Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2566: ?Hong Mongol Order!

"what happened!"

"Something broke!"

"This... what I saw, ten days pass turned to ashes, my king my emperor my first king!"


The strangers stared!

This one came over!

See the huge stone temple that is 100 feet tall has disappeared!

There is only one dust left at this moment!

Look silly one by one!

What happened?

Who broke the ten-day mark!

Isn't it that the early king was so tyrannical and only passed the ten-day pass once!




Sad King!

King Hong!

The old man of supremacy!

The rest of the strong strangers are silent!

This scene!

Never thought about it!

This is really never thought of!


The strongest first king of the aliens!

The flesh has reached the beginning king of detachment!

Nor can he destroy the ten-day pass he built by himself!



Several figures swept in!

"Hmm? young man seems a little familiar, as if seen somewhere...Hmm? Have you been to the prison of the Dao Road? ... seems to have seen you? Hmm? What did you do before the ten-day pass? Wait! What about the ten-day pass? Where is the ten-day pass? Don’t tell me, the dust in front of me is the ten-day pass?"

One of the men exudes a supreme breath, and the face of the stone sculpture shows a doubtful color. When he noticed Chen Zheng, his brow slightly raised!

And when he noticed that the ten-day pass no longer exists and there was only one ash in front, he asked in an uncertain tone!

"Adult...the old...the old capital of the decayed capital, Chihuangmen Yanqiang, last time in the deserted waters of the lord of the capital...The adult can still remember the old... ."

The old man who was the master of the era of era era also saw Chen Zheng. At first, he was a little uncertain. When he saw Yan Nu, he immediately determined that they were the two they met on that day.

Beside the old man!

There is a girl!

The girl's eyes widened now!

In addition, there is a young man!

This young man is also a little ignorant!

Yan girl glanced over here and recognized the old girl and the young man. On that day, the old man and the girl were forced to appear by the barren door. The master slightly helped the old man. Later, the young man came on a light boat and brought The old man and the girl are gone!

The girl seems to be descended from the blood of the strange king!


At this moment, the King of Martyr, King of Sadness, King of Kings, King of Supreme Realm and the rest of the strong strangers, stared at him, glanced at the old man who overwhelmed the practice, and then faced the middle-aged man who exuded a supreme breath. worship!

This middle-aged man!

It's alien king!

That day was in the closed world!

Rescued by the young man who claimed to be king!

"Goodbye today, it's a fate." Chen Zheng nodded at the overlord as an old man, and then looked at the stranger emperor: "The young man who rescued you from the same day, claimed to have won me in other dimensions. For the inheritance left, I’m coming to your alien ancestral land today, and it’s not too much to take a robber Gu Ling.”


Chen Zheng caught amidst the ashes of Shitianguan.

I saw a flash of divine light.

Start with an ancient order.

This is a purple ancient order.

"Hongmeng Ziqi..."

Yan girl glanced at her, and the look of surprise flashed through her eyes. Although for the supreme beings, Hongmeng Ziqi is not a matter of sanctification, but Hongmeng Ziqi is related to Hongmeng Tribulation.

and so!

This purple ancient order corresponds to the Hongmeng Tribulation Lord!

Before, the aliens said that their first king was trapped in the chaotic constant domain outside the ruins by the mysterious creatures!


That mysterious creature is probably the Hongmeng Tribulator!

"The ancient order of robbing the master... This is the order of the Hong Mongol, which corresponds to the hongmeng era and the hongmeng robbery in the 13th era.

At that time, the first king of our alien race went to Jiutian and picked up this ancient order, but it also provoked Hongmeng.

Although our early King's flesh has reached the state of detachment, it can be said that it is truly undead, but after all, it is not a real detachment. It is still revenge by the Hongmeng robbery master. He has been hit by the Hongmeng robbery master. Can break free.

You have exploded the ten-day pass left by the early king. Your combat power has surpassed the early king. You are the top of the list, Chen Zheng, right. "

The stranger embarrassed his thoughts and stared at Chen Zheng slightly frowning.


Top of the list?

No top on the list?

Is this child the top of the list?

The Marty King, the Sad King, the Hong King, the Elder of the Supreme Realm, and the Overlord are the elders. On that day, they went to the barren waters to pick up the little girl's young man, as well as a group of strangers.

After a stun!

The three kings and the elders of Supreme Realm sigh!

It turns out so!

Top of the list!

This child is the first person on the list!

No wonder this means is so against the sky!


One more question!

Why is this son invincible kill fist!

Invincible kill!

Bomb to heaven!

Walk for the sky!

"Hong Mong Ling Order, in this way got nine, a total of thirteen robber Gu Ling, it is still four ways. The remaining four, should have been detached."

Chen Zheng looked at the purple ancient order, purple ancient order purple gas surging, exudes the breath of the Supreme Avenue invisible, seems to be able to control the surrounding time and space at will, seems to be looking for opportunities to escape.



Zimang flashed!

The purple ancient order collapsed in time and space!

It really is to escape!

"The early king created a ten-day pass to suppress you. I can beat the ten-day pass with one punch. Do you think you can escape? You are the key, you shouldn’t be born with spiritual wisdom, and Hongmeng Nao certainly doesn’t want you to be born with spiritual wisdom. , I'll wipe it out for him."

Chen Zheng chuckled, and touched it, the purple ancient shuddered, and the surrounding space and time recovered instantly.

The alien emperor stared at the Purple Guling, and said nothing at this moment, at this moment there was an idea flashing in his heart. After a while, the alien emperor took the initiative to open his mouth: "If Chen Bangshou wants to find the remaining master of the robbery, I want to find a way out, I can give Chen Bangshou the way."

Yan Nu looked over Knowing the stranger's thoughts, the stranger suddenly said this, it was nothing more than wanting his master to help the stranger to rescue their first king.

"The deal."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly, and put the purple ancient order into Yuanshen.

"Chen Bangyu deserves to be the first person."

The alien emperor smiled: "Speaking of that, after the King Feng rescued me from Feng Dao Shijie, he also said some things about Chen Bang, saying that it was in another dimension, and he got another dimension of Chen Bang. Legacy left.

Of course, he is not talking about Chen Bangzhu, he is talking about the holy teacher, Honghuang. His invincible killing fist is inherited from the inheritance of the saint, and his invincible killing fist is essentially the same thing as our alien cultivation.

Just now, King Lie sent a message to me, saying that Chen Bangshou also exploded for ten days with an invincible killing punch. I was curious, where did Chen Bangshou learn from this invincible killing punch.

By the way, he also mentioned a point, saying that the holy master is invincible, but the holy master is in love, and no one has killed the holy master. The holy master has destroyed the Yuanshen because of the word of love. "

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