Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2561: Change of heart!



The emperor is also invalid!

The Great Chaos Sword Palace shuddered!

Suddenly woke up!

At this moment, where do you care about what the emperor really looks!

It was at this moment that I suddenly remembered!

The previous eight supreme defeats!

Taihuang Taixuan was abolished!

Hong Wangu, Yi Qianhan, Demon Dragon Emperor, the first **** of the ancient God Mountain, and the Huntian leader five were completely erased!

Only the Lord of Taiyin was only deprived of the mysterious green amulet, only the realm fell!

and many more!


Why not kill Taixuan!

Why not kill Tai Huang!

Why did you just abolish Taihuang and Taixuan!

Is it!

This is because!

Are both Taihuang and Taixuan gods!


It seems that the Lord of Taiyin is also a god!

and so!

Only eight of them are supreme!

Only God survives!

"Why not kill!"

At this time!

Tai Xuan Yuan God growls!

"I'm going to take you to a place to open a place, you are equivalent to the key to open that place, so you have some use."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

Tai Xuan Yuan Shen was shocked and seemed to instantly understand what the place Chen Zheng said was! The main creatures of all avenues were shocked when they heard it!


Great Chaos Sword Palace!

Killing Road!


Everlasting Mountain!

The monks on these roads!

Soon, and then trembling one by one, at this moment only dare to secretly secretly, then it's time to wait for someone else's turn!


The list first kill yourself and others!

With a slap, you can shoot them all!


Completely finished!

"Taiyou Qinghuang, don't you want to enter that place too, you still don't save me and Taihuang!"


Tai Xuan Yuan God shouted into the vast waterfall!


Too quiet green emperor!


And that mysterious woman!

The cultivation of Hong Wangu, Yi Qianhan, Wan Gu Molong, Hun Tian, ​​the first **** of Wan Gu Shenshan, etc., is based on the mysterious gold rune on the one hand, and the green rune from the mysterious Taiyou emperor on the other hand !

Taiyou Qinghuang is the one who really controls everything behind the scenes!

and so!

There is a turnaround!

It's not over!

There is still a turnaround today!

"Taiyou Qinghuang, what are you waiting for, are you afraid of Chen Zheng, you are the creator of the extraterrestrial world!"

There is no response in the waterfall, Tai Xuan Yuan God roared again!


Creator of the extraterrestrial world!

The unification of all avenues is shocked!

Although many have never heard of the Creator!

But we all know that it is absolutely the realm that we can only look up to!

"The creator who fell into wonder..."

Ji Mo, the Supreme Demon, frowned, then whispered.

"Taiyou Qinghuang, when do you have to wait!"

Taixuan Yuanshen shout again!


There is still no response!


At this time!

Chen Zheng grabbed the Emperor Sword that was inserted on the ground. The Emperor's Sword on the Emperor's Sword broke free, and the Emperor's Sword merged into a wick.

Empress Yu Xiao stared at Chen Zheng fiercely, turning into a strange divine light before she entered the vast waterfall!



The sword rang!

The singular divine light melted by Yu Xiao God is fixed!

The body shape of Yuxiao God is reproduced!

Don't dare to move at this moment!


A ghost sword shadow appeared on her head!

"If you are a wick, you must be the awakening of the wick."

Chen Zheng lightly glanced at Yuxiao God, and after Yuxiao God gritted his teeth, he seemed to want to say nothing, but didn't say a word, staying where he was!


Chen Zheng hit the Taihuang sword with ease!

Nether Sword Shadow swallowed Taihuang Sword instantly!


Nether Sword Shadow!

Turn into ten swords!

All kinds of wonders emerged!

The creatures present were thrilling, because any one of them was terrifying, and there was a reincarnation vision, which seemed more terrifying than the pure darkness that had swallowed the body of Yinxian before.

"Taihuang sword... it turned out to be just a part of your ghost sword!"

Taixuan Yuanshen saw something and gritted his teeth!


Emperor Sword!

It's just a part of Nether Sword!


No wonder!

No wonder they don't bother to sacrifice a ghost sword!

If you just sacrificed the sword of Nether!

Tai Huang is afraid that he can't even urge that sword!

Tai Huang is afraid that he has no resistance at all!

All avenues tremble!


The ten sword gods are hidden!

Ten swords turned into one sword!


With only one sound of the sword, Nether Sword and Shadow fell into the vast waterfall, but apart from the sound of the sword roar, there was no other noise from the waterfall!


This is wrong!

There should be a mysterious Taiyou Qinghuang among the waterfalls!

Taixu Qinghuang, the creator of the extraterrestrial world just called by Taixuan Yuanshen, is still inside!



Cold light flashed!

The flying waterfall is broken!


No waterfall occlusion!

Naturally, there will be no formation that manifests with a waterfall!

The core of the core area is in everyone's eyes!



This, this!

Where else are there living people!

Where is there anything too peaceful Qinghuang!

There is no one at all!

Taiyou Qinghuang and her people!

She wouldn't have escaped first!

She wouldn't have known the outcome of this battle long ago!

I have left the broken land long ago!

It is true that the Broken Land has restrictions on creatures, but the Forbidden Land in the Broken Land has suddenly become the strictest after Taiyou Qinghuang appeared!

I am afraid that this broken place is forbidden, it is just under the shadow of the emperor's emperor, it is impossible for her to be imprisoned. She naturally wants to go!


Taixuan Yuanshen, his eyes swept and swept, but he could not see any figure!


The remaining creatures are silent!

What about people?

They also want to know the answer to this question!

"That woman ran away? But... since the woman knew that she was not an uncle's opponent, why didn't she take away the gold rune, why did she waste her original will to give the green rune?

Or is it someone who suddenly took the woman away? Or was it the Taiyou Blood Emperor who left something to the Taiyou Qinghuang? Seeing that the situation is gone, the Taiyou Qinghuang has run away by the means left by the Taiyou Blood Emperor? "

Lan Ling frowned and asked, she was a little disappointed, really disappointed, that woman actually ran away!

No matter whether it is active or passive, it is running anyway!

When the woman ran like the road, the uncle couldn't devour its origin, and could not devour its origin. Even with these few green spells, the uncle's mana might not be restored to the supreme state!

Oh shit!

Run away!

Why run away!

Uncle Chengquan is not good!

You're done, uncle!

It’s not impossible for you to resurrect your uncle after detachment!

What way to run!


At this time!

The core of the core!

Nether Sword Shadow gave out a sword sound!


Nether Sword Shadow pierced the sword hole in the center of the ancient stone platform that seemed to be the most central place!


This thorn!

The world is changing!

Broken land!

Instantly gather!

It's like turning into a huge cage!

Between the main creatures of every avenue panic

The world is changing again!

This huge cage has transformed into an endless galaxy!



The unification creatures of all avenues saw a shocking explosion!

See the endless light!

After the endless light is the endless darkness!

That is the darkness that devours everything!

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