Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2588: Kill the first day!

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"Hongmeng no longer has you Chen Zheng!"

The sword holding boy smiled!

Chen Zheng?

On this platform!

The ears of the Daoist were killed, and Yuanshen quickly explored the original guidebook of his magic weapon. This investigation found that the name Chen Zheng appeared in the guidebook mountain, and many descriptions!

When the words were scanned, his body shook, and then shook again! When he saw that the description of the original guide suddenly stopped, he could not hide the horror in his eyes!

the first time!

this circumstance occurs!


For the first time after reading the real name of a creature, the original guidebook failed to reveal everything about this creature, only half of it!

Oh shit!

How big is that boy?

The original guidebook, but even the origin of the chaotic Lu tribe chief Lu Muyue has been clearly identified!

Even the illegitimate daughter Lu Xinchan brought back by Lu Muyue can find out what happened, and except for Lu Muyue, I am afraid that only you know!


and many more!

Lu Muyue's illegitimate girl!

hold on!

Chen Zheng!

Surname Chen!

I have checked the illegitimate girl of Lu Muyue!

It was growing up in a big world!

What is the world of Xuanhuang!

At that time, when I probed the girl, I also found a Chen Zu!

That Chen Zu will not be this Chen Zheng!


Thinking about this, the Daoist Daoist was shocked again, and suddenly moved the soul, turning the original magic weapon guide to explore Lu Xinchan's situation! This investigation, his spirit shuddered!


Lu Xinchan's description has changed!

The Chen Zu in the description becomes Chen Zheng!

It's really the same person!

Lu Xinchan is very likely that Lu Muyue was born with some of Chen Zheng's things!

"Don't come back, don't come back again, don't go back to Hongmeng, don't come back again, you go to another universe, I beg you!"

The desperate Taoist stared at the endless void above, crying wildly in his heart at this moment! Although only half of the description of Chen Zheng in the original guidebook, its heavy identity in the first era is enough to shock the world!

This kind of existence!

Let's go to other universes!

"Uncle.....Will this puppet really be sent to other universes with the same demise... If you go to other universes, the realm will fall, won’t you have to start all over again, wouldn’t it? Going through the heavens and the other realms of another universe? This... isn’t this just getting caught in reincarnation..."

Lan Ling's brow furrowed, also looking at the endless void above, and the endless void mind could not penetrate into it. He didn't know what was going on in the endless void.

"Samsara... it's really hard to say." The Lord of the Heavenly Palace in the past said in a nimble tone: "The endless void locks the first day, and this first city exists just to lock it."

"The first day? What stuff?"

Lan Ling frowned again.

The three kings of Yan Nu, Alien Emperor, and Alien Clan suddenly thought of the giant claw that had fallen out of thin air in the ancient city of Chaos. The body of the giant claw should be the first day mentioned at this moment!



Endless Void Shock!


next moment!

Just listen to a horror roar!

A behemoth fell from the endless void!


The unanimous spirits of all avenues are horrified!

This thing!

This murderous thing!

This has never been seen before!

This must be the terrible existence that has always been legendary in the constant domain of chaos!

Great chaos!

The ultimate level of supremacy!

The breath of this beast that has never been seen is the ultimate ultimate state!

It's more scary than the metal puppet just now!



at the moment!

This beast is not an opponent of that young man at all!

The young man appeared!

At this moment carrying the metal puppet came out of the endless void!

The metal puppet seems to have been scrapped!


and so!

The metal puppet failed!

Failed to send this son to a different universe!

"how come......"

The young man holding the sword in a detached form made a tremble. At this moment, his face was instantly white, and he was staring at the top. At this moment, I can’t believe it. The mysterious metal puppet in the chaotic realm will fail!

And the most terrifying existence in the chaotic constant domain of the legend seems to have no counterattack at this moment!

how come!

How can Chen Zheng be so strong!

How should he not be strong!

Why is he!

He is not a detached son!

I am the son of detachment!

Crazy shouting in the heart of the youth!


The unanimous spirits of all the avenues stared closely at the top, and when they saw that the horrible murderer had never seen another roar, a sudden counterattack. At this moment, they held their breath!


Under the endless void!

Chen has no fluctuations in the front, and smashes the metal puppet in his hand like a lost consciousness towards the bottom!


This scene!

The main creatures on the avenues below are ignorant!


Did this use the metal puppet as a magic weapon?




Horror hit!

The supreme madness of the great chaos level!

The horrible body of the unprecedented creature suddenly expanded!


It was a tremendous noise!

The murderous thing exploded!



Shake the ground for the first time!

This time!

The ground was forbidden in the first day!

"The first day of this seat, this seat is the first day of Hongmeng, this seat will not die!"

The murderous creature Yuanshen emerged, and at this moment he spoke out, staring at Chen Zheng and roaring!


Only shouted!

Its primordial spirit is broken!


What Hongmeng the first day!

What kind of creature is this murderous creature?

The souls of the main roads tremble, looking at the hanging metal puppet at the moment, and suddenly think of the horrible murderous creature as the young man, take the metal puppet as a magic weapon, and kill the horrible murderous creature all the life, one by one only feels numbness in the scalp !

This child!

Shihuanba majored in!

This child!

Metal puppets who are not afraid of the great chaos!

This child!

Also killed the most terrifying existence in the legend in the constant domain of Chaos!

This Nima!

Like a dream!

What a **** fucking unreal!


Tai Su stone egg moved, You Mang flashed, swallowed the debris left by the self-proclaimed Hongmeng first day! The two robbers in a detached vein, Jin and Huang saw Tai Su Shi Egg, first frowned, and then a flash of surprise flashed across, seeming to know what Tai Su Shi Egg was!

At the moment, the two secretly exchanged ideas and madness!


Chen Zheng, suspended above Gu easily picked up the metal puppet, and then wiped it. On the Gu Lei, two figures appeared, which were the first disappearing King and Void Emperor!

The two raised their heads subconsciously, and then they were both stunned. They felt some residual breath, which was the breath of the first day!

Other than that!

The imprisonment also disappeared!

And this imprisonment is related to the first day!

and so!

The first day!

Was it cut off by this one!

The first day!

That invincible creature!

That special creature that can shuttle between Hongmeng and another universe at will!

Has it fallen?

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