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"and also!"

"Your mana determines that the enchantment you lay cannot last for a long time!"

"Your enchantment can't be imprisoned, I will be destroyed!"

"So no matter what, you won't hurt my origins in the least, but will make me the ultimate body continue to adapt and become stronger! Oh! It’s okay to tell you, the ultimate core is the masterpiece of the zero!"

"You have seen through me!"

Number five!

Staring at Chen Zheng!

Suddenly grin!

This moment the confidence is at its extreme!

At this moment, the hands of the environment are slowly lifted off!

Overlook Chen Zheng in a posture of superiors!

Luo Ying, Xian Fei, the Lord of the Eternal Blood Palace, and the rest of the monks were silent. It was difficult to tell whether the No. 5 was true for a time. After thinking about Luo Ying and Xian Fei for a moment, they could only look at Chen Zheng!

The female pupils of Yan turned into golden pupils, and at that moment Jin Meng flashed, although she was silent, but she knew that Master would not lay this enchantment for no reason!

Master must have a way to deal with these five!

"This **** is too arrogant, the cultivation state is far inferior to you, but it is because of the ultimate body of **** jumping in front of you, can you bear it? As long as you promise to let me go, I will help you to reverse this to the beginning. Form, you can shoot this garbage with a slap!"

In the mind of Chen Zheng, the immature hourglass childish voice sounded!

"I don't want to slap him to death." Chen Zhengyuan said back, and then he slowly lifted off. With his right hand, he casually wiped another layer of enchantment, which blocked him from No.5.


this is?

Luo Ying, Immortal Concubine, Lord of the Eternal Blood Palace, etc. showed their surprise.

This enchantment is like a prison. Such an enchantment under Chen Zubu trapped himself with that mysterious number five. Is this a world war with that mysterious number five?

"Bring another enchantment again? Ha! You are just accelerating my ultimate body growth, this ultimate body is not something you can destroy.

I know that your physical primal spirit has been detached, and the level of primordial spirit has forced to a state where I can only look up to. It's a pity that your mana cultivation base has hindered you, and your mana cultivation base can't support your soul and body.

My ultimate body is transformed from the masterpiece created by No. 0, you should be very clear about the means of No. 0, then you should also understand that with your current combat power you want to destroy the masterpiece she created, there is no It's possible. "

No. 5 is still embracing both hands, still extremely confident.

"You are pretty good, I like it very much."

Chen Zheng smiled friendly.

"Huh? Do you want to deprive me of my body? Oh! It's not that I look down on you, I already said that my ultimate body is transformed from the masterpiece left by No. 0, let alone you, even if it is the real creator, Nor can I take away my ultimate body!

Although you are favored by No. 0, you don’t know how arrogant it was at the beginning. You don’t know No. 0 at all. You don’t deserve her inheritance! "

No. 5 sneer!


Who is the zero?

The reason why Chen Zu is so arrogant!

Is it because of the inheritance of the number zero!

Luo Ying, Xian Fei and others are extremely curious!

And the Lord of the Eternal Blood Palace seems to think of something!

There was a panic in my eyes!

Chen had no fluctuations on his face, and there was still a faint smile on his face. He looked at No. 5 and then said in a friendly tone: "One is too slow, the two should be much faster."



What one two?

I don’t understand!

Luo Ying, Xian Fei and so on again showed their doubts!

"Pretend to be a ghost, how many avatars you can randomly divide, and you can't hurt my origin! You want to use this little means to get me a wave of mentality, do you think I'm an aborigine like you who have never seen the world before? Sequence, who has never seen the big world? When we followed No. 0, even the creator dared to arrest him!

Forget it, don't talk nonsense with you, what I said is too far away for you, an aboriginal, you aboriginal, I'm afraid you don't know yet, when you get rid of that day, it is when you fall! "

No. 5 disdain!


In Chen Zhengmei's heart, a seven-color light hit, hit No. 5!

Is it done!

The eternal blood palace monk held his breath!

"Huh? Seven-color Divine Light? Did she even pass the thing to you on number zero! Number zero! Number zero! I don't believe it! How can this native be eligible for this thing! Ah! Anger! I'm so annoyed! "

Number five!


After the roar, the face changed in seconds and back to the previous disdain: "You got her thing, I admit that the thing surprised me, but still that problem, your mana is too weak and too weak , There is no way to mobilize the real power of that thing, you still can’t hurt my roots.”

"Why hurt you."

Chen Zheng asked with a smile.


It is also this moment!

A figure suddenly appeared next to No. 5!


Everyone stared at it!

This one is all startled!



Why is the extra figure 5?

How come another number five!

Is this the number five copied from the seven-color divine light just now!

"You copied one of me? You copied one of me to deal with me? You are too stupid, No. 0 chose you as a heir. She was afraid that she would look away for the first time!"

Fifth stared at another Fifth, raised his brow slightly, and then sneered again!



Just disdain cold hum!

Chen Zheng raised his hand!

Two number five!

Not under control!

Turned into two silver torrents!

Hit him towards him!


Luo Ying, Xian Fei, etc. looked foolish!

Chen Zu!

What is the point!


Loud noise!

Two silver torrents collided with Chen Zheng!

The mysterious world where the Eternal Blood Palace is located violently oscillates!

Luo Ying, Immortal Concubine, Lord of the Eternal Blood Palace, etc. were horrified. At this moment, they understood why Chen Zu laid a second enchantment. If he did not lay the second enchantment, he and others might have spread it!

I am afraid that it is a face-to-face annihilation by the terrorist force that broke out by the physical collision!


Still do not understand!

Why did Chen Zu copy one number five and control the collision between two numbers five and his own body?




Inside the enchantment!

Two number five!

As if completely out of control!

The silver torrent crashes wildly!

Bombard Chen Zheng from all directions!


"You just made my ultimate body quicker and stronger!"

"Do you think your body can be comparable to my ultimate body, my ultimate body is transformed from the masterpiece left by No. 0, if I am genuine, then you are at most 70% genuine quality pirated! "

Number five!


Sounded one after another!




"My body has entered the realm of three major reincarnations!"

"You want to fight me hard, you should have thought that it will be self-defeating, you stupid thing, you can work harder, and it won't take long, my ultimate body can achieve the four major reincarnation!"

After a moment!

No. 5 laughs!




Speed ​​up!

Two silver torrents!

As if turned into countless silver torrents!

And Chen Zheng is in the torrent center!

In an instant, it seemed to be impacted by thousands of silver torrents!

The following Luo Ying, Immortal Concubine, Eternal Lord and others have been completely ignorant!

"Haha! Coming! Breaking through the situation! The state of the four major reincarnations! My ultimate body has reached the four major reincarnations...what!"

After about an hour!

The silver torrent suddenly stopped!

The laughter of No. 5 laughed again!

Only this time it stopped abruptly!



After the flesh of the two No. 5s is illuminated by Yinmang!

At the same time crack from the eyebrow!


That copy number five!

Suddenly turned to ashes!

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