Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 647: The six nations Su Zongzhang!

Zhenxian Pavilion.

back yard.

"Master, although Xiao Bone is a lot stronger, but I feel that I am being stared at any time. Is that thing heaven?"

The bone twitched his head, staring at the sky from time to time. It absorbs the turbulence against the Dao, and now the blood of the Golden Emperor Emperor, the source of the fire, the blood of the Golden Scale Wings plus the power of the Dao, the four forces are forcibly merged and connected, and have become a heterodox.

The shape of the little beast seems to be no different from the previous one, but it can be fully revealed, and the brutal figure alone can scare the real fairy. Although it is still in a state of running-in, it is really about to break out, and it is not a big problem to tear Tianxian.

The only problem is that it always feels stared by a pair of invisible eyes, making it a little uncomfortable.

"I don't know if there were any outliers in those ruined eras. However, at this age of Hongmeng, you should be the only one. Although you are not far away from the realm of the goose ancestor, the goose ancestor wants to go further. It’s already very difficult. Your upper limit is already above Goose Ancestral. It’s only a matter of time before Goose Ancestral. It’s normal to be stared at by Heavenly Dao.

Chen Zheng nodded.

"Goose ancestor? That fat goose is indeed quite powerful, but the bone will one day exceed it!"

Small bones focus on the head.

After it has become an alien, there are a lot of different powers. One of the powers is to look at a thing, whether it is a person or something, you can see the strange context at a glance.

There is a golden vein in Meng Xi's body!

Flourishing that little girl has a five-color vein!

There is aqua blue veins on Qu Chang's big shopkeeper!

The old servant Tian Lao has only a few pale white veins!

As for the owner!

There is nothing on the host!



On this point, Xiao Gu didn't even think about it. It was sleepy now, glanced at Qian Qian, who was seriously practicing, and lay on Chen Zheng's shoulder to enter a dream. Outsiders do not know that its dream is extremely strange, it is a chaos, and in the chaos there is always the voice of an indifferent woman screaming at it, urging it to practice, and also saying what is the catastrophe, the destruction of the world, the tearing of heaven and the like thing.

"Son, the master is here, and he says he wants to see him!"

The shopkeeper Li entered the yard and brought a message.

"Let him wait in the hall."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


The shopkeeper Li responded and withdrew from the yard.

"Mr. Li... The shopkeeper Li said that the last time I went to Doro Demon Realm, a Xiang teacher took the initiative to calculate a hexagram for him..."

Meng Xi thought of something, and said something.

"Xiang Shi... The last time a Xiang Shi wanted to tell me a fortune teller, he was repulsed from the beginning. I hope this Xiang Shi will last longer."

Chen Zheng chuckled and got out of the yard.


The hall of Zhenxian Pavilion.

Chen Zheng was sitting in the Taishi chair, looking at the master in front of him.

This is a middle-aged man wearing a robe with six patterns on it, which looks like six totems. In addition, the middle-aged people also hang six magic weapons on the waist, which seem to deliberately show their identity.

"Secretary Su Zongwang meets Chen Gongzi!"

The teacher took a thousand steps and gave Chen Zheng a hand.

"Su Zong...Do you want to tell me fortune telling?"

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Don't dare!" Xiang Shi shook his head immediately and smiled: "Chen Gongzi, I won't hide anything. This time, I was ordered by Master Jia to come to Zhou Tiancheng and wait for Chen Gongzi. Guiguzi can also be regarded as a Yasheng in the world of Xuanhuang. In addition to the status of Yasheng in the world of Xuanhuang, the teacher also has two identities. Those two identities are in the Tianyun World and the extraterritorial battlefield. If Chen Gongzi is interested in understanding, contact I went to the world of Xuanhuang, and my master will naturally reveal two other identities."

"Not interested in."

Chen Zheng shook his head directly.

"Ah?" Xiang Shi Su listened a little, then stunned, and then said with a smile: "In fact, in addition to being good at cross-cutting skills, the teacher is also good at fortune-telling. The ghost valley **** can not be said to be the first in the world. The top three in the world, so the teacher calculated something related to Chen Gongzi. Chen Gongzi wanted to climb to the top, and the teacher was willing to cooperate with Chen Gongzi, and even assisted Chen Gongzi. Speaking of it, both the teacher and me came from the earth. In that world, you can be said to be the old people of the same world as Chen Gongzi. I am waiting to practice in the Daqian world, and the old people should take care of each other. By the way, there is something that the teacher once calculated, that is, although we It comes from a lower realm, but there seems to be a quality in us that will allow us to be more comfortable when practicing in the world of China or the world of thousands!"

Speaking of which, Su Zong stopped, watching Chen Zheng seem to be waiting for Chen Zheng's response.

"and then."

Chen Zheng glanced at Su Zongjing, returned a word lightly, took a sip of tea from the teacup.

"Unified creatures with this trait, no matter what kind of reincarnation they are, as long as they are united, the teacher and I believe that we can... traverse the heavens and the world, and even impact the world. The situation that those saints never reached!"

Su Zong raised his head, this deliberate vigour, much of the momentum above all sentient beings.

"It seems good."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Chen Gongzi agreed?" Su Zongzi smiled as well: "In this case, Chen Gongzi packed up his salute and went with me to Xuanhuang Dajie. The teacher said that if Chen Gongzi agreed to cooperate, he could set up an alienation in the future, Chen The son is a stranger!"

"Alien Taoist?" Chen Zheng heard it, put down the teacup, and chuckled with a smile: "I don't even want to do the Master of Wandao, let's not talk about alien Taoist. Since your Master has counted a lot to me, Things, did he count that I had no interest in him at all?"

In a word!

Su Zongbrow's brow furrowed instantly!

"It seems that Chen Gongzi doesn't want to cooperate." After a moment of contemplation, Su Zong shook his head for a while: "Since that is the case, I don't force it, but before leaving, can I count Chen Gongzi a gossip!"


Chen Zheng answered a word.

"go with!"

Su Zonghang sipped his mouth, and the six photographs hanging around his waist flew out, immediately encircling Chen Zhengtuan and flying around Chen Zheng!



Just when Su Zonggang was just preparing to meditate on the mysterious Su Zongzhang opened his mouth and bowed his head to spit out blood!


The six photographs surrounding Chen Zhengfei's dance broke instantly!

Six magic weapons of fairy level are scrapped instantly!

"What!" Su Zong exclaimed, covering his heart with wide eyes and looking at Chen Zheng. It took a long time before he took a deep breath: "It seems that the teacher's calculation of Chen Gongzi really only calculated some fur, Su Vertical and horizontal understand! But before leaving, I also reminded Chen Gongzi that the teacher must be right, that is, Chen Gongzi has two major enemies in this life, one is the thing above nine days, and the other major enemy is Zulong !Chen Gongzi and I are from the world. It should be clear who Zulong refers to! Chen Gongzi, please be careful of Zulong!"


Su Zong bowed to Chen Zheng and bowed out of the hall!

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