Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2535: Xianyun Tower

   This girl!

   She wouldn’t know what the names she pronounced meant.

   That was the most powerful creature in the era of Taixu Overlord!

  The prestige of the once overlord!

   Tai Huang is the first person in the era of overlord!

   Even now is the supreme age!

   The emperor is still ranked sixth!

  Although Hong Wangu and Yi Qianhan are far less prestigious in the age of supremacy, they certainly have terrible cards!

   Can these creatures be destroyed by saying extinction!

Various thoughts in the heart of Beiming Fatty and others flashed through quickly. The dark road should be that this little girl was talking nonsense. This mysterious young man's combat power is terrifying, far exceeding his mana, but he can't destroy the emperor. The eternal dragon and other supreme existence!

   "Sweep all the way."

  Chen Zheng smiled, the flash of the gloom and the emergence of Taisu stone egg directly engulfed the fragments of the era ring left by the red owl!

   After swallowing, instead of returning to Chen Zhengyuan, he was suspended on Chen Zheng’s side!

   What is this stone egg?

  Behind Beiming Fatty and others saw this scene revealing an astonishing color, and secretly guessed one by one. Only after guessing, Chen Zheng continued to go deeper with two girls.



   Keep up!

   Beiming Fatty waited for a while, followed quickly!

   After a joss sticks time!

   Beiming Fatty and others carefully passed a boundary stele, which separated the first outer circle from the second outer circle. Crossing this boundary stele was the second outer circle of the broken land!

to be frank!

  Don't dare to think about it before!

   I only heard how horrible it is in the broken land!

   It is extremely difficult to cross the first outer ring!



   Follow this mysterious young man!

  Not even half an hour!

   Now it has entered the second outer circle!

"Most undefeated Taoism in the third outer circle should be in the third outer circle. Taihuang, Taixuan, Vanguard Demon Emperor, etc., basically should also be in the third outer circle. The third outer ring, it may now be the fourth outer ring."

   There are monks whispering.

   "We only need to silently follow this young man behind and be a watchman."

   Beiming Fat Man is actually very upset. This second outer circle, although the murderous thing should be cleared by the top patriarchs, but this is a broken place. Anything can happen.

and so!

   Carefully following the mysterious young man is the only right way!


   Everyone followed again!




   This way!

   Beiming Fatty and other crazy sucking cool!




   All I saw was a spike!

   A snap!

   Slap it!

   Even a glance!

  No matter what is killed on this broken road leading to the third outer ring!

   It was all killed in seconds!


   This combat power!

   This means!

   is really ruthless!

   Between heaven and earth!

   How can there be such a terrible era overlord!

   This is the first person in the overlord list!

  The thoughts of horror flashed through, and the Beiming Fatty and others also noticed something, that is, a stone egg suspended next to the mysterious son, specializing in devouring the fragments left after the falling of powerful creatures!

   It should be said that it is the ring fragment of the era!

   There seems to be a creature in this stone egg!

   Specially feed on the ring fragments of the era of tyranny!


at last!

   I saw the second boundary monument!

   The third outer ring has arrived!

   "How long has this been in the past?"

   Crossed the second boundary stele, and the monk asked in a voice.

"It seems that less than an hour ago, it was said that it took the emperor the first few months to hit the third outer ring. Although the third outer ring has now been captured by the Supreme Emperor and other supernatural beings, although there are no more murderous objects, But the secret array killing array is still terrifying

   I don’t know if you noticed it. We followed this to the third outer circle all the way.

   This man? The fog in the front has spread out, it is a palace and so on! Isn’t that the killing heavenly palace that kills and kills! So, the top-notch Doom Mountain Gate that flew into the broken land before fell into the third outer circle! "

   There was a monk's response, but the thick mist of the current side suddenly dissipated, and a gloomy mountain emerged, and a palace suspended above and above the gloom!

   Only glanced at the palace!

   The monk showed horror!

  Kill the Tiangong!

   That’s the Killing Heavenly Palace, killing and killing!


   Encountered the first top gate of immortal Taoism!

   "Killing Heaven Palace"

   "Longitudinal killing of the Taixu Overlord Era and the eternal Taoist Sect are said to be the strongest indestructible Taoism except the Great Chaos Sword Palace!"

"Crossing the killing road to teach Yi Qianhan, is he in the killing palace? Is this the next one really going to kill the killing road! It is said that this killing palace is an extremely powerful treasure in itself, unless It is a force that surpasses the top-level killing avenue, otherwise it is impossible to hurt the killing palace, and even leave no trace!"

   "Killing Tiangong is linked to Yi Qianhan Yuanshen. To kill Yi Qianhan, you must first destroy this killing Tiangong. This killing Tiangong is also the foundation of Yi Qianhan!"

   "Huh? The mist on the left also spread out, and there is also a mountain gate over there. That's the Xianyun Tower in Xiange Pavilion! Although the Taoist Pavilion is first-class, it is incomparable to the Killing Temple!"

   The other monks were startled, and then whispered in horror!


   There is another mountain gate in the eyes of many people!

  People recognized that it was the fairy tower of the painting fairy pavilion!

   The master of the painting fairy pavilion is said to be a Taoist master!

"If you really want to find a Taoism to kill the Tiangong Temple and Huaxian Pavilion, then you must choose the creatures like the Taoist Patriarch. Although the creatures are very special, they are not all the same. Within the top 20, outside 15"

   Beiming fat man whispered.

"Killing Tiangong and Uncle Huaxianlou. Do you want to extinguish this painting? If you want to destroy it, you should first destroy the painting Xianlou. This painting Xianlou can't be compared to the vertical and horizontal killing. I I heard from my mother-in-law that this painting fairy tower seems a bit mean and decent. On the surface, it is a decent deed. In fact, it has done a lot of stealing chickens and dogs."

   At this time, Lan Ling swept the killing Tiangong and Huaxianlou, and frowned slightly.


   This little girl!

  I'm not afraid at all!

  Behind Beiming Fatty was surprised when he heard it, and shook his head secretly, this little girl was really brave!



   In that fairy building!

   A figure flew out!


   This seems to be the master of the painting fairy pavilion!

   Beiming Fatty waited and stared in the past, feeling the supreme breath, and his heart could not help!

after all!

  This is the supreme being in the top 20 of the list!

  I am waiting for someone who is just following the mysterious young man!

   Such a supernatural being can't afford to wait for others!

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