Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2595: The last one is the main order

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This hand!

Like white jade!

At the first sight, Chen Zheng thought of a person, but when he looked again, he recognized that this was a man's hand, not the white jade hand that he had seen in Tiandao Yuanjie before!

Yan Luo, Tian Jiao, Yan Nu, and Lan Ling, although the four people are in different realms, at this moment they looked at the hand that stretched out of nothingness, all stayed like stone carvings!

There is a blank in my mind!

Only Chen Zheng was sober, not only Chen Zheng, but besides Chen Zheng, there were thirteen in his Yuanshen, and thirteen opened his eyes and fixed his hand on it!

The hand suddenly moved, instead of pressing down, but drawing a few strokes!



This hand is broken!

The void above the Chaos Bone Tower also disappeared, and now it has returned to the dome, but the extra tenth floor has not disappeared, the tenth floor is still there!



Nothing on the tenth floor!

The hand just drew a few strokes of the leftover symbol, which had already landed in front of Chen Zheng. Chen Zheng glanced and raised his brow slightly!

This is not the context of the Great Reincarnation, this is a symbol that has never been seen, and this symbol is very dangerous!

"I advise you not to touch this thing, I am scared of it!"

An immature voice sounded, this is the sound of the infinite hourglass spirit, it claims to surpass the cantilever of the universe, but at this moment it also feels threatened!



That strange symbol disappeared!


Yan Luo, Tian Jiao, Yan Nu, and Lan Ling woke up, frowning. Was the mysterious hand's behavior just a warning or a reminder?

" reminding the master to be careful about the kind of symbol just now? The master's flesh can even swallow the ultimate Daoist, but the symbol just now seems to be more than the ultimate Daoist Horrible, could it be that... within Hongmeng, who gets the power of that kind of symbol, or that kind of symbol represents a kind of inheritance, and who gets the kind of inheritance, can it threaten the owner?"

The sound of the roulette device sounds.

"Extremely dangerous. You are bound to me. If you die, I will not survive. You must not die!"

The immature hourglass's lingering voice also sounded again.

"That thing may be related to the nine major reincarnations. If you encounter a creature related to that symbol in the future, it is best to erase it directly!"

Thirteen also said a sentence. After saying this sentence, he disconnected the Yuanshen connection and entered a self-styled state.

"Unfortunately it's just a phantom. I want to try its power."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Macross is stunned.

"Whose hand is that hand?"

Then Lan Ling asked.

"Perhaps it was the guy who knocked your head." Chen Zheng returned and looked at Yan Luo and Tian Jiao again, so that the two could rest and practice, and they took Yan Nu and Lan Ling out of the chaotic bone tower.

"Purple Emperor Hall...The sky that Yan Luo opened in the future is called Purple Emperor Heaven."

After glancing at the Purple Emperor Hall, Chen Zheng said softly and left Daotu with two girls.



Cross the chaotic constant domain.

Skimmed towards the chaotic land of the Lu tribe.

There are a total of thirteen robbers' ancient orders. Before entering the chaotic constant domain, Chen has already got nine, and three times in the detachment, corresponding to the eleventh, tenth and second epochs, that is to say only the last An ancient order to rob the Lord is the first order.

Tai Su Stone Egg swallowed the fragment of the epoch-shaped monk's ring, and swallowed the supreme **** pattern fragment of the head of the four major abductors, already knowing the whereabouts of the last order of the master.

The last robber Gu Ling is in the Chaos Lu tribe.

Xingmang flashed.

Walk through a large fog of chaos.

Finally arrived at the chaotic land of the Lu tribe.

"This ancestral land of the Chaos Lu does it feel like a sun-sized space fortress... this Chaos Lu tribe will not cross from another dimension?"

Lan Ling was a little surprised, the strange words blurted out subconsciously.

"Chaos Lu Clan... It seems that someone is attacking Chaos Lu Clan... Hmm? No! This is the same avenue, this is infighting?"

Yan girl glanced, the golden gleam flashed, and swept two extremely powerful forces, that is definitely the power of the great chaos level in the three realms of the supreme level.

I had seen people from the Chaos Lu clan in the Forbidden Land at the beginning of the day, but at that time it was just a supreme leader of a general level. Yan Nu remembers very clearly that several female nuns who met when she first entered the chaotic constant region said that the big, third and fifth hijackers in the chaotic constant region are all in the Chaos Lu tribe.

The abductions in the constant region of chaos should be the realm of great chaos, but none of the Lu people of this level had seen it in the early days.

Now I understand that it is the Chaos Lu people who are fighting.


Suddenly, the chaotic Lu family ancestry like the size of the sun suddenly oscillated!

For a time, hundreds of millions of swords emerged!

At the same time a giant law emerged!


The giant law shouted!

Hundreds of millions of swords are broken!

"Something, it feels stronger than the first giant monster in the first-day forbidden land... It seems that the legend of the Chaos Lu Clan in Taixu is not fake, it is more powerful than the blow!"

Lan Ling's eyes flashed, and he seemed to like to watch people fight for life and death, and torn apart.

"Lu Muyue, today I can't abolish you, but also abolish the girl who shouldn't be brought back by you! She is a wild seed, what is the right to inherit the chaotic Lu clan!"


A roar came from the chaotic land of the Lu tribe!


The sun-sized chaotic land of the Lu tribe oscillated again!

The giant's appearance in the emptiness is a punch at the ancestral land!


at the same time!

In Chaos Lu Clan Ancestral Land!

A vast fairy ship rushed out!

This huge fairy ship collided with the giant law!

The face of the giant is destroyed!

"The ultimate creation!"

Upon seeing this vast fairy ship, Yan Nuan instantly thought of the fairy ship that descended into the veins of the gods. In front of her, the vast fairy ship, like the fairy ship descended from the veins of the gods, was the ultimate creation!

This level of creation, even the master, cannot destroy it!

"Look good, Lu Muyue, you don't give me the face of the big robbery, right? In this case, that seat can only invite ancestral souls, please invite those ancestors of the Chaos Lu clan to judge!"

The roar sounded again!


In an instant!

Around Chaos Lu Clan Ancestral Land!

In nothingness!

Huge phantoms emerged!

These are all soul shadows!

"Huh? These ancestors... these guys... all seem unusual!"

Lan Ling glanced at on her small face, looking at these ancestral souls, she thought of the chaotic master of the ancient chaotic city, that is, the extraterrestrial turbidity, in addition to this Beyond the pulse, the sixth master of the master behind the scenes!

"These soul shadows...should be detached..."

The golden gleam flashed between the eyes of Yan female, sweeping through this phantom that was larger than the chaotic land of the Lu tribe, and her eyes flashed in amazement.

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