Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2488: Bet on the fate of Taixu creatures!

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Wanyan once again swept the palm domain!

The appearance of the creatures in one domain changed greatly again, and they knew what would happen when they were swept by the eyes. At this moment, they tried to stop it, and they were immediately deprived of the mana of a realm!

Many people were about to yell, and his eyes lit up the Yimang again. This time the Yimang swept across the domain of Zhangtian, and the domain of Zhangtian fell directly into darkness!

"Huh? What about the three young men, two women? Why are they suddenly gone? Is it the broken land?"

On the side of the extremely north glacier, a monk suddenly noticed the disappearance of one man, two women and three young men just now.

"Focus on what the man and the woman are doing. Right now our mana has been taken away, the realm has fallen so badly, and now the palm of the world is in darkness, and I don’t know what terrible things will happen next! You look at the top list, net The world god's eye ranking has risen by one more than one, but it has risen by two, ranking second in the list!"


"This should be the highest ranking in the world since the present, the ranking of living creatures has surpassed the original ranking second? Huh? Wait! The top of the list and the second list should also be in the palm of the world, should also be drawn mana, Why doesn't it seem to be affected at all! Could it be that the mana hasn't been taken away?"

"I have a hunch that the eyes of the pure world are aimed at the top and the second list, haven't they been basically determined before, the top and the second list are like a shadowy relationship! Now the top and the second list are also likely to have gone Fengmo Caves, although the eyes of the Jingshi God have now reached the second place in the list, they should stay shortly!"

"I really want to go and see it in Fengmo Caves, but I'm afraid I will be affected!"

Some people noticed the change in the ranking on the top, and the people in the extreme north glacier raised their heads subconsciously!

This head-up was also exclaimed, but at the same time, I noticed that the top five creatures on the list didn't seem to be affected much. The top of the list was still, so I couldn't help but start to associate!

at the same time!

Seal the Devil's Cave!

Flash again!

All hands and eyes suddenly became nothing and transparent!



Instantly divided into thousands of hands and eyes!

Before any giant hand is divided into ten thousand hands!

Billions are billions!

The creatures in the palm heaven domain look silly again!

This Nima!

Intensive phobia can't stand it!

At that moment, hundreds of millions of giant hands and giant eyes are linked to form a large array!

The original Devil Hall and the Devil's Cave of the Heavenly Devil are sealed!

"Before there were only 10,000 hands and tens of eyes, now it is 100,000 hands and 100 million eyes. Is this ready to sweep the thirteen territories of Taixu? Are you ready to draw away the mana of all the creatures in Taixu? Extract the magical powers of the creatures of Taixu and reach the top of the list!"

"What the **** is this!"

"In the end, the Lord of Fengmo Caves invited something into the Taixu. This is definitely not the ancestor of the Lord of Fengmo Caves. The ancestor of their family is essentially an ancient god, such as the ancient God of Tianga that came before!"

Countless creatures whispered!

At this moment, the world is invisible to the original Devil Hall of the Heavenly Devil Dao!

The three Chen Zheng met the master of the Fengmo Caves!

Black robe!

Black mask!

Black scepter!

The Lord of the Devil's Cave is sitting on the dark stone seat above the original Demon Hall, examining Chen Zheng in a gesture of judgment. Yan and Lan Ling seem to be directly ignored by him!

"This seat doesn't hesitate to bet on the destiny of a family, please come to the eyes of the **** of the clean world, and even bet on the fate of the creatures of the palm heaven domain and even the entire Taixu creatures, all of which are forced by you! Do you think you can hide your identity? In this life, you changed your name to Chen Zheng, but you are the demon who should not appear in this world!"

After a moment of examination, the Lord of the Devil's Cave spoke coldly and relentlessly!

"Uncle had already chopped off the magical thoughts in the first epoch. This reincarnation is not a demon head. If it is a demon head, do you think the uncle will give you the opportunity to bring in the Jingshi eyes? Last time your son brought When people go to the Emperor Sect to catch people, the uncle will not only kill your son, kill your brother, and kill your clan ancestor, Tian Jiagu. You guy, your uncle has let you go to the Devil Cave, you don’t know how to be grateful. ?"

Lan Ling's face was cold!

"Thanksgiving? Haha! Ridiculous! The devil is the devil. The origin of the devil, such as the supreme devil, is the devil. He is still the devil! The little girl film, this seat is too lazy to argue with you! This seat today If you want to demolish, you must cut the demons, and you must completely wipe away the evil spirits!"

The Lord of the Demon Grotto sneered, a little black scepter in his hand!


Inside this huge primitive demon hall!

You mang flash!

One figure after another appeared!

A sarcophagus emerged!

That figure is also a family of Fengmo in the Devil's Cave!

"This is the sarcophagus that suppressed the beginning?"

Lan Ling thought a little!

"In the early days of God? Don't rush to save the early days of God! As long as you suppress Chen Zheng, the reincarnation of the great devil, the red bean is still not in hand!

This sarcophagus suppresses the Devil Lord of the Heavenly Devil and the only heir chosen by the Lord of the Heavenly Devil, a woman who should have been completely erased!

This woman should not appear in this world. As soon as this woman appears in this world, the heavens and the realms of the realm of the heavens will be of great interest! In the past endless years, our family could not completely erase this woman. Today, the eyes of the **** of cleansing are coming, it is time to be a complete end!

Originally, our family stayed honestly in the Fengmo Caves, and did not want to interfere in the world. Why did this seat ask for the faceless demon, and after the faceless devil said that my family would die, she said she should call The Master of the Heavenly Dao Dao said quietly your sister!

Then there is no way, this is pushing our family to a dead end, this is all forced by you! Today, my family asks the eyes of Jingshi God to completely wipe out the evil spirits of the heavens, and naturally includes the extremely evil! "

The Lord of Feng Mo Di sneered, the black mask on his face suddenly cracked, peeling off like mottled bark, and now a grisly and crazy face was revealed!


The black scepter in his hand is a little bit skyward!


Under the magic cave!

A roar sounded!

next moment!

A black phantom rose into the sky!


Almost at the same moment!

The sky above the Demon Cave!

This moment is split!

I saw the terrifying shadows poured into Taixu!

"Very evil!"

"Extreme evil!"

"No. 4 on the list, extreme evil once entered the Taixu, and it really ranked directly in the top five on the list! Because Jingshi God's eye has reached the second, so extreme evil is the fourth!"

"The Lord of the Devil's Cave, this is a deliberate idea of ​​the suppression under the Devil's Cave, did it deliberately introduce extreme evil into the Taixu? Wait! The extreme evil is the Lord of the Heavens! Lying! Lord of the Devil's Cave, really want to use the power of Jingshi God's eyes to completely wipe out the devil's path!"

One hundred million hands and one million eyes sealed the original devil sealed the land boundary of Fengmo dive cave, but it did not seal the whole world!

So a dark shadow rises into the sky, and the horrible dark shadow tears the Taixu sky vault into this scene. The world sees it very clearly. After a short stupefaction, there are countless exclaimed!

"Haha! Coming! Coming! Extreme evil came! This time I bet on the fate of Taixu creatures. If the eyes of the God of the Pure World are defeated, they will be transformed into a more terrible Demon Eye of the World of Pure World! What are you waiting for, and have not voluntarily lent your power to this seat, to the eyes of the Pure God!"

This is the moment!

The sound of madness of the Lord of the Devil's Grotto resounded through Taixu!


Yishouyi eye movement!

This time, more than staring at the palm domain!

This time, I was staring at the entire Taixu!


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