Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2573: Chaos outside Taixu

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"He shouldn't be able to come to Taixu."

Chen Zheng smiled and said that he would receive the lunar month of the height of one person and earn it in Yuanshen.

"Chen Zu... the gold that could kill the detachment, but only ruined half of its flesh, could it be that the mysterious master deliberately pulled the gold out of Taixu... Chen Zu already knew the detachment Where is the pulse?"

Upon hearing this, the Lord of Taiyin revealed his thoughts and suddenly thought a little.

"In this vast universe, there is a chaos outside the Taixu, and there is a chaos in the chaotic prison. The transcendence is in the chaos outside the Taixu. The person who created the transcendence is also trapped in the constant domain of that chaos, so It shouldn't run again."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"Chaos... In the chaos outside the Taixu... There is a Chaos Lu clan, and that clan is also extremely arrogant and very special, but it is a mystery how that clan came."

The main way of Taiyin.

"There is a girl from that generation who has a little relationship with me, and I can just go and meet that girl. Two days later, I will go outside Taixu with a stranger. The girl is your bloodline, right, almost forget."

Chen Zheng said casually, thinking of a girl, a move, a woman appeared.

"You Ruo!"

In the shrine, a graceful and luxurious woman exclaimed that this woman was no one else, but the woman who claimed to be Li Ji who had come to the **** ruins. The woman that Chen Zheng summoned out was the Taiyin goddess in the ancestral city of Shenxu.

"This... this girl is indeed an old bloodline descendant."

The Lord of Taiyin glanced at the Goddess of Taiyin and sighed softly.

"The things in her Yuanshen have been refined, and today she returns to the Taiyin family, what identity or identity should she be."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Taiyin's main focus is on the head.




Chen Zheng struck a few stars, and the stars flew into the main **** of Taiyin. The master of Taiyin shocked, showing a terrified look, only to listen to Chen Zheng with a faint smile: "If this trip to the chaotic constant region can Open that place, and I will call you into that place. Before that, let’s improve it a little bit."

"Ah? Yes!"

The Lord of Taiyin bowed his head and responded. When he raised his head again, Chen Zheng and Yan Nu had disappeared.


Taiyue Goddess You Ruo opened her mouth, and she could only sigh in her heart if she wanted to shout.


Two days later.

The anode temple.

"Uncle, I'm back, and I took my mother back. Uncle, your sword is really easy to use. It's just like chopping melons and vegetables! It's like chopping melons and vegetables! Huh? Sister Yan?"

A chirping voice like a bird sounded, it was Lan Ling who came back from the blue clan with the blue ginger, but it was actually the ghost sword shadow who came back with the two. The little girl found that Yan Nu was not beside Chen Zheng.

"She has come back."

Chen Zheng pointed outside the hall.


Lan Ling turned and stared at the outside of the hall. Sure enough, she saw a familiar figure. She subconsciously shouted, but when she watched Yan Nu come back with a woman, she frowned!

Where is this woman from!

"Yan Yi meets Chen Zu!"

The woman bowed to Chen Zheng!

Yan Yi?

This woman seems to have no body!

This girl seems to be a spirit!


This woman seems to have the breath of a real demon!

Lan Jiang glanced, slightly surprised. The woman in front of the dark road may be the descendant of the blood of the Supreme Devil.

Hong Zhao, the owner of the Anode Temple, glanced at Yan Yi, but smiled faintly. In the first era, Chen Zu likes to point out the beautiful and talented little girl, although Chen Zu gave away the first life, Forget the first life, but there are still some things that cannot be smelted away, and even the reincarnation cannot be destroyed.

"Sister Uncle is..."

Lan Ling looked at Yan Yi and asked softly.

"Alien Emperor is here, and it's time to leave. Blue Girl went to the chaos outside Taixu. You should take a good look and study hard. If you can wake up, just watch this chaotic trip."

Only halfway through, Chen Zheng got up and sent Lan Jiang and Yan Yi into the inner world of Daotu, and walked out with the two little girls Yan and Lan Ling.

Outside the hall.

The stranger has arrived.

Beside the alien king is the three kings of the alien race.

Fierce king.

King Hong.

Sad king.

"Chen Zu please!"

The stranger emperor performed a salute.


Chen Zheng made a swift move, and a vast star emerged, and the star burst, and a group of people were led to the star, and then the star burst again, and he broke away from the Taixu in an instant.


It is also this moment!

No change on the list!

"The detachment of a vein... There is also Yu Waisheng spirit behind it, and it is not a general Yuwaisheng spirit, but since Chen Zu went to find a detachment, that detachment should be destroyed."

Inside the shrine, the host of the Red Zhaodian chuckled.

"The Lord of the Hall...The Lord of the Hall is also a disciple of Chen Zu. Why doesn't the Hall go into chaos..."

Bai Wudi is also in the temple, thinking a little and asking a question.

"I can live to the present, the one who betrayed the teacher before let me go. Although this kind of betrayal has no effect on the teacher, after all, it betrayed the teacher, what face do I have to follow the teacher."

Lord Hong Zhao shook his head gently.

"Betrayal...Is it related to the Holocaust of the First Age..."

Bai Wudi stunned, and then asked again.


Lord Hong Zhao did not respond.

Sitting on that **** seat with one hand holding his forehead, looking out of the temple, it seemed to remember the past of the first era.



Crossing a void of time and space.

One end plunged into the vast chaos outside the Taixu.




Xingcha had just entered the chaos, and several phantoms appeared in a flash. These phantoms stared at Chen Zheng and others on Xingcha. When they saw the stranger emperor waiting for the four bald men, these phantoms frowned, and they flickered. Shattered!

"These guys recognized the alien king?"

As soon as Lan Ling's eyes moved, they secretly said that the will just recognized the alien emperor, knowing that the alien emperor is not easy to provoke. Looking at the stranger emperor and the three kings of strangers, Lan Ling asked: "Alien emperor, why are your strangers all bald, is this born or there are other reasons?"

"In the words of the first king of our family, you can be stronger without hair. Of course, this is the saying of the first king. In my opinion, the hair is the trouble silk, and the hair is naturally no trouble~www. ~ spiritual practice, combat, etc. will naturally be more focused."

The stranger responded with a smile.

"Is this...I think you are too domineering secrets of cultivation, as long as you practice that secret will become bald..."

Lan Ling muttered.



In the chaos on the right!

A huge fairy ship suddenly crashed out!

Hit towards Xingcha!


The three kings of the aliens move instantly!

Turn into three torrents to kill!

Invincible killing fist against that huge fairy ship!

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