Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2564: Alien ancestral land?

This, this!

So the mountain guard mentioned by Chen Zu!

In fact, Chen Zu himself!


Which mountain is the mountain guarded by the guardians!

Supreme Demon!

Lord of Taiyin!

The two thought of the same place!


The two have just heard of that place!

That's all!

"This... my lord... squeezed out the Taixu with the mud of the first era... Then my lord... where did she sleep in this era What about..."

The Supreme Demon asked after a while.

Chen Zheng smiled and did not give an answer.

The supreme true devil thought deeply, and did not continue to ask, facing Chen Zheng one week, took the devil out of this void, and returned to the palm of the heaven.

"That old... also returns to the Taiyin family first."

The main eyes of Taiyin recovered from the complete Taixu structure in the palm of Chen Zheng.

"I'll go to the ancestral land of aliens and come back to your Taiyin family."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"Then... Taiyin quits!"

The Lord of Taiyin gave a slight salute, and his figure disappeared.

The different colors flashed in the eyes of Shengtian Dao, and he noticed the difference between the two dialogues of the Lord of Yin, not only the difference in self-proclaimed but also the difference in posture.

The lord of Taiyin claimed to be old just now, and it sounds more like a kind of peer discussion with his master. Before leaving, he claimed to be lunar, which sounded like a subordinate of the owner.

The Lord of Taiyin, could it be the subordinate of the master in the first era!

The Lord of Taiyin is also a god, what is the identity of the master in the first era?

"You go to Hongmen too heaven, find some people for me. I will tell you a secret method, which will give you a chance to perceive the falling outside world. If you meet such a person, you use your stealing technique to go Try to steal that kind of life."

Chen Zheng glanced at Shengtian Daoren, and he slammed a secret method into Shengtian Daoyuan Yuanshen, and then sent the information of Qingyun, Litian, Su Tianjun, Thirteen God candidates, and Jiujiao into his Yuan. God.

"Ah? This? Hong Meng Tai Tian... Is the master letting the minions go to explore the bottom of Hong Men Tai... First... The master is assured that the slave must complete the task!"

Shengtian Daoren hastily focused on the head!

"By the way, I will tell you a secret method and a method of escape."

Chen Zheng thought of something, and passed on a secret method to Shengtian Taoist.

"Thank you Master for giving the secret!"

Shengtian Daoren showed his excitement and bowed deeply to Chen Zheng before his body disappeared.

"Taitiantian...Hongmeng Tiantian...Before Taixu entered the supreme age, Hongmeng Tiantian was upgraded.

Hongmeng Taishangtian is also the core of the primitive flood in this era. The background is not weaker than other regions such as Taixu Fairy Territory outside the territory. Hongmeng Taishangtian should have more powerful creatures than the Lords of Taihuang, Taixuan, and Taiyin.

Once the disciples thought that Taixu was the ultimate battlefield, but now they know that Hongmeng Taizang is hiding deeply. But yes, this era is called the Hongmeng era, and Hongmeng heavenly creatures carry extraordinary destiny. "

Yan female eyes moved.

"The primitive wilderness was indeed born in destiny. If it weren’t for Hongmeng’s intentional reservation, Taitian would not be weaker than the land of the Taixu in the past years. Of course, the souls of the Taixu outside the territory also Not daring to invade too much."

Chen Zheng remembered some past, smiled and shook his head gently, stepped out and took Yan Nu away from this void.


next moment.

The two are already in an underground world.



Wan Dao stared at him!


As soon as Yan Yan's eyes moved, she scanned the creatures in her sight, and her eyes flashed in surprise.

There is no doubt that this underground world is the ancestral land of aliens. Sure enough, the stranger family is extremely bizarre. Yan Nu has followed Chen Zhengjin into Taixu for several months. Never before has she seen a race with such a big difference.

In front of these strange people, the weakest among them are pure mortals without any mana. This is not one or two, but accounts for at least 10%.

Then there is the strong, there is supremacy of the era overlord.

At a glance, from the beginning of the mortal to the supremacy of existence, every cultivation can find a lot of people.

From mortal to supremacy, they are all the same race, and the difference is really too big. I am afraid that the world can never find such a race again.

at the moment!

Some of these aliens do not seem to welcome Master and himself!

and also!

This family seems to be cut off from the outside world!

No matter what the outside world does!



No one seems to know Master!


One more thing!

This strange family!

Regardless of men, women and children!

It seems to be all bald!


Really strange!

How could there be such a weird race in this world!

"You know that this is the ancestral land of the aliens. Can you know that the aliens do not welcome outsiders?"

A middle-aged bald man with seven lines of overlord's **** pattern in his eyebrows, swept away in an instant, and cold eyes swept Chen Zheng and Yan Nu!


No mana fluctuations!

No avenue fluctuations!

The mystery of this family is very special!

Yan Nu was slightly surprised!

"Your time is not here, please come back. If you want to pay a visit to aliens, please come back in three days!"

It was also at this time that the stranger old man of the supreme realm opened his mouth!

"I'll take the Lord Gu Ling."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.



In the eyes of the old man and the middle-aged bald man, the cold and cold flashed past, and the middle-aged bald man snorted mercilessly, and suddenly a punch came!


Supreme power!

It's not ordinary supreme combat power!

Six gigabytes!

This is a middle-aged bald man of the alien race who is a major in the Seven Rings!

The power of this punch is far beyond its cultivation capacity!

Before the broken land!

The ultimate sword spurred by the power of the golden and green charms by the Emperor Tai, the power of the magic weapon swept out is nine gigabytes!

In front of him, the bald man of the alien race who is the master of the field can actually hit six gigabytes with one punch!


How does this look like Master's situation!


Not like pole!

Isn't this the outbreak of Master's combat power?

Mana cultivation is not too strong!

Can be arrogant!

This family!

Is the secret method of cultivation the same as the secret method of master cultivation!

Or does this family also practice detachment!

The thought of Yan Nu flashed through her heart. Of course, she was not worried that this punch could hurt Chen Zheng, but she was amazed by the strangeness and tyranny of this alien boxing!

The Tao of this family of cultivation seems to be the same way as the Tao of Master!



One punch!

Boomed in front of Chen Zheng!

Did not bombard Chen Zheng!

Not that this middle-aged bald man does not want to!

But his fist can only hit this place!

His punch is indeed arrogant but he can't touch Chen Zheng's body!


He was stunned!

The flesh suddenly flew out!

And it's just flying upside down!

A tear sounded!

Its flesh broke apart!

The eyebrows also split!


The aliens are shocked up and down!


Yan Nu was also a little surprised!

This middle-aged bald!

A punch was thrown back by Master's physical power!

It didn't explode into blood mist!

It seems to hold on!

From the point of view of the flesh alone!

Wouldn't it be more tyrannical than the body of Taihuang, Taixuan, Hong Wangu, Yi Qianhan, Demon Dragon Emperor!

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