Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2479: 3 green lights

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How did this become a lamp!

A good living person!

Ye suddenly turned into a green light!

All the people in the temple were ignorant

Even Chen Zheng was stunned. The pale blue light he shot was the road of life. The original intention was to awaken the goddess of longevity. He did not expect this light to break into the eyebrows of the goddess of longevity. Turned into a green light!

" is it like the Holy Lamp of the Great Reincarnation!"

at the same time!

A metallic voice sounded!

Who is this?

The Master of Taixiao and Immortal Immortal Palace are surprised!

and many more!

What is the Great Reincarnation Light!

"This is Uncle's voice of a magic weapon."

Lan Ling returned to God and whispered that she was looking at the Longevity Mother, who turned into a green lantern, and she was secretly afraid that no one in Taixu would think that the Longevity Mother was actually a green lantern!


That's weird!

Mother Longevity was not a human being!

But this is the case!

Mother Longevity should not have happened with Uncle's first life!

"This... the goddess... is also Yu Waisheng?"

Yan girl blinked, and the golden light flashed in her double pupils. She swept the magical magic weapon and found that the blue light was extremely extraordinary, with a mysterious rhythm. That rhythm is the avenue, which is an extraordinary avenue.

"Green Lantern..."

Chen Zheng whispered softly, with a stroke, a figure emerged.

"Yingge meets Chen Zu!"

This is a woman. The woman froze a little, then looked at Chen Zheng with solemn expression! This woman was the Yingge Saint girl of the Taishi ancient rhinoceros family. In the Taishi ancient place, the mysterious young man who claimed to have made a come came and wanted to take away the Yingge Saint girl!

That plate made itself a son of detachment!

And the previous life of Yingge Shengnv is also a blue light!

"This elder sister... wouldn't it also be a blue light?"

Lan Ling looked at Yingge and vaguely familiar. The underworld should have been seen before entering the world inside Uncle Zhibaodao.

Uncle summoned this sister Yingge at this moment, there must be a special reason, this sister should have a relationship with Mother Longevity!

"This... Chen Zu once said that Yingge's previous life was a green light."

Yingge glanced at Lan Ling, then nodded gently.


The words fell!

Behind him is the shadow of a simple green light!


Lan Ling opened Zhang Xiaokou, not knowing what to say for a while.

Green Lantern?

Is there any special meaning?

Yan Nu!


God ape

Master of the Second Palace of Immortal Immortal Palace!

At the moment, I also looked at the ghost image behind Yingge!


At this time!

In the heart of Chen Zhengmei's heart, a green man hits!


Several people stared over!

This look!

Another surprise!

Green Lantern!

Another green light!

This is not a ghost!

This is a green light that feels more ancient and older!


There is also an extraordinary breath!

The Lantern made by the Goddess of Longevity has a supreme breath, but in front of the green lantern flying out of the **** Chen Zhengyuan at that moment, the supreme breath is worth mentioning!

"This is the Holy Lamp of the Great Reincarnation. Nine major reincarnations and the cantilever of the universe are one level of supreme transcendence. It’s just the transcendental or the creator. More than 90% want to destroy the Great Reincarnation! The Great Reincarnation is under siege. Before falling into the Hongmeng universe and being acquired by the master!"

At this time the metal sound sounded!

This is the voice of Macross Roulette!

At the moment it is also amazed!

Because with only a glance, you can see that the blue lantern behind the goddess Longevity and the blue lantern behind the Yingge Saint Maiden are almost identical to the Great Reincarnation Saint Lamp except for some subtle differences!


Who is it!

According to the Great Reincarnation Holy Light, two imitations were made!


There are three saints of samsara within the nine major samsara!

This longevity goddess and yingge maiden are broken lights!

It is the Great Reincarnation Holy Light earlier than the Great Reincarnation Holy Light!

For a while!

It can't tell!

"That... what do you say?"

So it asked, not Chen Zheng, but the Spirit of the Holy Lamp of the Great Reincarnation!


Several people in the temple fixed their eyes on the Great Reincarnation Lamp!

"I do not know......"

A female voice responded in the Great Reincarnation Light!


After hearing a few people in the hall, they could only be silent, and only came towards Chen Zhengwang!

"It's a little bit weird. To figure out the three green lanterns, you can only wait until that place is turned on. To turn on that place, you need thirteen robbers' ancient orders, and at least one reincarnation green lantern."

Chen Zheng said softly.

"Guling the Guling... so troublesome... where is that place?"

Blue Ling frowned!

"Is it...the original place in the legend...the place where the master of the robbery created the era..."

Tai Xiao's body was shocked and instantly thought of a place!

"The original place?"

"Never heard of it!"

"The Lord created the epoch this the place where our Hongmeng universe is the ultimate..."

Yan Nu, Lan Ling, Shen Ape, and the Second House Lord all glared!

One is!

Basically, I have never heard of it!

two is!

I can imagine from the phrase that the Lord created the era of the era!

That must be a place where ordinary creatures, even supreme beings, cannot reach!

"The place where the lord created the epoch, but it is said that after the lord created the epoch, he can no longer step into that place. The original place... there is a mysterious mountain guard.

The Shoushan people had existed before the first epoch. Some people said that the Shoushan people were the original gods, that is, the most mysterious Taiyi among the congenital five great gods, and some that the Shoushan people were just creatures that were too easy to create. Too easy is the first creature born in our universe, and the first mountain guardian is the second creature.

Of course, this is also a legend I heard. I didn’t know what the relationship between the original place and the mountain guard, and the mountain guard and Tai Yi. "

Tai Xiao thought for a moment and lowered his voice.

"Shoushanren...too easy..."

Yan Nu whispered, could not help but glanced at Chen Zheng, secretly said that his master seemed to be...

"Uh... no matter what the original place is, there are now three reincarnation green lights, and it is really necessary to go to the original place. The master comes to Taixu, except to destroy some Taoism. Isn’t it just going to the original place? It seems that the owner has to speed up. I am a soy sauce maker, but I can also trace the origin of Longevity Mother and see what happened to Longevity Mother."

The sound of metal sounded, and Morushan was found by its traceability ability It certainly knows who Morushan is and who is too easy, but I won't say it now, so I changed the subject.

"You are always one of the gods, haven't you seen it too easy?"

At this time, Lan Ling couldn't help but ask Tai Xiao.

"This... Although the old is one of the gods, it is only one of the eight gods of the acquired day. To be honest, half of the gods of the eighth day are not good enough. The emperors are too emperor and Taixuan. As for the congenital five great gods, old age is only seen Taishi. In the words of Taishi, even if it is congenital heaven, I don’t know what Taiyi looks like."

Tai Xiao shook his head and sighed.

"Fuck! Isn't it deliberate to be so mysterious? Is this too easy to be the ultimate villain! When the future guy is born, the uncle slaps and cries too easily, and he yells!"

When Lan Ling heard it, he hummed coldly!


Yan Nu and Macross Roulette Spirit instantly filled with black lines!

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