Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2544: Then kill 1 more time

   "Cross the boundary monument again, this is the fourth outer circle"

   Cross the boundary monument.

   Beiming fat man whispered.

   The other monks also trembled.

  Who can think that in just a few hours, he has reached the fourth outer circle of the Broken Land, which was not daring to imagine before.

It is said that Taihuang, Taixuan and other creatures also captured the third outer circle not long ago. Only a few supernatural beings entered the fifth outer circle, most of the rest were in the fourth outer circle. Did not really win the fourth outer ring.

   Therefore, this fourth outer circle must be extremely dangerous. By the way, Yi Qianhan also escaped into the fourth outer circle with the killing palace.

  The fourth outer circle area has a God Lake. There is a sapphire **** tree in the sacred lake. The sapphire on the sapphire **** tree has undead power, which can make people die within the hongmeng.

prior to!

   The top Chen list deliberately let Yi Qianhan pass!

   Now Chen Bang is in the fourth outer circle!

  Will you go to the Great Lake and take the Sapphire God Tree!

   Beiming Fatty and other monks, the thoughts flashed in their hearts, and they became more careful to follow behind the big demon carrying the true demon mountain!

"The fourth outer ring is closer to the broken core than the third outer ring. According to the normal naming method, shouldn't the fourth outer ring be outside, but the broken land does come in the opposite direction? Special meaning, or what does it imply?"

   Lan Ling whispered.

   However, no one answered. Chen Zheng was walking towards the front. There was also endless fog in the front. There was no sound in the fog, but he had no fluctuations.

   For monks such as Beiming Fatty, at this moment, they only feel a pair of eyes staring from time to time in the mist.

   Even the big demon carrying the True Demon Mountain has this feeling. He secretly said in his heart that if he did not follow Chen Zu, he would not dare to set foot in this fourth outer circle area.


  Chen Zheng is easy to wipe!

   The front is lost!

   A large area in front becomes clear!

   Everyone was startled, and then his face tightened, because he saw a figure, a figure flashing by!

   "Like a little girl"

   Blue Ling frowned slightly!

   "It's not a supreme being, but it feels strange. Although I saw her, she didn't seem to exist, or even though she was just in front, she was not in the same world with us."

   The big devil whispered.

   "Little reincarnation."

   Chen Zheng smiled.


   Small reincarnation?

  What do these three words mean?

   "Little Reincarnation"

   Lan Ling read these three words softly. Although the little reincarnation didn't sound too powerful, she knew that these three words were definitely not simple.


   It was at this time!

   Underground light suddenly glowed!


  The face of the big devil is sinking!


next moment!

   Everyone only felt forced to move!

   Forced transmission!

   Sting it!

   Only listen to a tear!

   This is the sound of a broken enchantment!


   Everyone saw a purple palace!

  There is a plaque hanging above the main entrance of the Purple Dao Palace!

  The four characters of ‘Future Tribulation’!

this is!

   This is the future robbery!

   This is the Taoist mountain gate of the future robbery!

   The big demon was surprised again!

  Yan and Lan Ling were also a little surprised. This was forcibly transmitted to the future robbery mountain gate. Is it related to the flashing figure just now!

  Who is that figure!

   "Chen Zheng!"

   Everyone was surprised, and a ruthless cold drink suddenly came from the Purple Dao Palace!


  The mountains and rivers within this border!


   Lightning surges around the enchantment!

  A figure appeared in front of the purple palace!

   "Do you want to cut this seat?"

   This figure stared at Chen Zheng with cold eyes!

  This figure?

   Could it be the mysterious future sect master?

Da Mo waited for a glance, and his face was darker, because under the perception, the future Sect Master, like the strange figure just now, is also visible to the naked eye, even within a hundred steps, which can give people an unprecedented sight. , The feeling of time and space stripping!


it's wired!

   The mysterious figure and the future robbery lord are incompatible together!

   Is this sending Chen Zu to deal with Chen Zu!

  Demons and other guesses!

   Sting it!


   A sound of penetration sounds!


   The big demon waited for an instant and widened his eyes!

   I can't believe looking at the front of the Purple Dao Palace!

   At this moment, the future Sect Master in front of the Purple Dao Palace is also unbelievable!


   A small hand!

  Pierced the heart!

   A small hand will take his heart!

This scene!

   There is an indescribable strangeness!

   Who is the person behind Silent Sect Master who appears silently in the future!


  After a brief silence, the future Zongzongzong advocated what the mouth would say, but the small hand that took his heart was also pinched at this moment, and his heart turned into ashes like clay sculpture!

   In the future, the Sect Master's body was shocked, and what he wanted to call out, only felt that something was hit by the back of his head!

   Sting it!

   His eyebrows split open!

  Yuanshen villain flew out of control!

   "This seat is the unborn soul!"

   This time!

   He shouted out the spirit!

  He panicked!

  He really panicked!

  He took the initiative to show up!

   I think I am not afraid of Chen Zheng!

  Even knowing that Chen Zheng had cut the body of Yin Chi Xian before in Zhang Tian!

   And he was stronger than Yin Chixian when he was at his peak!

   So he is not afraid!

   But now he is terrified!

   something is wrong!

   Very wrong!

   What means did this kid use!

   What kind of monster does this kid have!

and many more!

   doesn't seem to be the kid's method!

Suddenly he reacted, Yuan Shen glared at Chen Zheng: "This Jin Xiangtian, at the peak, was a transcendental person of the second major reincarnation level. This seat was not cut by you today, but was suddenly killed by this one behind him. The monster that came out is chopped! This monster should be raised by Taiyou Qinghuang. Even if this seat completely fell, it has nothing to do with you!"


  The voice fell!

   The Yuanshen flying out is destroyed!


  The flesh falls down toward the front!


   Everyone sees clearly!

   The person who killed the future robber is the little girl who flashed before!


  Who is this little girl!

   It doesn’t look like a supernatural being at all!

  But he killed the future sect master by the strange way just now!

   "Return your favor!"

   In front of the purple palace, the little girl looked at Chen Zheng expressionlessly and spit out four words!





  Repay human relations?

   This little girl of unknown origin knows Chen Zu?

   Everyone was in amazement. Looking towards Chen Zheng, Yan Nu and Lan Ling also showed great surprise!



  Yan Nu and Lan Ling shouted one after another.

   "Repay my favor, killing a future sect master will pay back my favor, you have been badly taught by her."

  Chen Zheng gently shook his said that his right hand was raised, facing the future robber sect master's body on the ground, this body suddenly jumped up!

   Lying trough!

   Beiming Fatty and other people were shocked!



   In the eyes of the future robbery sect master who has lost his charm, there is another charm!


   Is this a resurrection!

  What is the situation!

   "This is not an illusion just before I die"

  The future sect master who died and resurrected was stunned, looking at Chen Zheng dumbfounded.

   "Aren't you dissatisfied, didn't you say you died in my hand, I will resurrect you and kill you again."

   At this time, Chen Zheng smiled slightly and answered.

   Lying trough!


   The Beiming Fat Man and other heart tremors!

   Resurrect and kill again!



  This and this!

   Will this be too cruel to the future sect master?

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