


Then comes the power of the supreme avenue!

Coming towards Chen Zheng!

"kill him!"


The shattered Yuanshen screams after the Northern Hades!


Prince Longxie growled!


All the royal children roared in unison!



Something shattered!

Emperor Wuxiang, Queen Behind Beiming, Crown Prince Longxie, etc. were stunned, because before the sound of cracking sounded, they saw Chen Zheng’s right hand raised, and then heard the sound of cracking. From behind them!

Come from!

Back top!

There is only one place in the upper back!

That is the huge shrine that Baiyu Tianjie leads to!

That is the shrine where the ancestor gods slept towards the ancestors!


There are three ancestors on the platform in front of the shrine!


Is this!

Do not!


Prince Longxie suddenly thought of something, but immediately erased the thought!

But the faceless God Emperor's face sank for a while, because he was the supreme being, and at the moment when he heard the shattering sound, he had felt that the power of the two ancestors' avenue to the young man suddenly disappeared!

The phaseless God Emperor turned sharply and looked at the end of Baiyu Tianjie. This look was silent!




After the Northern Deity God, Yuanshen and Prince Longxie also suddenly turned around, and also looked at the end of Baiyu Tianjie, and they were all silent!


It was terrifying in my eyes!


On the ancient platform above the end of the heavenly order!

The only thing left intact is the white-haired God Emperor!

The other two emperors no longer exist!


It's not there anymore!

But the flesh no longer exists!

Only the broken Yuanshen!

and many more!

It seems even more miserable!

Only a residual soul remains!

That lotus spirit is not counted!


Prince Longxie waited to recover, his body shuddered and took a breath, and then his face became extremely white. At this moment, there was an inexplicable fear!

That guy!

What uncle of Chu Hongyi!

That guy seems to abandon the two ancestors with one hand!



The phaseless **** emperor turned again!

He stared at Chen Zheng!

Very vigilant at the moment!

"Your Excellency... Which one is on the list?"

Shen Xiang Shen Xiang asked!

"Although I don’t know what constraints your three ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors have, but the ancestors of the other two veins have been abandoned, only the white-haired **** emperor is intact. I think the constraints between the three veins can also be from this moment. It's abandoned. I don't know why you want to put Chu girl under her control, but I think it can be released now. Do you have any opinion on the Emperor of No Phase?

Chen Zheng asked with a smile!


The shattered Yuanshen shivered after the Northern Hades!

Prince Longxie and others are shaking again!

this is!

This is not to take the ancestors of the first ancestors seriously at all!

Don't take God Emperor seriously at all!

This child!

The meaning of this sub-word!

If the Emperor of No Phase rebelled!

He doesn't mind and abolish the phaseless God Emperor!


There is an irresistible overbearing between these words!

If it was before!

It will be ordered to let Shenwei drag a three-ringed overlord and cut it!

But now!

Behind the Northern Ming God, Prince Longxie and so on are all silent!

"I have no opinion!"

After a long silence, the Emperor Wuxiang finally spoke back, and his voice was extremely low!


After hearing the Northern Deity God, Prince Longxie couldn't help but tremble again, shocked by the compromise of the Emperor Wuxiang, but also knew that the Emperor Wuxiang had to compromise now!

Uncompromising must end with two other ancestors!

"It's just that...Longxiang's house arrest is not because we deliberately suppress the royal family's blue vein, but that Longxiang is contaminated with the ancient sha that we can't purify. If we don't put Longxiang under house arrest, if Longxiang is released, , I am afraid it will become a monster. This is after all related to the face of our ancestors and ancestors, so it is... after all, it is still a little. We have solved the ancient sha, if we can solve the ancient sha, why not put Long Xiang under house arrest. At that time, Long Xiang also made a lot of faces for our ancestors and imperial families."

The Emperor Wuxiang remained silent for a moment, and then said in a deep voice!

"Gu Sha... turned into a monster?"

Chu Hongyi feel that things are not so simple!

"Gu Sha... Although Master Zi has been to the ancestral land of the old family, it is certain that Master Zi was not contaminated with any corpses. Master Zi should only be contaminated by His Majesty after returning to the ancestral dynasty. And the ancient sha."

The old man showed his thoughts, and after a while, he said in a deep voice!

"Huh? So someone in the royal family deliberately hurt my mother?"

Chu Hongyi's small face was instantly cold, and then stared at the Northern God of Destruction after the broken Yuanshen!

"It's not the future, although the future is jealous of Longxiang, but I never dare to use any ancient evil to harm her! I know who it is, it must be the ancestor Qian Kun of the Linglong Sword Palace. However, although Zu Qiankun is the son of Zu Kunlun, he did not practice swordsmanship at all, but he worshipped the Tenjin Mound, one of the five ancient evil Daoist lines! Tenjin Mound is one of the five ancient evil Daoist lines, and it must be difficult even for supreme beings Strange means of detection!"

After the Northern Hades, the Yuanshen shivered and quickly shivered to explain!

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