Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2557: Is this your limit!


Top of the list!


Facing Taihuang, Taixuan, Hong Wangu, Yi Qianhan, Emperor Dragon Emperor, the First God of Everlasting God Mountain, Huntian God and Lord Taiyin!

Regardless of whether the Lord of Yin is forcibly imprisoned here, the power of the Lord of Yin at this moment has been linked with the invisible of the seven emperors!

That is, the Lord of Taiyin does not want to be an enemy to the top of the list, but he can't help himself, his flesh and his power are no longer under his control!




Face the eight top powerhouses in the top ten of the current list!

The eight statues surpassed the great creatures of Hongmeng, who was first cultivated in the list before the shocking change in Fengmo Caves!

It may even be stronger than Hongmengji!


Can you beat eight?

All kinds of guesses!

Unanimous life on all avenues!

No matter which party you belong to, you have held your breath at this moment, knowing that the next must be the most terrifying battle in the history of Taixu!



This is eligible to be called the ultimate battle!

They are looking at Chen Zheng at the moment, and are also waiting for Chen Zheng to speak, waiting for Chen Zheng to respond, how to respond next!

It is not easy to kill the eight Supreme Masters such as Taihuang, Taixuan, Hong Wangu, etc. Even if the horrible ghost sword that slays the body of Yin Chixian on that day is sacrificed, the pure darkness that can swallow everything Sword!

I'm afraid it can only be done with one sword!

Not to mention!

This broken core area!

Within that waterfall!

There is also a mysterious person who never appeared!

Too quiet green emperor!

That mysterious and tyrannical woman!

Eight people including Taihuang, Taixuan, Hong Wangu, Yi Qianhan, etc. The reason for the cultivation is soaring, obviously is the woman's means. The woman unblocked the mysterious gold rune and gave the mysterious green rune!

"These guys are terrible, but they can't threaten the uncle. The woman of Taiyou Qinghuang may threaten the uncle."

Lan Ling's brows are slightly wrinkled. From Badao, he can be said to be the strongest native creature in Taixu. Although they are reaching the extreme at the moment, although Taihuang and Taixuan are wearing ancient masks, the ancient masks will be two big. The sky is more mysterious.


Lan Ling is not worried at all!

These guys can't threaten the uncle!


She only worried about it!

Too quiet green emperor!

That woman could threaten the uncle!

Maybe there is no real harm to the uncle!

But beware!

If that woman fought!

With what kind of mysterious secrets to forcibly plant mana shackles and the like!

The uncle's detachment will be delayed again!

"Is this your limit?"


The souls of all walks of life converge and hold their breath!

Chen Zheng smiled faintly!

This is an official response to Taihuang, Taixuan, and the Emperor of the Dragon Magic Dragon!

Among the eight hanging figures of Taihuang, Taixuan, and Vanguard Demon Dragon, except for the Lord of Taiyin, the remaining seven figures, whether wearing or not wearing masks, clearly have a fixed look!


this is!

This is so calm!


There is even a trace of disdain!

and many more!

This can't seem to be disdainful!

The meaning of Chen Zu's sentence is that the Taihuang and eight people are not enough to read!

All the Daoist souls were stunned, and then the elder disciples of the Dadao Chao Palace, the Killing Tiangong, Van Gonzong, Hun Tianjiao, Wang Gu Shenshan, etc., all looked sinking!

Fight today!

Although it has not really begun!

But there is no escape route!

If today a few supreme defeats!

Then several supreme Orthodox schools naturally cannot exist!

You and others must die!

Chen Zheng, the top of this list!

In the face of the eight deities, the supreme being who has overcome the shocking change of Fengmo Caves before the list!

Is there really no fluctuation in his heart!

"Is this the momentum of the top of the list? The terrifying siege of the eight supernatural beings is still so strong. There is no fluctuation at all. The emperor is only one position away from Chen Bang. Is it true that there is a difference in real strength?"


Wu Ji abandoned Tianzong Xiaowu extremely whisper!

People around me heard this sentence and thoughts came up in their hearts. Among them was an elder who had seen Chen Zheng in the Great Luojin City and had Chen Zhengenhui that day. Wait eight terrible supreme!


The Emperor Tai and the Eight Supreme Masters cannot be underestimated!


Looking at Chen Zheng's back, Emperor Qitian, who was a black robe, also whispered. He is the lord of Wuji Qitian, he thinks that he can fight against one of the eight emperors, but if it is against Eight people, he thinks he can't sustain a joss stick time.

In front of this list!

It seems that the Emperor Taihuang and the eight people are not taken into consideration at all!

Is this really the strength to crush everything?

For a while!

Abandoning Heavenly Emperor is also difficult to determine!

"Chen Zu"

A stunning woman, at the moment also spoke out two words softly, this is the fairy Qin Mei who teaches evil. After reading the two words, she suddenly smiled softly and said softly: "If there is a man like Chen Zu relying on it, it is good to be a woman."


The other Taoist creatures on the left and right of Fengjiao stared violently, staring at the beautiful fairy Qin Mei, and after a slight stun, his body almost shook!

this moment!

They are sure!

Qin Mei fairy once sex!

"If you take the initiative and give it a hug, Chen Zu won't want you, so don't think about it."

At this time, a charming laughter sounded in the phoenix frame, and the other people around him shook again!

Sinner leader!

Sitting in the phoenix frame, the leader of the evil religion!

It is also a stunning beauty!


The secret method of evil teaching can reverse yin and yang!

This wicked leader once was male or female!

This is really indistinguishable!



The leader of the evil religion is also the same as the fairy Qin Mei!


Fairy Qin Mei sighed softly.

"Huh! The eight of us seem to be scattered, but in fact, the power has been linked into one. You can cut the body of Yin Chixian. You are indeed extreme, but I do not believe that you can cut all eight of us! Do not believe it, at this moment, there is no power on the list of two to ninety-eight, it is not comparable to the power of you Chen Zheng alone!


Just let my emperor come to try your sword! "



Emperor Dragon Emperor!

The first one moved!

The dragon body rises into the sky!

Conquered at the moment!

This is the first battle against Chen Zheng!


Chen Zu!

How to respond next!

Isn't it time to sacrifice that terrifying ghost sword!

Unanimous creatures from all walks of life!

First looked up and then withdrew his gaze again towards Chen Zhengxing!

"Diyang Demon Dragon Diyang your name is really good, but it is a pity that your cultivation is really average."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly!


Are you coming!

Is the Nether Sword about to appear now!

All the unifying souls hold their breath!


The Nether Sword has not appeared!

Chen Zheng in their sight suddenly disappeared!


What about people?

They looked up subconsciously!

Tai Huang, Tai Xuan, Hong Wan Gu, Yi Qian Han, Hun Tian God, Wan Gu Shen Shan the first god, etc. also subconsciously looked up!



Demon Dragon Emperor roars roaring!

The wings of the dragon cover the sky!

At this moment his emperor seemed to be the most terrifying murderous creature in this world!



A figure appeared silently and quietly in front of his huge magic dragon The figure casually slapped a slap in front of his huge magic dragon head, and his huge magic dragon head burst into a bang Blood mist!


His primal spirit roared subconsciously!


I saw that figure caught Emperor Yang Yuanshen!

Emperor Yang Yuanyuan shattered! ()

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