Billions of Years in the City

: The second thousand five hundred and five

"What kind of magic dragon is this!"

   "Even the domain eye can swallow, how can it be so terrifying! Did she just say that this is the last domain eye, it is impossible that all other domain eyes in Taixu have been swallowed by her!"

   "This... will it really not be repulsed, and if the domain eyes of the 13th domain of Taixu are gone, does it really have no effect on Taixu!"

   whispered in exclamation!

   Many creatures tremble!

   When I thought of the magic dragon that engulfed the eyes of the domain and the girl who had swallowed the big dragon before, they were summoned by the young man, and they were shaking again!

   This person!

  The young man who majored in this four-ring master!

   Who is he?

   It seems!

  Hong Wangu and Yi Qianhan know this child's identity!


   without any reminders!

   They came only involuntary incarnation, the body is in the broken place, is it afraid that the body will be retaliated! Can their identity, should not be afraid of this child!

   is all kinds of speculation.

   "Huh? I swallowed 13 domain eyes, why haven't I stepped into the supreme state?"


   Among the cracked underground caves!

  The dragon that swallowed the eyes of the domain of the sky was flying out!


   lying trough!

   Isn't it!

   was really swallowed by her!

   This magic dragon really swallowed the eyes of the 13th domain of Taixu!

   Many creatures look dull!

  Hong Wangu and Yi Qianhan glanced at each other again, their faces were so gloomy that they could no longer be gloomy, and at the same time they made a decision in their hearts, and the figures were directly transparent and void!

   This is the incarnation of self-defeating will!



   You mang flash!

   Two avatars of nothingness and transparency are swallowed!



   What is this!

   Everyone was shocked!

   now stared at the dangling thing that popped up suddenly!

  The thing that devoured Hong Wangu and Yi Qianhan's will incarnation!


   "Stone Egg..."

   "Are there any terrible creatures here, are they specifically devouring the will of the supernatural beings..."

   The sound of trembling sounded, watching the creatures in Tenjin City at the moment, wondering, fearing that they would be wiped out by Yumang!

   Those supernatural beings!

   is basically an incarnation of will!

   is not the body at all!

   I am different!

   I am the **** watching the city from the body!

   If it is swallowed, it will not exist at all!

   "Chen Zu has gained the most today. It can even be said that one person has monopolized 10%. Isn't that enough? We still have to incarnate all of our wills to death?"

   This time!

   A woman's voice sounded!


   This voice!

   This sound comes from the **** of the goddess Yu Xiao!

   This is the voice of the eternal **** Yushan God!

    Yuxiao God is coming!

and many more!

  Chen Zu!

   So Queen Yu Xiao also knew this young man!


  Chen Zu?


   lying trough!

   Could it be!

  This and this!

   This Chen Mufei is that Chen!

   Many thoughts of the soul moved, and I thought of a Chen. And after trembling, there was suddenly a feeling of enlightenment!

   If this Chen Zu is that Chen, then everything can be explained!


   One thing is unbelievable!

   Was Chen actually doing such a mana?

"Queen of Xiaoyu? One of the three beauty of Taixu! Although it is only the incarnation of will, but the incarnation of the will can also be played. She sees if her figure fits the golden section!"

   Lan Ling stared at the **** in the sky for a few moments, and suddenly came a sentence!


   After the **** of light?

  Let's see if the figure fits the golden section?

What is the rule of the golden section?

   Many creatures listened and stared at Lan Ling. They secretly said that the little girl was so brave that she wanted to wipe out the goddess!

   "Golden Section..."

  Yan female whispered, at this moment Jin Meng flashed Lan Ling's glance in the double pupils, secretly said that this sister seemed to be knocked twice by the mysterious existence in the desert before she began to say some strange words from time to time.

  Although there is no problem at present, I still have to talk to Master. Of course, the mysterious existence is even more powerful, but that day has been perceived by the master, and should not take away the blue spirit, maybe just infuse some strange things into the blue spirit's mind.

   "Ah... little master... little master..."

   Aside from Shengtian Daoren whispering, the secret master's eyes were really a little bit crazy at that moment, and he was really a bit creepy just now!

   "Humph! Chen Zu is really good at teaching!"

  In the shrine, the voice of indifference responded!


   Could it be!

  Is this Chen Zu interested in Yu Xiao?

   Numerous creatures show a strange color!

   "The queen misunderstood, these were not taught by me, but by others."

  Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

   "Humph! Daoanranran!"

   This time!

   Another woman's voice sounded!


   Many creatures stared!

   That is the fairy from the Queen of Bliss!

and so!

   The Queen of Bliss is also here!

   And listen to this tone!

   The Queen of Bliss should also know this Chen Zu!

   It seems!

   is also very afraid!

   Well, this Chen Zu is afraid that more than 80% is that Chen!

   thoughts flashed!

   These souls are shocked!

   More and more uneasy!


   You mang flash!

   Sweep up and down to watch Tenjin City!

Be careful!

not good!


   These creatures panicked instantly!

   Perceived a terrifying power!

   Want to escape but dare not move a bit!

   can only hold his breath!


   You Mang swept up and down to watch Tenjin City!

  Shenjin or Xianjin!

   instantly turns into nothingness!

   "Hello ruthless!"

   "You're ruthless to women!"

   "Do you really want to kill it!"

   "What's happening today, I'm writing it down!"

   "This seat is waiting for you in the Broken Land!"

   At the same moment, all the figures appeared, these figures have men and women, all supreme creatures, just a face-to-face, all swallowed by the ghost!


this moment!

   The rest of the creatures understand!

   These appearances forced by You Mang are the incarnations of the supernatural beings!

   It's just that no one escaped!

   All swallowed by that stone egg!

  Stone egg is definitely full this time!


and many more!

  Why should I care if the stone egg is full!

   This stone egg is too scary!

   The supernatural being will avatar will devour casually!

  What horrible creatures are born in the stone egg!


  The stone egg turned into a ghost and flew into Chen Zhengmei's heart!


   All creatures quickly stared at the past!


   At this moment, the magic dragon also turned into a ghost and flew into Chen Zhengmei's heart!

   A subconsciously opened his mouth subconsciously!

"Basically all will be Except for the Han Han of Tianzun Dao, the others are will avatars, will they all run into the broken land next... You can save a lot of trouble when you enter a broken place."

   Focused on the eyes of many creatures, Chen Zheng smiled softly, said that his right hand lifted up, and the heaven and earth that had been transformed from the ancient array of the Observation of Heavenly God City were destroyed, and then his eyes moved, looking towards the southeast of Observation of Godly City.


  Spirit in the **** city also followed!

   This look!


  :. :

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