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With an order!




Top of the sky!

That huge crossbow!

Suddenly God's masterpiece!

I saw a huge arrow tearing the avenue and shooting at the mighty Jinwu!


People of all races are ignorant!

What happened?

How did Tianyu Mountain start to the Jinwu family!

That seems to be the second elder of the Jinwu family of Yanghuang Mountain!

There is no contradiction between Tianyu Mountain and the Jinwu Clan of Yanghuang Mountain!

Don't be too much!

It is inevitable that the Lord Yanghuang is awake. Today, all the ethnic groups in Yanghuang come to the dynasty. Yanghuang mainly kills Jin Wuliwei and is going to have a big banquet!


The Jinwu family is not weak!

Several elders of the Jinwu family are supreme!

This second elder of the Jinwu ethnic group is also one of the ten ancients of Yanghuang!



Seeing that the huge arrows of arrows are going to kill Jinwu!

Those huge arrows suddenly burst!


At the top of the mountain, the middle-aged man ordered to look down, raised his hand and ordered, only to hear Jin Wuchangming, Jinwu, who was originally a hundred miles away, suddenly disappeared!


next moment!

The sky falls above the mountain!

A huge golden black cloud enveloped!

The thunderclouds that originally shrouded the fallen mountains!

Instantly burned into nothingness by the golden fire!


People of all races quickly looked up at the sky!

This look!

Just noticed that there were three human races on Jinwu's back!


it's wired!

Three young men and two women!

One of the strongest is that there are only five lines of overlord **** pattern!

This cultivation base is also eligible for the elders of the Jinwu ethnic group to carry them to the mountains!


It's also very strange!

This is the sky falling into the mountains from the wild!

The young people and Jinwu who were majoring in these era era masters are now at the top of Tianlu Mountain!

Isn't this equal to stepping on the head of Yanghuang!

Who gave them such courage!

Isn't this intentionally provoking Lord Yanghuang?


and many more!

It seems that the Lord Yang Yang's hand is moving first!

"Jin Lao Er, did you deliberately find three such human races, did you deliberately humiliate our Lord Yang Yang? You are so brave, Jin Lao Er, first of all, your Jin Wu family murdered our high priest Now, it is openly provocative again, do you really think that our old man does not exist!

As the sky falls to the top of the mountain, the middle-aged man screams!



The people of all races were ashamed!


What does this mean!

The high priest was murdered by the Jinwu family!

What happened?


Which is the first move!

"What a mean and shameless Yanghuang Lord, your high priest forced us into the secret cave of the Jinwu family, if you are not in the presence of Master Chen, our Jinwu family secret cave inheritance has been your high priest. Forcibly snatched, even our Jinwu family may no longer exist! The wicked will first complain, and you, the Lord Yang Yang, will do it in the same vein!"

Jin Wu burst into tears!

Jin Wu is Jin Jin's second son. Chen Zheng and two girls are on his back. Chen Chen is getting mysterious heritage again. Jin Lao Er has confidence at the moment!


The high priest in the vein of the Lord Yanghuang to grab the inheritance of the secret caves of the Jinwu people?

Is there such a thing?

People of all races are startled again!

and many more!

Lord Chen!

Who is Master Chen mentioned by the elders of the Jinwu ethnic group!

There seems to be no surname Chen in the ten ancient times of Yanghuang!

One more thing!

Jin Lao Er is one of the ten ancients in Yanghuang!

Who can make him convinced orally to scream an adult in this sun-desolation!

People of all races thought of one thing, glanced at the three men on the back of Jin Lao Er, and gave birth to many doubts!


The middle-aged man on the top of the sky fell into the mouth and screamed: "Your Yanghuang Mountain Jinwu family is strong, even if there is any secret cave inheritance, our high priest is the third person in the ancient tenth of Yanghuang, and our Lord is Yanghuang. One person, would you be interested in your inheritance! Huh! Golden elder, Xiu Yaoqiongqiong reason, you are above the fallen mountains with the body, this is already an unforgivable sin, you can not come down!"


The voice of the middle-aged man has just fallen!

On Jin Wu's back, Chen Zheng stepped out slowly and stepped down!


This child!

What is this child doing?

The middle-aged man was slightly stunned, and people of all ethnicities also showed doubts. The middle-aged man violently raised his right hand and shouted mercilessly: "Good old man, you are deliberately letting such a cultivation boy humiliate us Lord Yanghuang is in the line, since you let this boy die, this seat will satisfy you!"


His raised hand fell suddenly!

The huge **** crossbow on the top of the sky fell suddenly shot an arrow into the sky!

This arrow is earth-shattering!

"Before your golden second child was outside Tianyu Mountain, you can resolve the God Crossbow, now you are above Tianyu Mountain, you don’t believe you are not affected by Tianyu Mountain, this seat depends on how you still resolve God Crossbow, this seat See how you save this kid, this kid...what!"

Middle-aged man grinning!


His body shuddered suddenly!

His face froze!



People of all races!

It was a tremor too!


what's the situation!

How did the God Crossbow suddenly burst!

Why did the God Crossbow kill the young man and suddenly burst!


No mana fluctuations!

This does not seem to be the golden magic of the second child!

Could it be!

It is the magical power of this young man!

Couldn’t it be that Golden Crow had dissolved the crossbow before!

But this young man...

"Kill! Kill this seat! Tear this kid!"


Middle-aged man roared!





Dozens of people sacrificed magic weapons!





That magic weapon was sacrificed!

All magic weapons are destroyed!

The dozens of people did not respond!

No matter which situation is instantaneous, it will disappear in an instant!


This, this!

This child!

Why is this son so evil!

The monk of the fallen mountain was horrified, and the people of all ethnic groups were dumbfounded. The young man fell slowly from the sky, only a faint smile from head to tail, there was no mana fluctuation from head to tail, but it seemed to be terrible. Great magic!

I didn't know what happened just now. The crossbow and the monk who fell on the mountain killed him, and they were destroyed in one face!

"You...you're not an era overlord!"

Middle-aged man's look changed, Shen Sheng sipped!


next moment!

Its flesh will be wiped out!


The middle-aged man Yuanshen appeared, and he was terrified at the moment, because he was just glanced lightly by the kid in front of him!

This is impossible!

Although I am not one of the ten ancient Yanghuang!

But I have long been qualified to be among the ten ancients!

Lord Lord can't just glance away at his own body!

Why can this kid do it!


This kid is a guise!

This kid is just the chess piece that Master Chen just mentioned!

"Come out! You come out! You are called Master Chen by the second elder, and you still engage in secret attacks, don't you think it's embarrassing!"


His Yuanshen roared to heaven!

This is also the time!

Chen Zheng fell on the top of the mountain!

He stepped on it!


The sky fell on the mountain!

next moment!

The sky is falling apart!

There is no crack!

It's really split!

At this moment, there is no cover in the sky falling into the eyes of people of all races!

Visible to the naked eye at this moment!

There is a transparent palace!

There was a seat in the transparent palace!

That man seems to be Lord Yanghuang!


People of all races are horrified!


This child!

This is just a kick!

How can it be so scary!

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